So Jow Forums are going to be walking around shirtless on the beach this year?

So Jow Forums are going to be walking around shirtless on the beach this year?

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nudebeach is where the real party happens

Nah, I hate going to the beach.

I dont have any beeches near me. I will be walking around the cornfields shirtless tho

I run around shirtless in the mall during the winter and nobody gives a fuck. Its a great place to run because its heated.

So do I but walking endlessly is a lot of fun.

Before you know it 5h have passed.

>spends time on beach not in gym
never gonna make it breh

Did you guys really not go shirtless at the beach before you got fit? It's the fucking beach. You'd get harassed way more for leaving your shirt on than for being unfit, and lack of confidence is a way bigger turn off for women than lack of muscles.

No, but I will finally be wearing tank tops. Unfortunately my belly is a mess of scars and stretchmarks so even if I make my goal and get the proper washboard it'll still be quite repulsive to look at.

There are beach gyms, mate.

Always, little buddy

Tore my hammy so idk how much walking I’ll be doing this year

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That's what you get for not doing your Romanian Deadlifts, boyo

This. I have a friend who always insists on wearing a stupid 'swim shirt' and I have a hard time not feeling second hand embarrassment for him, especially since a wet shirt is translucent and sticks to your body, so anyone can see your body anyway, in addition to the insecurity it displays

Love this GIF. Never seen it before.

OP is a cool guy

Yes, but even if I was a fatty I would still be shirtless cause I'm not an insecure broken person like every one on this board

i would call cops on you, naked fat people are an ASSAULT on my eyes

>get sunburned after spending 45 minutes outside

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t. Anakin

y'all fucks be spamming every board with "muh master race" every day
and now your genes are "shit"?

Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!

Based. Beaches are memes. You're not going to be so remarkably attractive to hide your autism around half naked women who don't know you.

And you don't have friends so you're not "sealing the deal" either

Maybe I just wanna relax at the fucking beach, man

Yes, it's just a 5 minute drive away

I'm Italian, sicilian. I walk shirtless even in winter

That's not abnormal. Also, you might be in a zone in which solar radiation is much more intense than what would be considered healthy and that's all year. People come here, expose themselves to the sun as they would elsewhere and get fucked. Check that and wear sunscreen.

Besides, you can cover a lot of ground in 45 minutes, I'm sure you could find someone to talk to in the shade or find some activity to do in a beach within 45 minutes and just put a shirt on or reapply sunscreen after that.

only Jow Forums would call a normal human activity a meme

One of those pride things innit. Back when I was fat I wasn't proud of my body so I didn't want to show it off. Then I got fit and I did so I did show it off.

Now I think it's weirder to have it on no matter your body. That's why I didn't.

>an activity is a meme if you aren't guaranteed sex with women
jesus user.

>going to Florida in July
I fucking wish bros.
I was 311 lbs two years ago. Now I'm 235 lbs but still considered obese for my height. I look a lot better, but not nearly good enough to walk around shirtless.
In 3 more months I could possibly be about 215 or 220 so maybe then, but I doubt it.

fuck off to ratchet twitter if you're going to type like a fucking nigger.


If I lose these fucking retarded ass fucking stubborn love handles then I will. Until then probably not. I look good all the way down to the belly button and from there I just look like a muffin top

Then you can just go be a fatass

And? Lots of normies do shit only to act out whatever has been romanticized on television.

Why would I be fat? Sounds gross

When i was a skinnyfat in high school I wore swim trunks and a cheap white button down and i still ended up getting my dick sucked by the hot german exchange student. So i doubt it matters that much

anyone thats been to a nudebeach knows its just boomers and boomers walking around

the state of Jow Forums

Button down shirts are different. A t shirt or compression shirt when swimming makes it look like you're hiding your fat. Wearing a button down shirt at the beach is just for people who wanna get some sun but not too much sun.

I don't have friends to ask me to go to the beach with them and I'm not autistic enough to go there by myself (or maybe too autistic)

Fuck no. Have you seen brighton? I genuinely think it might be the worst beach resort on the entire planet. Don't come here. Ever.

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>Trashy people on a trashed beach.

This happened to my brother if you spend more time outside your skin will eventually get used to the sun.

Probably won't go for a seaside vacation. I'm gonna go to a music festival in Poland.

Fallen last August and have only been lifting for 3 months now. I went from 205, 7% body fat to 170 something, 14% bmi. The fire to get beyond where I was is lit and I have to sit summer out but something beautful is being built from the fall

There was a trashed beach like that in my hometown, but eventually there was a movement to clean it (led mostly by children) and now the sand stays very clean. They still trash the fucking water though so I'd never swim there. Some days it's deemed "safe" but what amount of shit in the water passes the "safe" test?

Christ that blows, how hard is it to bring a plastic bag for one's trash and then simply dumping it in a bin on the way out.

I think kinda like a gym where all the weights are strewn about lazily, even the more dedicated people will eventually give up on putting their weights in the right place. But the beach itself was a mess my entire childhood up until I was a teen. It was mostly children who fixed it at first until politicians started to look bad.

Still the city itself just dumps trash and literal shit into the water. Because they announced day-by-day whether it was safe to swim and people always joked about growing third eyes and such. I'd hang out there but I never swam there for obvious reasons.

who tf wears a shirt to the beach?

I may take a few trips after sunset to summon the old ones

I'm gonna be heavily pregnant by the time summer comes.

yeah duh, who the fuck walks around with a shirt on the beach

The nearest beach to me is an unfriendly shore of sharp rocks, zebra mussels, aggressive seagulls, and ice cream and greasy fish stands where said seagulls congregate. I hate that beach.

However the best beach I've been to is the one at the end of the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. If you start at the east end its a nice leisurely 3 mile walk in a cool park, cross the game fields and highway and BAM Pacific Ocean and beach. Honestly a real breathtaking view figuratively and literally as it was windy as fuck. Words, videos, and pictures don't do it justice if you have a chance go out there.