Last night, i posted about doing a judo throw on a female work colleague who ended up in hospital. Today i was called by HR and told not to come in as i have been let go. It's clearly an unfair dismissal but whatever i didn't like working there.
holy fuck you weren't lying? lmao this can't be true, now you need to show proof, you have to.
Jayden Peterson
Judo the HR department.
Carson Long
You've got to be the biggest, dumbest motherfucker on this entire site.
Brandon Harris
The fuck would i lie about that shit? as said in the other thread, around women i get autism out of nowhere. Plus i'm not entirely to blame so i cant get hate for it.
As for proof, not yet i won't post as i am still scared of any repercussions to come.
Dominic Cruz
Be a bouncer. The only place your combination of willingness to commit violence and poor social skills will come in handy
no one's so autistic they do a judo throw on their colleague, come on
Hudson Morgan
I tried to impress her and other coworkers but it backfired.
Nathaniel Anderson
>What sort of job should i go for now, Jow Forums? Well everyone told you to go looking for a new job and to quit before they fired you.
I'd say just enlist. Also you are definitely autistic and very, very bad at interpreting human signals, implied meaning and reasonable consequence.
Luis Barnes
Do you have autism? You sound like one of those bullied autists that want to brutally beat up everyone in revenge for being bullied
Carter Anderson
maybe you can do soil/water/rock sample collection for the forest service or something, OP? preferably something where you aren't around any other people obviously
Bro your first concern should be getting to a therapist. I'm telling you right now that I have enough information. Your justifications and further thinking don't matter. This is not normal behavior and you should be evaluated and treated ASAP.
This is mind-numbingly stupid shit, dude. You are ill.
Juan Torres
Get a job with soft flooring.
Mason Morales
Ah shut up. He might be an aspie. But he's just a dork who wanted to impress a girl and didn't evaluate the situation correctly. He went too far by using that move and not something more innocuous. Now, if she had not hurt herself the way she did they might have just laughed about it and that would have been it.
William Allen
You better start sucking dick, that out of court settlement will cost you.
Holy fuck, if true you are the greatest retard of them all and should probably kill yourself
Julian Flores
You should have told her you need a soft place to fall, good way to invite her to go out with you. And you should have taught her to break fall first even on a mat. You might be able to make things right, if not with the company, then with her. Start looking for a new job Gave me a good chuckle user
Kevin Barnes
Noah Russell
>But he's just a dork who wanted to impress a girl and didn't evaluate the situation correctly. He went too far >went too far >almost killed a person I think he didn't go far enough
Lucas Reyes
You’re a fine candidate for the end of year comic.
In addition to ON CONCRETE, and also the woman had NO falling/breakfall training. She could very well have died.
OP deserved all of this if true
David Adams
First of all, you should fucking apologize. Second of all, you should be extatic if this is all that's going to happen to you for this huge fuckup. I'd tell you to open a dojo but you're just going to kill your students. Noob level jobs for you are eligible for are bouncer and security. Your prestige class is fighter, IDK how old you are but if you like MA, might as well try to compete. Also, since I'm also retarded, I can relate to not feeling any sort of remorse for that bitch not knowing how to break a fall, but you should develop your self-hatred so you can get it in your head that you're worthless, and you trying to look cool should be avoided cause you aren't and lying is bad.
Aiden Sullivan
Ahahahaha you’re actually this dumb. Some girl tried to flirt with you and you’re so autistic that you crush her poor weak feminine body. Sad
Tyler Williams
Same roasty.
Adam Fisher
No, just not as autistic as OP so I can think clearer
Adrian Hernandez
Oh just a beta then.
Cooper Martinez
>Teehee user teach me a Judo move :3? >Sure >SLAMS HER ONTO THE CONCRETE >It's just a basic throw why are you convulsing? Literally a psychopath minus the intellectual capacity to plan his moves out. That's like me doing. >He user teach me some Muay Thai ~wO? >Sure >Teep her right into her solar plexus and into a wall with full force. >It's just a basic move, why are you balling up, weeping and heaving? You're going to get arrested faggot.
Grayson Morris
Yes, anyone who doesn't commit attempted murder is a beta. Good thinking aspie!
>Do the throw >She hits her head on the concrete and i hear a crack that came from her right arm
Are you fucking retarded?
If this is real, you should be going to prison, not being fired.
Only an absolute retard would do Judo on concrete, unless in a real life or death self defense situation.
Fucking neck yourself.
Mason Wood
nice execution, he even jumps under to add leverage
David Stewart
show proof or fuck off, hate this LARPing shit all the time. post a fucking photo of a work email or anything u dork ass
Nathaniel Morales
After reading the original post and OP's justifications for his actions, oh my god dude. This is the most retarded autist person I've seen here for a long time, you can't be serious. Holy shit you dumb fuck, you are seriously disconnected from reality, please find a job far away from other people. Also stop trying to justify yourself, accept at once that it was entirely your fault, you fucked up and most likely you will face legal action against you.
Nicholas Morris
I've had such a bad fucking day but it is slightly brightened by the fact that anons like you exist. Just such a bad fucking day but you made it just slightly better.
I knew you were gonna get either fired of sued by the girl.
Carson Jenkins
He'll probably still get sued by the girl when she comes out of the coma
Luke Price
OP even if she could break fall, shouldn't the concrete have been a red flag to you?
Bentley Sanders
>throwing someone who doesn't know how to break fall on fucking concrete You should be glad she isn't dead you austistic fuck. All dojos use mats for a reason.
Bentley Stewart
He wanted to impress the girl, he didn't think it through
Jeremiah Martin
To autistic to be true. Proof or fuck off
Camden Thomas
which seoi nage was it user?
Luis Phillips
Pls be drop morote seoi nage
Austin Young
actually a pretty good suggestion, made me chuckle also, fuck those god complex wankers I'm certain that i will fight one before i get old cos im rarely violent but they really rub me the wrong way and sometimes i just snap
Brody Phillips
If the part about the concrete is true you are legit retarded OP.
Julian Russell
ill step in for the op as he is being attacked for no reason, it's not like op forced her But anyway watch entire vid and where he does it on ashalpt.
the girls to blame for being over dramatic and falling head first on purpose
its not just the throw. a judo player should know that their opponent needs mats and has practiced break falling. people die from falling on concrete
Nathaniel Russell
I genuinely don't care if this is highly successful b8 at this point. Ive been tearing up laughing and the vision of OP spiking some chick into concrete then turning up to work the next day and getting confused when HR calls him in
Isaiah Johnson
Literally takes years to achieve this level of breakfalling, and you expect it of a teehee girl?
James Ward
>falling head first on purpose user what
Samuel Cooper
Good point
OP go judo throw her off the hospital roof to cover your tracks
Jace Ramirez
It's obvious she did it for compensation.
Logan Mitchell
She might not be for much longer desu
Robert Stewart
Then we shall celebrate her graduation into a proper lady. But until that time...
Connor Lee
>"ok first day at work! time to find some martial artist who i can scam into almost killing me!" user what
Kevin Roberts
Women don't plan like that. They operate on impulse. So it was probably more like "Oh look at that retard, he could be good for a quick buck".
Andrew Evans
>the fact that her plan is absolutely retarded is only further proof that it was her plan. ok now i get it
Jacob Bailey
>the fact that her plan is absolutely retarded is only further proof that it wasnt a plan Like i said, impulse.
Xavier Collins
Someone make a pic of this whole story, shit's too good to not immortalize.
Noah Morales
I hope you realize how mind-numbingly idiotic and delusional you are.
Get help.
Hunter Collins
Why aren't women all jumping in front of any cars they see for insurance fraud? I think it's more likely she didn't expect a piledriver
Jayden Carter
>What sort of job should i go for now, Jow Forums? You should be put away from people.
Adrian Davis
You should be put in prison
Robert Thomas
Shit nigga you don't need to
Ian Garcia
Hudson Johnson
No point in asking him, incel “logic” is beyond fucking stupid.
Ethan Perez
Adrian Sanchez
OP I'm fucking dying bro. This is the funniest shit I've heard in so long.
Andrew Ramirez
I did this same thing but as a child so I never got in trouble, kicked a guy straight in the face to "prove I did martial arts" like he wanted to know
The Virgin attention whore vs the Chad Thot Pulverizer OP
Josiah Cooper
>You might be able to make things right, if not with the company, then with her Once a woman or a brown has public victimhood points they will not let them go.
Blake Mitchell
What in the name of fuck..? ... ...aged care. Field you should work in. Definitely.