No negotiations

This thread is for the strongest willed only.
>Bad weather
>Life issues
>Minor injuries
> "Too late to start now"
> Not investing patience because no instant gratification
>Any other b.s. Shlop excuse
ITT tell how you have proved to yourself that you are not just any dyel normie. Woke up with a cold\cough, put a shot of Dayquil in my preworkout, did 5 sets of mirror screams "SHOO GAINS GOBLINS!" And hit chest day hard a. f.

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Home gym btw as to not spread sickness

I miss that. Working out without even leaving the house was awesome.
Currently on a skip day because I caught a cold two days ago (still trained on that day, though). Gonna catch up tomorrow morning and hit a PR.

>Currently on a skip day because I caught a cold two days ago
Never gonna make it

>4 hous of sleep
>go to gym
>feel like walking corpse
>still decide to go up in weight
>hardest damn thing I’ve squatted ever
I still have the worst DOMS I’ve had in a long time. It’s been 2 days.

My entire right foot is completely fucked. Bone, tendons, nerves. Just juiced myself with a cortisone shot and Still running on it anyway

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Sleep is just as important as workout, active recovery days. Keep blood flowing through the muscles.

Are you doing any muscle\ joint therapy for it on non leg days?

I have scoliosis and a fucked up shoulder. Despite it fucking hurting to sit down for more than an hour I managed to diddy 4pl8 a few days ago. Felt fucking good. Also felt really good when I saw my most recent x-rays and the curve of my lumbar spine went from 20 to 11 degrees since I started lifting.

I had a tough time falling asleep the night before but I had already skipped Monday and didn’t want to risk falling off the wagon. Back to normal sleep and workout schedule now.

I went to the gym once when I was sick.
>barely get through my OHP
>have trouble remembering my workout
>start doing shrugs
>head spinning
>muscles aching
>sit down on bench to try to get myself together
>sneeze so hard I nearly black out
>just go home and sleep for like 15 hours

>itt: self destructive retards slowing their recovery and picking up avoidable injuries

Been there on the cortisone. Not good for gains, but at least you get a lot of energy.

Fuck yeah, user.

It's a balancing act. You have to know when you're too sick to workout and when you're just being a pussy. Most of the time, you're just being a pussy.

The fuck yeah part was for .

Got sciatica and can't squat, what the fuck do I do to avoid losing leg gains

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>have a shit night sleep
>wake up with headache, feel like ass
>go the the gym at 5am anyway
>do my OHP set even though I'm tired af and feel like giving up
>lose consciousness when the bar is above my head
>wake up in hospital
>somehow my nose broke and I got concussed

at least I wasn't a pussy, had to miss a week of training though :/

>didn't want to lose a day
>loses a week

Sometimes you should rest bro.

That's awesome, user. Also checked

reduce weights, reduce range of motion, use other variations

i tried tuna today. I've never had it and am a picky eater but today i made it into little patties with other stuff and fried them up and i ate them. I didn't know if i would like them but i tried it and it was pretty alright.

Might reward myself with some ferrero roches later >:3

I've had nagging shoulder pain for probably the last four months or so, I always felt like I was at the border of Snap City.
It's still there but I'm pushing through it.
I made a promise to mai waifu to flat bench 4pl8s before July.
Three hours ago I benched 385lbs (touch and go).
It's a MINDSET guys.
It is a MIND SET on achieving it's goals.

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Reduce weight, ensure you don't go below parallel, do your nerve glides, and listen to your body.

if your going to eat tuna, get albacore tuna. its a bit more in price but worth it.

pushing through pain is retarded

Good thing I've improved my technique and can minimize it.


Enjoy the mercury poisoning
Mackerel, sardines, herring are far more based and omega-3pilled

Hey frens, I posted this in another thread but I want to get more advice. Look at this mess.

I'm gonna order some barbells and start learning to do squats and bench presses n shit which I've never done before.

Before I was eating 1500 cals/day but only doing cardio, no lifting. So this happened. Now I think I'm gonna bump it up to 1800 with extra protein (?) and lift to build muscle... if I have that correct

What are the best foods to eat to help out? Especially with the moobs?

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My farts smell like eggs and cheese

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Stop eating so much and see a doctor about your gyno

I’m being excellent but only on a very narrow pathway of boomer strength. It’s depressing and I hate the deadlift. We’ve done 290-380-400ish in a couple weeks s should hit 500 in two more. And then I can retire from this shit I hate it, it degrades me I’m terrible in many ways and it’s like can I improve can I be better... I’m really not sure.

You guys inspire me.

Less than 1500 cals/day?

Thanks brehs, we're gonna make it

>got food poisioning this monday
>have been barely able to stomach any food all week
>tried to cure myself by lifting
>tfw it worked
its like getting a blood transfusion with your own blood

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>waking up earlier
>working longer, better, and smarter
>lifts improving like crazy
>diet is great
>deadset focus on meaningful goals

One day you just have to tell yourself that no one can stop you and you have to keep feeding that big dick energy and letting it snowball. It pays off, bros

This guys gonna make it

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I've been squatting 6x a week at 5x5 at 85% on a 1000 cal deficit for the last 2 months, I ain't no bitch and it's doing wonders for my willpower

>almost decapitated myself because I benched sick and lightheaded

if this is true that is wildly impressive

I feel pretty bad tho desu I'm gonna turn it down or take a break week lmao my quads basically constantly feel sore and tired

Been doing ohp for about 5 months now just got lmao1pl8 on a random early morning workout, thanks dirge of slaanesh

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Once I start bulking should I just go full autism on my OHP to get to 2pl8? I went from 135x5 to 165x5 in just under 3 months when I tried last time. My peak was 175x3 before I started cutting