
I want to start training with a upper/lower routine. Starting with one of the big 4 and then assistance work.

Now, I don't enjoy assistance work. But I still want gains . So how many exercises AT A BARE MINIMUM would be needed to be decent? Like, 4/5 including the compound would be enough?

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Look up 5/3/1 boring but big
If all you do is the main lifts. You’ll need some kind of bicep/upper back lift
Like adding in facepulls and curls
Or just adding in rows or chin ups

Id like her to lower herself on my upper peen if you catch my mean

Stop posting this disgusting whore

I can answer your stupid fucking question but I won't. You fucking faggot. She looks disgusting and doesn't even fucking shave her disgusting armpits. She looks like she doesn't even know what the inside of a gym looks like

those are some big natties tho



Thanks for the pic

>Stop posting this disgusting whore

I dont know what is better, how hot I find that pit stubble tit combo or how much in enrages people that aren't down with it.

It's also pretty telling on how many of you are 14 year old virgins. All girls get this if they go a few days. You're eventually going to see it and still fuck.

>14 year old virgin
No I'm 29, married to a beautiful woman, and have a daughter
Nice protection. It's disgusting and she's unkempt. My wife shaves every day in the shower

>t. larper

a daughter you say?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

I don't understand this copypasta. Why can't a daughter pass on your legacy as well as a son?

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>those arm pits
>those tits

I didnt have an armpit fetish before this fuck

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>worked with a girl that looked just like this, legit thought it was her for a sec
>back then I was an autist and blew it
I regret it to this day.

>I was an autist and blew it

Attached: big tiddy goth gf.jpg (1100x1500, 96K)

3x bench
3x OHP
3x cheatrow/shrug
3x weighed pullup/hanging legraise
3x tricep pushdown/facepull superset

3x squats
3x front squats
3x dl
3x hip thrusts

Current working weights 140 kg for bench, 180 kg for squats&cheatrows/shrugs, 220-230 for deadlifts @90ish kg bodyweight. Sets vary between 1-3 for main compounds to 12 on assistance.

>Sets vary

Reps per set, I should say.

check out PHUL

Upper 1
Over Head press 5 x 5
Weighted chin ups 4 x 5
Incline bench press 4 x 8
Single Arm Rows 4 x 8
-Rear delt flies 4 x 12
-Push Ups 4 x 10
-Leg raises 4 x 10
-Tricep extensions 4 x 12

Lower 1
Back squats 3 x 5/rehab-marches+breathing
Romanion deadlifts 4 x 8
Lunges 4 x 20
Weighted Side step ups on bench 4 x 20
Farmers Walks 4 x driveway
Plank 4 x 60secs

Upper 2
Bench press 5 x 5
Pendlay rows 5 x 5
Over Head press or Arnold Press 4 x 8
Weighted dips 4 x 10
-Face Pulls 4 x 20
-Hammer curls 4 x 12
-Lateral Raises 3 x 12
-Pallof Press 3 x 45 secs a side

Lower 2
Kettle bell swings 4 x 45 secs
Deadlift 2 x 5
Front Squats 4 x 8/rehab-marches+breathing
Bulgarian Split squats 3 x 12
Tire Flips 4 x 10
Dragonflags 4 x 5

R8 my routine pls

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lmao a daughter? post on here when she gets older and all your hardwork to raise a decent individual goes to the toilet because she wants Tyrone's bbc and be a whore like every other woman you cuck
Reminder your wife is probably a whore too>


Advice on how to change?

Based and redpilled
Another whoreposter btfo


Only has facepulls one day.

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looks okay
a bit light on back and shoulder extension exercises for my taste

What would you recommend adding or replacing things with?

i would add one extension exercise on upper 1 and do a bit more volume for all back exercises
well if you can handle the volume, obviously you're running a lot of it already

That's fair, I'm limited by equipment. I'd have reverse hyper extensions in it if I could. To do face Pulls I use a resistance band.
Doing this in my home gym, flat bench, barbell, 175kg in weights, power rack.

i would tear off that stinky tit stretched sports bra and shove it in my mouth and swallow it whole before she could even scream, then I'd run away masturbating

just one resistance band? or different strengths?
well you got the rear delt flyes, one arm rows and facepulls just do more of them to compensate for the pressing volume

look up candito strength and power, he has the full programme free on his website with downloadable excel spreadsheet

Just the one, medium strength, I can always increase the tension in it to make it more difficult.

that's good, shoulder injuries pretty much never leave you
may you be a sick cunt user

Grand, I'll add one light upright rows as a superset to the one armed rows
And do some more Face Pulls on a lower day, so our lord Jeff redeems me

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>one day ago
nobody called trips
christ what happened to this site
>T R I P S

Number fagging is annoying, boring, derails threads. It is old and traditional. But so is genital mutilation