I'm female. Following the sticky to lose weight and get in shape

I'm female. Following the sticky to lose weight and get in shape

Is there any reason why I shouldn't just skip any exercise that works out the upper body?

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Im gay btw, if that matters

it's going to look pretty stupid if you have totally flabby arms, belly fat and athletic legs

First of all please be in london
Second, no; ass and legs all day

Flabby arms and belly fat would be from having too high of body fat % though right? I'd just be adding muscle under the flab

it adds to your tdee and evens you out a bit more stick arms dont look good on a girl with thick legs. Stuff like back work will help fix your posture which will in turn help tighten up that ass and make your tits look bigger if your shoulders are retracted. A little pectoral muscle will also bolster that effect.

Post body we need to fa.. analyze it to help you

Please tell me how you would add muscle to your upper body by only doing lower body exercises. Unless you want to go model skinny, you should do upper body sometimes

That's literally how 99% of women want to look

I don't want to add muscle to the upper body. That's the entire point of this thread. I'm saying that if I worked out the upper body to 'prevent flab' in my arms and stomach that wouldn't work because spot treatment isn't possible for fat

No muscle would just cause it to sag.

I'd recommend:
Focus on your lower body (squat!)
Do ab work
Do some light chest/arm work, this will help tighten up your arms and chest, but don't overdo it

As long as you're on a cut, you won't get super muscular.

Don't be a fag, do upper body exercises. If you're not roiding you will never look like a man and will always have babyweight upper body lifts

>exercising legs burns leg fat
>exercising arms burns arms fat

i hope no one genuinely believes this retardation

This is the male counterpart of what you'll look like

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user, girls can't gain upper body mass for shit and the slight upper-body workout investment helps prevent you looking disproportionate and accentuates the waist.

You will not end up looking like some butch-dyke. That's impossible without hormonal treatment/anavar. It's hard enough for chicks to gain muscle normally.

fuck it SS/SL knows no gender. Why not do a full body workout for maximum gains. the state of women. You will never look like a man unless you roid. You should bench, ohp, deadlift and row. Don't listen to these faggots.

And on top of all of this, you'll be able to finger blast your gf into the 7th dimension

Plus, dykes look fat as fuck

You need to post your body so we can see what works for you. There's a lot of factors at play here. Height, width frame etc

Female here, not from London, and gay btw not sure if that matters. You wanna do full-body, don't be one of those girls I see at the gym all the time that only do fucking smith machine squats and glute bridges and then leave. A well-rounded exercise program will be more beneficial for you in the long-run. You won't become a disgusting muscle-mass freak unless you roid so you'll be all good.

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>disgusting muscle-mass freak
you love those tho

>You will never look like a man unless you roid
I look like a man now though

I don't mind a bit of muscle on a girl, like a niced toned body with visible abs and delicious legs and ass is GOAT but when they're starting to hit

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Degenerates, if the day ever comes I'll gladly gas you to fucking hell.

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Hey, i'd gladly fuck a tree at this point
If it's a roided varbie i ain't complaining

you'll grow out of the edgy nazi phase soon

No user, you must respect yourself better, you should not pursue girls who could overpower you and milk your cock for what it has. You may as well just fuck a man at that point

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Exercise your self-respect.

Which routine for the most gains?

Find qualities in yourself you don't despise x 3
Truly examine what you want in a partner x 5
Imagine hopeful future x failure

I grew into it you tard

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Practice self-compassion

Sounds tougher than adding 5 pounds to the bar every workout.

Self-compassion is hard indeed, but its something that must be practiced. I find meditation is the easiest way to self-compassion, it also helps keeps my emotions in control and I don't hate myself as much.

your tits will look better. if you're overweight now and lose weight, they will hang down and look like bags of sand. work upper body to make them look better. also work your neck and arms/shoulders to give better hand- and blowjobs.

Post tits OP

I've tried meditation but it does nothing for me. I sit down and fight my mind for 10 minutes while it darts to a million things and by the end of it I feel like it was a waste of time.

as long as you dont post your juicy nipples you are considered tranny and therefore low human.

Here I'll give you this video youtube.com/watch?v=11U0h0DPu7k, have a watch and think about if you can do any of those 3 things she mentions. Small steps are still steps user, I believe in you.

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Lesbianism isn't real. You suffer from trauma with an inherited gene that makes you prone to female bisexuality.

I've never been attracted to a guy, and I hang around dudes all the time. I find myself looking at girls more and having sexual fantasies about them more. But don't worry user I'm sure you'll find a good Christian girl one day

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you better op

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say it with me


no one in this thread seems to get it. I'm not afraid of suddenly looking like a man. I already look mannish and I want to look less like that. I'm 6'1 and I have broad shoulders and no tits. No I'm not trans. I'm not intersex either. Just shit genes

Yeah well at least I'm not a tranny
>inb4 "they're both mentally ill"

If you've got broad shoulders you can't unbroad your shoulders, perhaps pullups/chinups will help.

I am not trying to unbroad my shoulders the fuck

I just don't want to make them broader why is this so hard to get.

>is there any reason why I shouldn't just skip any exercise that works out the upper body?

Are you trying to be a sad cunt or a sick cunt brah?

This would be much easier if you just posted your body so Anons can give more accurate advice.

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Post body bitch

Much easier for a man to rape you if you have a weak upper body, not that you'd mind, you slut.

please be my gf

Just work your entire body and if one part is getting more muscular than you want it to be then reduce or cut out exercises that use it from your routine.

Just do them, you'll feel better about yourself wuss. Plus this

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just do some upper body workout, it wont kill you, it will make your body look more balanced, extra strength in arms will help you with other exercises
for example you want to do some planking or pushups (that are great for your abs) and with super weak arms you wont be able to

Give them time user...and if that doesn't work I have a perfectly good oven

Your upper body strength is needed for lower body development too. Your squats and deadlifts will stall if you don't work your chest, back and arms. Upper body muscle also gives women a fit toned look that isn't achieved by lower body development alone, and extra muscle mass = higher basal metabolic rate = aids in weight loss. Upper body training is also really good for women especially because we don't develop it naturally, so we're more at risk of muscular atrophy, poor posture, weak bones etc. So yes, there are many reasons women shouldn't skip upper body workouts. :)

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Another victim of the accidental arnold

tits or gtfo

You're a retard, you will never accidentally pack on more muscle than you want. If hypertrophy was that easy, Jow Forums would cease to exist.


Based mole-poster writing as if he were a woman giving out genuinly good advice

stfu already that shit is not funny

I think I'm in love with you

Post body bitch PLEASE

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>not having a wheyfu fingerbang you
Lmaoing at your life

>tfw no manly 6'1" amazoness gf

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As years go by, decades, youd think you would get desensitized to this comment but holy shit every time i read it...do you know how fucking stupid i think you are saying this?

>I have more sexual thoughts about girls

So you still have those thoughts about something else, but less? Maybe that user has a point.

Basically, your build and muscles are separate matters and as long as you aren't going too fucking hard on it, it will help your upper body look better.
You need to exercize upper body for your health either way, even though you can go slightly lighter on it than you go on lower body.
As for your complex, you should work on your fashion instead.

Muscle and exercise will give you an overall better shape. Pecs can give you fuller and slightly perkier tits. You won't be too muscular. It's almost impossible for a biological female to look too muscular with roids.

>girls who could overpower you and milk your cock for what it has
Yeah, who'd want that, haha
Please go see what a 13% woman looks like

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In addition to what the other anons said about balance, training your whole body will just lead to results faster anyways. You’ll burn fat faster if you’re training your whole body and not just legs

13% for a woman is extremely low

Yes, that's my point. There shouldn't be more than a hint of abs on a woman

lightweight upper body would keep you healthy without making you look like a dude woman. Unless you are actually a dude, then in that case kys :)

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I disagree but only slightly. I think low bodyfat on a girl is real sexy up to a point. That user from before is right. I’d say 15%ish is the minimum at which point they start to look gross and roided(which they probably are)


Just post a pic clothed so we get an idea of your build

>is there any reason
it's explained in the sticky so fuck off

tfw didnt read the sticky
also true

unless you have some bizarre hormonal/genetic profile (for a woman) you will never start "looking like a man" without gear

Your goal, in addition to obtaining a "look" is to improve your body's rationing of energy through the development of lean mass while staying active for life
If you want to focus on lower body... fine - whatever. But leaving any major muscle groups out of your training is just cheating yourself out of long-term improvement:
tone,posture,insulin resistance -> resistance to putting on fat

women need to stop falling for meme tier girl workouts. its retarded.

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Correct. Do some light stuff though, it will be skinnifat if not


Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting