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Fitness #501
What is the Best Job for a FIT Guy and Why Is It Restaurant Management
Grip Thread
20+ years lifting and steroid use
How does one achieve clear skin as a male?
Why, yes, i lift every day
Anyone had any experience with tendonitis in the shoulder and bicep?
I know you want it!
Anyone else here lifting for the coming civil war in South Africa?
What’s the easiest thing to ingest for gains I’m sick of eggs
Air Hunger
Why do all fit girls look like they are huge bitches?
Daily reminder nobody on this board knows anything about lifting
5'11" cope
Goal physiques
Just a reminder that your testosterone only increases if you have sex with MULTIPLE different women and not just one
What does a yearly membership at your gym cost? Pls convert to $ so we can compare better
I've skipped the gym for 3 days now because this pic made me depressed
CBT: caffeine shits edition
What is the best bulking food and why is it Little Caesar’s? Pic related is 3000 calories, 140g of protein...
Stop porn, video games and internet
Is there a more chad sport than fencing?
Uhh..should fresh ground beef look like this 1 day after it was packed?
Jow Forums ideals
Watching some The bugez videos, he recommends doing 1 or 2 exercises only to get big and progress...
I wake up at 5:30 in the morning to jog
Redpill me on dermarolling
How often should I change rep and set schemes?
/fph/ Fat “People” Hate
Melting Chad
How do I achieve this aesthetic
Not taking the best supplement
6inch wrists
Jason mimosa mode is the best mode to be
IF you didn't get enough sleep last night, is it better to push through the day to reset your sleep schedule...
Is it ok to smoke a cigar every now and then?
What do you typically order when you go out?
You are not a 27% er user r right ?
How will fit ever recover from this?
Don't eat carbs goy
I'm just here to tell you that if you're a guy that's over 6 foot tall and completely muscled...
/fat/ - Brainlet Edition
It doesn’t matter how fit you are if you have a shitty personality, nobody wants to be friends with an autistic weirdo
He listen to some gay ass electro while working out
Blocks your path
Is there a good way to increase testosterone with out going into roids?
Should I cut out all rice?
Hosting Party later tonight
Order Time
Supplements to help testoterone production?
/fast/ - #405 - UPGRADE EDITION
Friend keeps bullying my gains
What am I suppose to do on a friday night when I changed myself to be a bodybuilder 5months ago?
Going to Romania in June for FUE hair transplant
Why do indians smell so fucking bad? My gym is crawling with them, and the stench seriously affects my workouts
Rest day
Is it the best martial art?
Is getting fat inevitable? How the FUCK are we supposed to count calories this accurately?
One bigass meal is not even a third of the amount of calories i have to eat in one day to get gains
Correcting posture
How become fit
1/2/3/4 means you're still DYEL...
I weight 80 kg
What is the best way to cure dopamine deficiency?
This soiboi could beat you up
Whats the best compliment you ever got regarding your body?
Now that I have all these gains, how do I get over my crippling social anxiety and talk to women...
Does donating blood mess up your gains?
Smoking weed after training, what's the worst that can happen
Is her form good?
So if you are supposed to do 3 times more pulling than pushing does that mean if i do two push in one day itd mean 6...
I finally achieved a sexy slin body
Wait.. user, uh, you're stronger than this girl.. right? Its only 475lbs. I sincerely hope so
Walk into boomer gym
Can I get a form check?
How do I eat 3300 calories every day?
Nice muscles princess
Free Gains
How many pullups?
Rate my arm
If aesthetics matter so much to you, why are you bulking?
Is this enough for 20 yo girls?
I miss him, bros
Uni Thread
I'm doing anavar only cycle
Name's Chad. Is your girlfriend single?
Is boxing the crossfit of the martial arts world?
Fitness model murdered by cousin pic related
Thoughts on 5/3/1
Tricks to controlling your anger? I've tried visiting a psychologist but it has only accentuated my disorder
How much pulling have you done this week?
Who here /Poopmaxing/?
Start lifting it'll help with depression
He doesn’t have a beard
tfw lift heavier weights than people in gym and Instagram but don't look as good as them
What does Chad listen to when he lifts?
Bet your gym doesn't even have a dedicated gymdog for the morale boost, losers
Reminder it's not hard to impress normies
Should you stretch before or after lifting?
Female fitness
How do I find a braphog like Pic related to impregnate?
Wake up at 3 am
How important is leg day? Do chicks even care about leg size?
How well do you think you would do in a fist fight?
I think we should have Jow Forums tank tops so we can recognise each other in the gym
Am I dying
Ctrl+f fph
Why do jacked guys try to dress nice. It looks retarded. Just wear a giant t-shirt and some shorts bros...
1/2/3/4 means you’re not dyel
Symmetric Strength Thread
Fitness for incels/mental midgets
Are you afraid of having a heart attack? Just how common are they
Anti depression pills
Post first pic:
How do I get abs like these?
What is a viable leg day for calisthenics?
Can I replace leg day with cycling?
What's your honest opinion on him?
Shootin the shit with coworkers
Who is this nigger always with jeff? i'm guessing he edits the videos?
4 Jow Forumsizens with hammers vs 1 silverback
Mire thread
Going to the gym when short on sleep?
Routine thread, r8 & h8
Did I fuck up!?!?!
How would you rate yourself in terms of attractiveness?
Decided to stop smoking weed
Reminder that your shitty mom diets are just shitty mom diets designed for people too stupid to diet regularly
I've been water-fasting for 53 days. I'm planning to go for 70, will I die?
Is working out with Orthodox chants the ultimate redpill?
How do I stop anxiety destroying my gains? It takes me hours to get asleep...
Is this achievable natty, what's her routine like ? Left or right ?
Looking at Gym Thots
Is your friend group aesthetic and Jow Forums?
Is this possible naturally?
Be me
The absolute pinnacle of nutritional value meals
Why is everyone so toxic?
How do i achieve this mode
/owg/ Olympic weightlifting general
Keto hate
/fat/ Easter is Approaching Edition
Obstacle course discussion
Brit/fit/ general- Tesco meal deal edition
/plg/ - powerbloating general
/sig/ - self improvement general
I'm a 280lb 5'8" 19 yr old and I'm dissapointed with my body...
R8 my shopping cart
You ARE eating spicy foods to increase your metabolism right Jow Forums? You DO wanna make it right?
Jow Forums owned gym
What mode is this?
How often do you train legs?
Hey fit
Why is it so hard for girls to act like normal individuals at the gym?
What's the new meme preworkout these days?
Gym Waifus?
/fph/ Fat “People” Hate
No, I'm not perfect. I don't have a flat stomach, a Kardashian booty or a pretty face. But I am ME...
What are some things you have to give up to truly make it?
I have 2 scoops of whey after I workout and 1 scoop on days I dont. Is this too much...
Is your goal to lift for the rest of your life?
Georgian men are the pinnacle of human strength
Who do you lift for Jow Forums?
This is something ive been wondering about a long time. 6ish rep ranges are better fro strength, 12ish for hypertrophy...
One chance in life
It’s okay to cry and express your feeling user, even the world strongest deadlifter does
Do you all really be drinking energy drinks or you just memeing
It’s my private gym
What was the biggest redpill you learned from Jow Forums
You've got her in your pocket
Are 1.25kg plates a meme?
How many of you wear glasses? My eyesight has gotten terrible over the past few months
Tfw bad eyesight but dont want to wear glasses and end up looking like a basedboy
Whitepills and Bloomers Pt2: the fitness related one
How do I prevent/slow down aging?
Advice for Pain Tolerance and Endurance
What's your skincare routine? And how do you choose your products?
Sees a boomer doing upright rows
Why do women pick up bodybuilding?
Think i'm going to get fucked up
Has someone here actually trained his mood to be happy?
Heavy squats increase testosterone
Why you actually lift?
Is metabolic damage real?
The best food for test
Sleep thread
How does it benefit your life being muscular?
Are beans and bacon ultimate bodybuilding items?
Existential Crisis/fit/ Edition
Tfw asian with a 4 inch dick
Have you already eaten your monthly dose of liver Jow Forums?
Lifting for Zyzz
What is a good intermediate routine for aesthetics?
Dicklets should just be forced by the government to become sissies because if you’re less than 6 inches they will...
Weekly thursday /swimbros/ thread - is it really good cardio?
Is keto dangerous or unhealthy in any way?
ITT we post what we consider the natural limit is and make fun of people with unrealistic expectations
The Brap-Pill Legit?
Calf thread / calves general
Jow Forums meta thread - summon jannies edition
For whom doth thou hoist Jow Forums?
Boogie2988 officially giving up on weight loss
Who else here started lifting for girls, only to realize that they're not worth your time?
Remember Jow Forums, it's the midweek carb up that gives the Rock his body. Definitely not ridiculous amounts of HGH...
What are the good full body routine for beginner so i wont be like pic related?
Hey babe, I just found a bunch of my old stuff. Why don't you skip the gym and we can be comfy in bed?
This is why i lift
What kind of tattoos should I get on my forearm to cover those bad ass stretch marks
Literally natty bod
At what point is a girl TOO tall?
Be me
Asian manlets
Destoys all meme energy drinks
Does Jow Forums approve of panda?
Does losing your virginity at a younger age trigger higher test?
Why don't i look super swole yet
Vegans Progressively BTFO After 5 Years Vegan
Boxers, briefs, or compression shorts?
Sexdoll general
So how do I start benching?
Nice aesthetics, princess
How do I quit jacking off? I have a bit of a porn addiction I think. I jack off like 3 times a day usually...
Hi! I've been doing squats and my butt growed a bit I still don't like my can I get it bigger?
Should we allow women in the manlet pit?
Alright fuck it
Sup slash fit slash
Yeah, I eat salt straight from the shaker to keep from getting light headed on keto. Got a problem with that?
Shoes & muscles
Do mirrors fuel our body dysmorphia?
Im legit baffled by fat people how do you mange to put on so much weight I cant gain weight to save my life
*lifts for 2-3 years with shitty gains
Anyone else start lifting so they might have a shot and dating a girl in the healthy weight range?
This is what 1 year of brosplit and eating +150 to maintenance from gets you
Why are all instagram fitness girls alone?
Dick kinda works, but have absolutely no libido
Jow Forums youtubers to learn from?
Whats your
Redpill me on penis enlargement. Is it actually possible? 5 inches here, it's fucking hell...
Y'all ever stoped to think that an avarage woman get dozens of mires everyday without having done any effort?
Redpill me on facial gains
New sips apparently made by Monster. What am I in for bois?
Socially autistic nigger
J-just hit the gym, b-bro
Who here never trains legs unironically?
Want to be fit
What makes white people bigger and stronger than black people?
/fat/ - "German efficiency" edition
I subjectively believe Steve cooks physique is attainable natty...
Holy shit
Gym Music thread
Do spinning plates help me bench more??
Water General
Yesterday in the gym a woman loudly said I'm doing it wrong
Medium bodyfat
Do guys honestly find girls with high testosterone sexy?
Just hit 24
There are people on this board who still watch porn
Okay, who actually has sips before a workout?
The fuck is going on with people that wear a hoodie with the hood up?
post meme
Why am I so weak?
Kills your acne
Stretch marks, former fatty here
Three years lifting
Meanwhile in prehistoric Jow Forums
Blaha is /ourguy/
Post race, age, height, max bench
Are you beach-ready Jow Forums? What is your ideal %bf before Summer comes?
Blood type diet - opinions
Atlas stone?
Are Dexa scans worth?
/owg/ Olympic weightlifting general
Whitepills and Bloomer thread
This man discusses "flow" for working out, the 70% rule...
Welcome to the Salty Spitoon, how much of a sick cunt are ya'
Sister found my folder with guys that i mire yesterday
He fell for the stength training meme
Peak Attractiveness
OKAY Jow Forums! We're cooking a fit, full of protein meal today. Will you join me on this journey?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Do I have the chad physique ?
So the best athlete in the world looks like this? Whoa
Come on user take off your shirt and show us those abs..!! xx
NoPorn thread
No /fph/? Step your shit up brahs
1 gram of protein
Tell me about ur gymbro
Is Slaneesh the most Jow Forums approved chaos god?
What clothes do you wear to show off your gainz?
Gf is a gym thot
Whats a good sport other than lifting?
Guy heaven gym concept
Rather than inducing vomiting after a binge
Autistic gym habits
How do you ever deal with this?
Are airpods decent for lifting...
Routine r8 thread
The hormonal theory of obesity is correct
Tfw gf 1rms for bp, sq, dl are 92.5kg, 155kg, 150kg
Jow Forums music
Fictional goal body thread
Jow Forums meetup thread
Commuting cardio
Jow Forums hypocrisy
Good old neck thread?
How can I stay motivated to lose weight, knowing that 90 (ninety) percent of people who lose weight gain it all back?
Bro! You can't squat that deep man, it'll wreck your knees dude
Testeros Maxiumus
/nofapgeneral/, the universe is open to you to shape according to your will edition
You will NEVER look this good Jow Forums
Be me
There's something I didn't understand of the sticky
Fight Club
Anyone got the trap mode routines saved?
Is this an impressive physique for a 48 year old 6ft 5 man?
Need that test boost brehs
FIXED Jow Forums diet tl;dr
Nastassia ponoramenko
Be Scandinavian
Hey Jow Forums, whats your best pick up lines to message girls with on tinder...
Why is this so popular?
Give me a workout plan for just 1 day...
Do you believe people in the gym will try to break your focus on purpose. Am I the only one that this happens to
ITT: We post pictures that motivate us
Does Jow Forums cry?
Stamina /general/
Honestly how does it feel to be a girl at a gym?
I can’t do basic movements
At the gym
Self improvement
"Bro, you have to cut out all sugar from you're diet. It's LITERAL POISON, brah!!!"
Will this work on gyno
Can i make it if i have Herpes?
">Sup bro.. mind if I work in?
/fat/ - "Trying to outrun that bad diet" edition
What's the worst injury you've had because of fitness?
Are huge swords really that hard to pick up ?
Am i going to make it lads?
Street fight
Why do so many dudes skip leg day?
Is masturbatjon really a detriment to fitness?
This is what peak female performance looks like
Will lifting weights help diminish my crippling anxiety/depression? My therapist wants me to go on long runs instead
How good is her form?
How you guys holding up?
When did you realize cardio doesn't do a damn thing
What routine do i need for these abs?
What Motivates YOU!
Can you be alpha and short?
Is bench pressing 210 good? I feel like a god
Faith will make you happy again anons
I joined a cult for a QT, but it's hurting my workouts
Browsing Jow Forums
What mode is this?
What product do you use for your skin care routine?
I fucking hate this shit
Considering doing bouldering as my main form of exercise but I am worried about having a huge upper body and skinny...
Your shit is telling you something. if you aren't making slender snakes, you're not gonna make it. watch what you eat
What physique did you honestly have when you turned 18 years old?
Help me brothers
Does your life have a purpose? What is it or why not
Total Dopamine Fast #2
Your girl gets wet when she sees me
Is it possible to obtain this jawline natty? Or is the only way HGH and surgery?
*blocks your path*
So the biggest motivational factor to help you get through any hardship when starting out in the gym or advancing your...
Jow Forums BTFO
How to gain weight without losing my 6 pack abs?
Why didn't you go to the gym today user?
Transformation thread?
Stress & Anxiety
Name a bigger faggot in the “fitness” industry
Fuckin help I beg you
Why won't my back progress? I've been stuck at lat pulldowns/assisted pullups of 40 lbs under bodyweight forever...
Fit Humor Thread
What are the Chad and Virgin personality types?
Why is the Jow Forums meme so popular nowadays? everyone lifts and stuff is this because of instagram...
Can a Jow Forums adult human male defeat a Jow Forums adult male chimpanzee with his bare hands?
How long does it take for you guys to add another 10 pounds to your maximum benchpress...
You do season your chicken, right Jow Forums?
So this is What fit girls are in to? Look at this twinks arm. Lifting for girls truely is a meme
What does Jow Forums think of grappling and throwing martial arts such as BJJ, Judo, Sambo
Unironically how do people get so big in prison? Don't they just have bodyweight stuff? I thought doing 1...
Broccoli thread
Why haven't you taken the MANBUN pill?
Men's nipples should be removed at birth
Why aren't you beardlets putting minoxidil on your face 2x a day?
No fucking pushup thread? The fucking STATE of this DYEL-AS-FUCK board
Hello user you look Jow Forums today, but how good are you in bed?
Are There Any Respectable Female Youtubers?
Gymceling is a cope. there is no gym for your face
/sig/ - self improvement general
Jow Forums Ideals
Row appreciation thread
Why wouldn't you do this?
How much do I have to lift in order to fuck this girl's tight slit?
Redpill me on rye bread
I lost my virginity to a female bodybuilder. AMA
/cbt/ - girlfriend at 220lbs edition
How do I get a hard athletic body like this without actually being an athlete? Besides having low bodyfat...
Do you remember Zyzz?
Can we have a fat to fit thread...
Hey Jow Forums
/plg/ - powerblogging general
I'm building a team
Wendler uses 531 with high school kids. Why is it bad for beginners?
How do i get a chest like eugene sandow...
/fph/ Fat “People” Hate
How am I not losing any weight
/owg/ Olympic weightlifting general
Please explain why i see so many fuckheads doing this at my gym now? Is this a new meme I missed out on?
Post car and fit will guess job and height. I’ll start
How would you fare?
So I have to
See gymcrush at the gym
Stop watching porn
So, how many of you have undergone the surgey? I can't see a foot in front of my face now
Have you ever changed up your workout routine because a girl might think you're following them?
Is this achievable naturally for a woman?
Jow Forums humor
Why do manlets always have the sexiest tall wives ever?
Are girlfriends the ultimate gains killer?
Is there a bigger cope than MEWING? It does nothing to your face...
/fat/ The NYRFags are running the asylum edition
Natural bodybuilding
Nigga boulder
How do you stop overthinking fit? For me only going to the gym seems to help
Symmetric Strength
Well? Are you a fit enough dude to take on this guy and get the girl?
Why does cardio suck balls?
Remember: if you're lifting for women, you're doing it wrong
Bros that have big chests...
Is that who I think it is?
Anyone know a good rope jumping program I can do on my rest days?
Exercise/lifting makes anxiety worse
Quitting smoking thread
This is what women want
New to Jow Forums, how do i go from skinny fat to lean and muscular? i want to cut fat while gaining muscle...
Am i going to make?
Friendly reminder that women don't care about permabulking bloatmaxxing bulkpigs, this is what they fantasize about
Mire thread
This ruins lifes
How do these guys get no side effects from roids?
Help me escape chicken legs
What are some Jow Forums things you can do?
Italian men are the strongest
/fit humour
Anyone used SARMs?
How to beat the alcohol jew?
Never touched a weight, why are my arm this big?
Why is right so much less aesthetic?
Is it possible to build legs by cycling?
Heart beating too fast
How to stop relapsing while doing Nofap?
Huge arms just from punching and military pressing @ home
Why do black africans have the best muscle genetics?
Help me out, bros. I'm returning to the gym in a few hours after a few years' absence...
Will they ever recover?
How excited are you for science to reach a point where they can trigger a second or even third puberty in someone?
Holy shit holy shiiiit!!
Tfw gym crush barely knows I exist
Rack pulls = maximum trap development
Remember to ALWAYS wear flip flops to the Gym Showers
What does Jow Forums think of this?
Fraud general steroids here ask questions get trolled whatever who fucking cares just keep asking about how to do a...
When someone goes on roids even for a brief period, is their natural test production still fucked permanently?
Well Jow Forums
Will nofap cure my anal addiction? I can’t get hard with vaginal anymore because of years of jerking off to anal porn
Pic on the left is from September when I started lifting. Pic on the right is now...
Guy heaven gym. A concept
Why is it impossible to maintain a vegan diet?
7 day noporn cycle
Flat Feet
Manlet Appreciation Thread
When should I take rest days on a PPL? I fucked up and went no rest days for two weeks and can tell I fucked up a bit
Can we have an honest discussion about vr porn?
What’s Fits opinion on training twice a day?
Frustrated in general (with progress)
Who else /sip n dip/ here?
Din din time
Is 5 am the best manliest time to wake up?
Food Optimization Thread
20 something girls lusting so insanely hard after us 30 somethings. Every wear I go these chicks are all over me...
What’s your guys’ workout song(s)?
Who was in the wrong here?
Any other Chads with sexual performance anxiety?
Hold me Jow Forums
Motivate me to go run Jow Forums
Daily Reminder
How do i stop dreaming? I literally have dreams every god damn night and i hate it
I'm a 30yo non-fit faggot and i just can`t get into it
Whats worse for gains? Alcohol or weed?
If Chinese martial arts are so worthless then why were they invented in the first place and what the hell did their...
How's that hairloss going bros
How strong are muscles actually?
LMAO look at this guy!
/fat/ - "The only thing you're cheating is yourself" edition
Snacking foods
Tattoo/fitness General
Weightlifting belts
Don’t you wish you had a comfy garage to train in?
/plg/ - powerblogging general
Fitness cringe thread
How do I get a gym mommy gf?
Can you tell if someone is low test based on how he looks?
Blocks your estrogen
How can I get a jawline like this? Is there a specific routine I can do?
Causally tears your palms off
Increased heart rate
I saw a scary thing and now i cant sleep cause i cant stop thinking about it. What do...
Be honest: is this really achievable natty?
What's his name again, Jow Forums?
What's the secret to staying young
I wish I could lose twenty pounds before summer!
Happy Zyzz Day
Sauna stories
Fit documentation
Ultimately why is porn and or fapping bad for you?
Scooby tears into fatties who think they can be healthy at any size:
Jow Forums, I'll have a male nephew in a few months. How do I make him grow up based and redpilled?
Time, Time, Tme
Incline Bench press Vs incline smith bench press
Why is being tan considered fit when pale is objectively more aesthetic?
Friendly reminder that deadlifts suck for size
Training for strength won't make you aesthe-
Finally got myself a gym membership after too many years of being a skinnyfat loser who only does cardio...
So guys, I just got mired today
Deadlifts are unsafe
Be me
Yeah we at the boofay right now
Post legs
We’re all gonna make it :)
Varbie/wheyfu thread
Fitness thot talk about creepy guy at the gym
Post brutal moggings
How to make this much progress in only 20 days?
You take advice from people on this board who think bench press is a chest workout
177 cm
Pick 3
(20/F/50kgs) two girls approached me while I was squatting by saying "you just do 25kgs, let us...
What app do you use to record your workouts?
Went to the gym yesterday in my new shorts
My blood pressure 30 minutes after swimming and doing sauna for 1.5hrs was 115/75
Do you think girls should excercise?
*wins debate*
Rate my glutes boys!;*
Anyone else visit hookers/escorts?
Just told my husband that I want a separation
Three fitness related wishes
Is there any way to lose weight without feeling hungry?
Every lift progressing
Any Jow Forumsizens here who practice martial arts and also lift?
Jow Forums autist threatens old man in gym
Guys I'm at 120 days NoFap and I gotta say it's pretty great. Would 100% recommend to anyone who is struggling
Reasons young men are going bald - it's worse than you feared
I passed my police academy fitness exam frens
Body Improvement Club
Everything we know about health is WRONG
Whats harder to achieve 1pl8 military press or 2pl8 bench ?
Walk into locker room
Post your cutting secret, i got 3 months to go from 18% bf to 10-12%, whats the best way and best supplements etc?
How do I into this mode?
What eau de toilette do you use Jow Forums? Boss bottled for me
Start learning about IF
Day 5 of no alcohol
How the fuck are people happy with having a gf?
Vitamin A, D3 and K2 are the trifecta of health and your deficient in all three, explain yourself
Pointy Elbow Syndrome
How do I get a gf
What are you thinking of when you are doing a heavy set?
Quitting alcohol cold turkey
Was happier and less jaded about life when I was a fat fuck
No I don't have a perfect flat stomach or a Kardashian booty but I am still a human being and deserve respect like all...
Be end 20's
Do swole Asians and Changs exist where you live?
What‘s the most efficient cardio machine for weight loss to use at home?
Deload week
Good preworkouts
Why didnt you work out today?
What did my hair mean by this?
I just accidentally ate 1/4th pound of expired meat. Am I going to die?
/fph/ Fat “People” Hate
Why cant you make decent gains on a vegan diet?
Red pill me on the leg press
/fat/ - "You're here to graduate, not to stay" edition
Well fit. I've posted here about this before, but I've decided to say goodbye one last time and tell my story...
It’s Jow Forums
I'm 5'8. Should I even start lifting? I think I would look stupid if my upper body was big but my height was so small...
"Hola guapo, como estas?"
/sig/ - self improvement general
Not watching 5 minutes of eye contact videos on youtube for the science-based test boost as a pre workout ritual
How do I stop hating women now that they like me?
Leg extensions
Just left the police station Jow Forums
Coworkers start talking about fitness
Tfw your boyfriend is not longer interested in sex or affection but still watches porn as soon as i’m Out of the...
Thoughts ?
All he needed to do was lift
Whats your motivation to lift and lookmaxx?
Why are dad bods being considered cool now?
Do guidos still exist?
My brain feels like its constantly clouded/fried
Has Jow Forums ever gymtimidated someone?
Having Money or being fit, what matters more?
Goes to your gym
What do we do about the powerlifter epidemic? There are some at my gym and theres only 4 racks so it's a total nusience
Mental health
Whats the highest bpm you've recordered?
What are the best ways to increase testosterone naturally? (obviously lifting weights is one of them)
I love nuts in my mouth
Why is it so hard to not eat? fuck im pissed
/plg/ - powerlifting general - Boomer Appreciation Edition
Why is this so hard to read? I read books in my free time and am about to finish a phd...
What do you guys think on the Muscle clean ? have you ever tried it ? wich lifts do improve it
Have you ever gotten one of these? I just got one on the front of my wrist for the first time ever. Doesn't hurt tho...
Coffee is shit
Healthy Eating Is Fucking Torture
Can One Punch Man workout be good for me if I'm 47kg 168cm paperman
I wish I could talk to user but he always works out with his headphones
Jow Forums info thread
How do you approach women at the gym?
What age did you start lifting Jow Forums?
Give me your best athlean x meme user
/fag/- facial aesthetics general thread. Post faces and let other Jow Forumsizens rate them
What's the best way to recognize a fellow fitizen?
Tall lifters
What are the best lifts for a defined serratus anterior?
What are some exercises?
How are you suppose to incorporate fruit into your Jow Forumsness regiment...
Trying to starve myself into skelly mode so I can finally have abs. What's your advice for when you get realllly hungry
I want to try to get into the 2024 olympics in any sport, dont care at all which sport. What sport should I pick...
Achievable natty?
Ok fags can you suggest any good calisentics programs. i want to train like those based Greek Warrior boys
Does Jow Forums have any screamers at their gym?
What does Jow Forums think of parasite cleanses? Apparently 85% of Americans have some sort of a parasite:
Be me
He takes a 10-15 minute powernap between sets
Genetics are all that ma-
"Calorie restriction of 20 to 30 percent will increase neurogenesis...
Workout without headphones
How do I workout from home?
/Diet check/
Regrettably, my girlfriend passed away in a car crash several years ago
I lift for them
Yeah bro, spend hours and hours of your life pointlessly lifting weights so you can look like this!
So wait, you just rub this gel on your arms and it somehow gets into the bloodstream...
We are all gonna make it brothers!
Start lifting
Don't mind me guys, just ruining an otherwise great fitness channel with my obnoxious Jewery
How come when I hit up trannies and femboys on Grindr I only attract the turbo Stacey ones...
Draw your ideal body
ITT: The dumbest shit you've ever heard a chick say
Finally achieved 1/2/3/4 after 20 years of training at 40 year old what to do now ?
/run/-Running General
QTDDTOT - Big boy back edition
Varg Vikernes says this is how healthy European men are supposed to look...
/fat/ - You have to start somewhere you lazy fucks edition
Obese parents
Be yourself bro
Me 200,000 years ago at 6'4 220 lbs:
Goes to your gym
Hey Jow Forums do you ever clean your asses?
What is the male equaliance of girls bumping their tits together? what do males do?
Tell me more about those hunter eyes, user
How to best work obliques and these accessory muscles?
Fit or Fat?
1 month hard mode nofap
Dubs and we are all going to make it
260 cups, 9$
Is minodoxil worth it for beard gains if you're only 22?
How is your body holding up, lads ?
Why,yes!I do strength training for 15 years?How did you know?
Enter gym
What does Jow Forums think about porn?
How many of you are actually lean below 10%?
Reminder: Government nutritional guidelines are malicious
Cellucor C4 ULTIMATE, 20 Servings $25 CAD
Fall for the home gym meme
I'm a lone wolf who feels disdain for everyone
How many reps can you do in the OHP with 140 lbs and whats your 1RM Ohp ?
How do i get pic related body?
Brutal mog thread
Are dumbbell curls and hammer curls the only exercises needed to build big biceps?
It doesn't matter how low your bodyfat is when this guy walks in the room
American GIGAnigga
If i can do chinups but not pullups will doing chinups give me the power to do pullups...
Pull-up thread
There's a McDonald's opening across the street
Thank you Scooby for telling me about this wonderful exercise, my legs will never be the same again!
Post some Jow Forums movies
Serious question: how do you achieve the physique of a k-pop member? slim, but muscular is the mode I am looking for...
/fraud/ steroids and anti-natty action general
Why do you lift?
He doesn't lift to Wagner for the Fuehrer and to secure the existence of the eternal Reich
Happy birthday, brah. You would have been 30 today
How to fuck the gym twink? I start to sweat just imagining his ass
How many of you go barefoot to get feet gains?
Uni Thread
Help I’m desperate
Why do roasties drink so much?
How do I get butt like this? I'm a girl btw
Fit I could use some help
Jow Forums animals thread
Used to be 280lbs at 5'9
Is yoga Jow Forums approved?
Why does cardio burn so few calories?
Any other doomers who are going to give life another shot?
Rate Workout Thread
How many girls have you been with and when’s the last time you had sex...
My head is small, it’s killing my confidence, my body already looks out of proportion...
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Neck gains
Why can't weightlifters define strength?
Reminder Boogie is going to make it
Rate workout thread
Name a better 0cal preworkout sipp
Dating Sites and Apps
Just finished a set of pull-ups. Is it normal for callouses to tear like this? Should I start wearing gloves again?
What's your opinion on Eric Bugenhagen?
I had sex with a fat chick because this board glorifies “high test women”and didn’t enjoy it. Am I low test?
Jow Forums thought experiment
I literally got made fun of to my face 20 mins ago for being a "compensating short guy" by some faggot asian frat boys...
What are the legitimate benefits of no fap
Saturday Night Feels
Peak Muscular Attractiveness
Did getting fit help you with girls?
I'm supposed to give it my all, right?
Work smart not hard bro
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship