Bro just wash your face lmao

>Bro just wash your face lmao

Who else /severe acne/ here? The only type of acne I get is cystic/nodular and it’s all over my back and face. I’m on accutane but so far it’s only made my skin worse.

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These acid attacks are getting really out of hand

keep going with the acutane bro
I had the worst acne in my teens, then the dermatologist put me on acutane and now I have 0 acne in my face, it's like magic. At first you are going to get worse and your skin very dry, but it's worth it. it's like the chemotherapy of acne

Try washing with Nizoral shampoo, changing your diet, and Thayers toner to calm your skin down.

Wash less, OP. Counterintuitive, I know, but it's what my dermatologist told me and it worked. To sum up a long story, the more oil you remove, the more your body produces to compensate. Google no soap and no shampoo for more information.

i used to have moderate to severe acne and would usually get a few cystic flares once a month. acne products are usually scams and dermatologists just plug their favorite skin-drying cream that usually makes things worse. i stopped touching my face and started using a foaming cleanser, SPF face moisturizer, and chemical exfoliants. i also stopped shampooing my hair every day since it caused my hair to produce excess oil. now i barely get anything other than a bump or two and my only issue is dealing with all the scarring.

use soap retard

pic is just a dirty bastard, look at his ear full of wax, you gotta have some decent amount of hygiene before you complain about your acne not going away.

op keep taking your pills, wash your face and change your pillow cover every night, take care of your hair (chances are the grease up there is migrating southwards) and eat lots of greens, no process shit.

Accutane seemed to take a little while to get going for me if I recall correctly, been 13 years since I took it. But once it starts it fucking comes on fast. Wash your face twice a day with neutrogena face wash. I've never seen accutane not work on anyone. It's like scourth earth policy, last resort but it works.

Im over 18 years old so it doesn't happen

I’m 22 and didn’t get any acne until I went to college

but it's rather harsh and has a lot of contraindications and warnings listed

Your dermatologist told you to wash less instead of simply moisturising?

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Accutane healed me. It took around a year

How the fuck do you let this happen

Yup. In his words, the more you wash, the more sebum your skin produces. I did my research afterwards and found some scientific papers that suggested he was correct (including one from the USSR testing how long astronauts could go without a bath, funnily enough). But again, don't take my word for it, search for no soap and no shampoo, and draw your own conclusions (and maybe experiment with it, like I did).

Are you american by chance?

take beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin a which is a form of retinol that is easy on the body.

take pic related once in morning and one at night. then increase until you are taking 8 pills a day. then cut back to 1-3 pills a day when you improve.

you will turn a bit yelloish/orange which will just look a bit tan tho. but once you are good and cut back it will go away.

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No am swedish inshallah

Start accutane, but be careful, it will change your gut biome. Expect IBS or some form of SIBO (heads up).

Wash and soak your face in salt water.

just stay on the accutane train, it took two treatments before it went away permanently

Also look into TCA chemical peels (not if you're tanning/on accutane)

Definitely go for accupuncture.

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Based rapefugee

Guys, if you have severe acne, washing it won't do shit.

You drink coffee? If yes, stop,

>never washed my face during puberty
>lived off candy and aspartame
>never had acne
Feels good to have decent genes

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>don't wash your face with soap, wash your face with this soap with charcoal instead
>get skin cancer to own the acne epic style
>stop your wrongthink
>pray to your big black daddy in the sky
Do retards actually fall for this broscience?

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Diet, accutane for 3 months, duac gel every night and cleaning face twice with micellar water helped me
Still has some scars, but they will heal eventually
Forget the nofap shit though, that won't make it go away

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cut all dairy


How the did accutane make your skin worse? How long have you been on it, and what dose? Did you see a dermatologist for the diagnoses?


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Stop eating sugar (drinks, sauces, candy, some types of bread, etc), dairy, white bread, etc
It will cure your acne in about 2 weeks, but you need to stick to it 100%. So your diet will basically have to be home prep and VERY blanc

Just wait for a few weeks, you nigger.

>b-b-but muh church and jaysus
>b-b-but muh super cool gel with ingredients gathered during a blood moon in the hills of Atlantis by exotic virgins
The only thing that's left is to scream about nofap saving your soul.

increase dietary fat intake, do some fsating.

that is not acne thats 100% an allergic reaction

Stop eating all corn or seed oil. What are you eating? Get off that shit before you go sterile.

How do I get rid of seborrheic dermatitis? This shit has been plaguing me my entire life. It's a fucking blizzard any time I scratch my head and my scalp is always irritated.

how to clear up blackheads blox

clean your diet up OP. most skin conditions are directly correlated with an unhealthy gut.

go to r/skincareaddiction

That's the purging. Stick to it and don't bitch out for some stupid nosugar diet. Wasted a lot of time chasing those paths instead of getting an antibiotic.

accutane and while you're on accutane hydrocortisone creame

unironically use an ayurvedic facewash twice a day, followed by cucumber pore tightening toner, ending with moisturizing + suncreen 25+ spf atleast.
Resist the cold drinks.
Drink plenty of water.
That's all you have to do.

I had cystic acne growing up. Luckily it stopped in my late twenties, possibly because I grew out of it.
OP I am sorry but you will suffer mentally as you deal with it. Best focus on hobbies that you enjoy to stay sane.
Although I have clear skin now, sugar can cause an outbreak. I suggest you completely give up candy/soda/etc. Even if that's not the cause you shouldn't be eating that shit anyways so give it up.

Disgusting faggot go on a seven day snake diet fast or kill yourself. You’re making the human race look bad.

You are severly allergic to something you eat, wear, bathe with or sleep on.
It may also be something in your home.
Anything from cats to curtains to Converse's
your GF wears.
See a allergist to determine what is freaking your system out.
Pay the money, brother. Live Again.
Promise yourself.


get that ozonated olive oil apply it on your skin and watch acne literally disapear in a few mins.

I didn't want to presume. I was keeping it pozzie.
Dude needs a solid.

Try fasting

How long have you been on it? I took heavy doses and it cleared it for a good year or 2 and then started breaking out about once a month. Also kinda made me a depressive person though cant lie. I hope it works for you man!

>all these mouthbreathers thinking it has anything to do with diet

Just because you got lucky with your skin genetics doesn't mean you actively did something to earn it. Stop protecting your ego by peddling this broscience. The world is not fair and some people just get fucked by illnesses that they can't control.

Acutane is the only cure. Worked for me. You have to give it a few months and it will get worse before it gets better.

>TFW ran out of insurance half way through taking acutane
My skin is a lot better than it used to be but the fact that I still get some acne and know it could have been completely cured kills me on the inside.

Just burn your face off OP. Imagine how metal that would be.

Give it a few months. Acutane literally has a 100% success rate if you take it correctly.

Hi I'm user I had acne since I was a baby and I'm 32 now. It never ends and doctors have basically given up. They say the genetic or hormonal component is probably very high for me and they can't fix that. They won't give me accutance because I can still have kids.

80mg pd accutane got rid of my bacne but thats it, it wasnt enough to fix all of my skin, i still get breakouts if i eat something shitty like a donut

some people dont get to have clear skin, its not the end of the world

Also gonna say take acutane it got rid of my acne and everyone thinks I wear makeup now... Unfortunatly I took it because of body acne and my shoulders are now riddled with ugly ass acne scars. Still I’m way happier than I would’ve been without it.

Adult acne isn't caused by diet alone, moron. It's partly genetic, partly hormonal, partly diet, partly environmental factors/your skin overracting to dirt, and it's different for everyone, that's why it's so hard to get rid off.

had a friend with pretty terrible acne all his life
asian, quiet, sort of deadpan humor, but shitty, very negative

finally got acutane after college, face looks fucking good now

if I had acne like this, I wouldnt even question it.

Accutane, bro, that shit fucking works. Quit letting it rob your life hoping it'll go away with some natural remedy like I did.

Hey user i dont have as bad acne as pic related but I get picked on adults all the time. I am on differin right now and I think im in the final stages of the purge. For me its probably at its worst it has ever been. It will go away one day I think keep up tge positivity and fuck acne, cya !

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I only have light cystic acne and I only need to take benzoyl peroxide for three until it gets better, however I'm annoyed at how easily it gets triggered.

If I don't get my special shampoos, forget to wash my face before going to sleep, don't sleep on my back, washed my towels and bedding with the wrong detergent etc it'll trigger immediately. Fuck acne

Accutane gave me pock mark scars. Fuck you.

look at that greasy skin. stop eating fat

Check for gluten allergies and other allergies friends. One of my relatives had an un-diagnosed gluten allergy causing severe acne for years.

i had stupid fuck acne from age like 15-25. it was stupid garbage and nothing i did really helped. it ruined so many of what should have been good times. i became obsessed with keeping my face clean and dry and it didn't do shit. it went away on its own when i got closer to 30. fuck growing up fuck being a kid fuck that shit life is awesome as an adult dont kys

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Eat less garbage. Processed foods, sugars and saturated fats.
When showering, use cold water. Acne is a natural hormonal process of any teenager and young adult but if you have an entire face covered in and unless you have psoriaris then it's either one or the other reasons they come up in such numbers.

tfw my skin is fine as long as I stay away from lactose
I have to stick to lactose-free whey protein or very pure isolate
I feel like I'm being fucking cheated because I could just buy dirt cheap WPC instead if I weren't so sensitive to lactose

And it's rather harsh looking at your nasty ass pizza face.

but im addicted to dairy

holy shit

>>Bro just wash your face lmao
its like he finished a bucket of fried chicken and wiped it on his face.
just look at the crap accumulating in his ears. it isn't an acne problem. its a personal hygiene problem. he obviously never washes his face

Acutane worked so well for me but it completely fucked my apatite. so now i have the hardest time eating giant meals.

My face has gone down in acne but my back is fucked. I dont even know whats going on because I wash my back and face everytime I shower

you don't need to wash your back unless it's covered in shit

I am a mechanic so my back is usually covered on dirt grime and sweat

benzoyl peroxide

>I’m on accutane but so far it’s only made my skin worse.
damn lad, it actually worked for me but i took a small break of 2-3 days (ran out of prescription) and some mofos immediately showed up on my face, after 3 fucking months. Fuck this shit

>Have severe acne as teen
>Go on holiday and bask in sun while taking tetracycline.
>Acne completely clears up
>loving life for a few years
>Start losing all head hair

Fuark. Being an acnefag is suffering

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