This guy makes me proud to be a short guy.
This guy makes me proud to be a short guy
make yourself proud instead faggot
Friendly reminder that manlets built western civilization. Actually, manlets built everything. Lanklets with manlet ancestors, when will they learn?
nice bait
Mankind was shorter as a species back then so the manlet/lanklet cutoffs were obviously different. Sorry to burst your little delusion bubble faggot. George Washington was giant for his time. It was still the tall people who accomplished because that's what tall was then. And they knew they were considered tall so they had the confidence to go along with it
Proud to be a short guy? Nobody, literally nobody wants to be short. Stop lying to yourself.
Under 5'6 is kys tier, i'm 5'7 and i can't imagine being any shorter.
How tall is this guy?
yeah that's a nice physique, but I bet that if you saw him out in public, in clothes, among normal sized men, he'd look dyel
imagine getting memed into an inferiority complex by a mongolian tapestry exchange platform
He makes me glad I'm not.
Stop fooling yourself. I am 5'10 in a country where average female height is 5'8. I want to kms every single time I go outside. I was also the shortest guy in my school.
He's 5'3, unless you're Alex then fuck off manlet
stop lying the height meme is an american invention, civilized countries dont give a shit
he's 5'6.5
I live in Eastern Europe and while I wasn't openly bullied by my height, people were treating me worse than tall guys. For example teachers and girls. That's what you get for being inferior.
hahaha you must be a complete fucking loser, im from Poland and ive never heard my height mentioned nor felt it affect my life at 168cm
OP here, I’m not actually a manlet I’m 6’4 lmao
post body and if isnt dogshit ill paypal you $17
Where are you from? Is it so unusual to you that someone is 6’4?
I live in Poland as well and my 190cm has been probably the greatest gift I got from my parents. It's as if you cannot NOT get laid while being tall.
Its not, you just have shit body
>go back in time
>mog the fuck out of alexander the great