Daily reminder ywn be able to close the #4

thanks, but i see that they are around 50 euros each here in the netherlands? wtf?

RIPepporoni your dick

Attached: 1552699097475.jpg (679x679, 83K)

When I was around 6 I started training my grip strength because I saw a dude tear a phonebook in half and it's became such a habit that i continue to train my grip almost every day
>pickle jars are easy mode
>haven't dropped anything since I was 12
>never lost a game of mercy
>can close the #4
>I've broken a couple of Xbox controllers because I got angry like a retard
>I'm a coward so I'm afraid of holding my gfs hand in haunted houses/stressful situations
>accidentally broke the neck of a goose that attacked me
>still have an awkward obsession with ripping phonebooks in half
>still a wristlet
>somehow my arms are tiny even after all of these years

Attached: 1551846472625m.jpg (637x1024, 73K)

>not wanting to look like the most based cartoon character of my childhood

this is some grade A autism if I've ever seen it. keep it up user. Also what you going to do when they stop making phonebooks?

I'm getting damn close to closing the 3 so I'm kinda proud of that

As long as I can choke the average woman to death, I'm good.

Attached: male female grip strenght.png (1020x726, 309K)

Pay in money so that you don't have to pay in life quality when a cheap spring coil snaps and sends razor shrapnel into your neck and eyes.

Will training my grip help with my inflammation I tend to get in my wrists and finger tendons or will it only make it worse?

Also where do you even fit grip training? Do you put it with back and biceps? Or leg day since you are pulling up heavy weights and need to grip the bar anyways?