I didn't see one up.

I'm not exactly sure why, but the past 2 times that I've run my calves get super solid and hurt real bad. I haven't really had this problem other times running, it's super easy and I don't think I'm overworking it since I'm doing a light jog at 6 mph. The only noticeable difference is that I've been wearing long socks vs short socks, although idk what difference it could make. Could be my form too or maybe I'm not doing a stretch I should. Any suggestions?

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Should I go to the gym if I have the flu? Been sick for 2 days. Went yesterday and did ok-ish.

Can't find a good vid on how to do squats in Smith machine any recs?
Is tinder or bumble premium worth it if I'm dyel?

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Don’t squat in smith machine.

aren't you supposed to stop getting doms after going to the gym for a few weeks? i've been lifting for about 6 months now and still get doms after a workout

Is it doms or just soreness?

So I'm gonna start CICO this week. I'm wanting to exercise 3-5 times a week. What a good thing to do at the gym for shedding fat at 280lbs, not getting gains necessarily? The bikes?

does anyone know what website was used to make this list? I'm trying to add stuff to it and remove stuff I don't like, like upright rows.

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Every time I squat my taint hurts for the next day. I stretch before and after, and it still occurs. It's fucking up my sprinting. What do?

Should I incorporate high volume low intensity days if I want endurance? Or are there better options?

could be a hernia but im not a doctor eh

Never pay for premium on dating apps.

If it is, it's a very minor one. I can still walk just fine and I still completed my sprint/1.5 mile run drill today just fine, but it gets annoying when I go to stand up out of a chair.

gfs birthday coming up, what non autistic gift can i buy her, we don't believe in gifts but last time she made a really cute box of our pictures and letters was floored.
fit related because to keep those happy gains in place

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Can someone give me a breakdown on how to CORRECTLY use leg extension machine?

I generally know that it's bad for you to use, but HOW bad? Avoid it entirely? Or is there a specific way to use it.

I try to avoid going full ROM and locking out so I half rep moderate weight. No pain so far but not sure if this is bad.

I want to lose weight, currently at 293lbs and need to be 200lb, I am going to start eating only 1500 calories per day but I was wondering about exercise, what should I do?

I want to do full body workout that will target all my muscles that I can do for the year, stretch exercises that will improve and maintain my flexibility and cardio, I was thinking HIIT on bike but not sure and not sure on what days, don't you need a few recover days or something?

Basic stretching, do SS to learn form (weightlifting is also great for weightloss because the calories it burns+ any muscles gained will help burn extra calories because of extra energy demand muscles have compared to fat). Do HIIT on off days, and add whenever you feel like you have spare energy. At this stage, you don’t need to worry about cardio interfering with your gains/recovery.

Random brainstorm: Letter+ flowers or chocolate. Surprise her with fancy dinner/cake with wine. Fancy restaurant (although she doesn’t sound like she would care especially too much about this). Tickets to a show or event together.

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How do I warm up for push ups?

What is basic stretching though? Any guides that cover all the stretches?

I'd say premium gives you like 50% more matches. So if you're already getting 0 or 1 it's not really worth it

I worked out my sit-up problem. I can do them I was just sort of only engaging part of the core.

Dick in a box

Learn difference between dynamic and static stretching, and get a foam roller.
Dynamic stretching: High knees, butt-kicks, lunges, high kicks, open/close the fence.
Static stretching: Depends on what I exercised, can pick and choose from pic related.

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Okay so I'm going to go to my first workout tomorrow. if I weigh 140lbs and can do a pull-up does that mean that I can theoretically do a 140lbs benchpress too? I don't want to look like an absolute DYEL by putting on less weight and I don't want to be saved like some absolute retard if I cant lift it

when doing 5x5 for an exercise, are you supposed to do the weight percentage of your 1rm in pic related for all 5 sets? 87%?
i often can easily do 3 or 4 sets with that amount but it has me fail or break form on reps in the last one and i'm wondering whether i might be doing something wrong or not.

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if you weigh 140lbs you ARE dyel and will look like that to every person on this fucking planet anyway. do yourself a favor and work yourself up from 1pl8, doing warmup sets and increasing weight until you found your sweetspot.
don't be a fucking retard and don't give a shit about what others think.

one of my balls is bigger than the other and a little more sensitive, am i going to lose it?

I'm male, 5'7", weigh about 150 lbs.
I'm flabby as fuck and I hate it. I run and am beginning lifting, but still eat like shit. I want to get this under control.
Should I cut first, lose like 20 pounds while running and lifting, then slowly bulk back? Or should I slowly bulk and add some weight to gain muscle then cut to lose the fat? I think I'd die if I hit 160 or 170 pounds and I'm worried about having loose skin if I bulk. Does it matter? If not I'm definitely going to cut first because skinny and flabby is better than chunky.

What workout can i do in my room without equipment (except dumbbells and a mat) if i want to maximize the chances of winning a street fight? Is throwing punches in the air useful at all or i'm better off doing regular things (like push ups) to build strenght?

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I started running and got shin splints, should I run through the pain or rest?

You're better off leaving your room and going somewhere with full contact sparring.

Been sick for a couple days now, sore throat, stuffy nose, short of breath etc. Would doing some light cardio at the gym have any negative effects

I know, but i don't have time as of now. I know it would be very suboptimal, but there must be something that can be done alone to get better

Been having trouble regulating my sleep schedule. Beginning of the week end up getting between 6 to 8 hours at decent time for someone who works 2nd shift. By the end of the week have a hard time getting to sleep or even sleeping at all. Quit smoking weed three weeks ago was having problems sleeping then as well. Melatonin does not work for me.

posted this in plg and only got meme responses

Hows my assistance work look? last time an user told me to add rows and alternate horizontal and vertical pulling every day. bench and dl are my weakest lifts so i tried to focus assistance work around that.

monday: 5x5 bench, OHP alt progression, LTE, Rows

Tuesday: squat 5x5, RDL/SLDL alt weekly, back ext, chins

Thursday: Bench PR, light OHP, dips, rows

Friday: Squat and DL PR's w/ back off sets if i feel like it, chins

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Lads it's cold and windy as fuck and it snowed earlier, I'm having second thoughts about doing my morning run. What should I do friends.

Well what you could do alone is get mugged and beat to hell and realize you need to do what it takes to learn how to fight.
Seems to be a trend among guys that made it.

I have a problem of being tired all the time. Someone in an earlier thread told me that even if my TSH is within limit if it's above 1.5 something might be wrong.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on what to look into? Any hints or tips would be appreciated.

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I've tried barbell rows, low rows, wide and close grip pull ups and even facepulls, but nothing seems to give me a burn back there.

Do you get proper sleep. 8 hours at least?

Yes more than that. Sometime up to 11hr.

Drive to local swimming pool and do lane swim

Too much sleep, keep it between 7-8

I have been on a cut since January. My six pack is finally showing and I am in the best shape of my life. However, I am craving ice cream like crazy.

I was wondering if it's fine to eat 500g of ice cream? Will my abs disappear if I do that? The supermarket is closing in 1 hour, I have enough time to go buy some.

If this is a one-time thing, reward yourself if you feel you really really deserve it. Back to normal tomorrow.

Man, ice cream isn’t even that good. It’ll bump up your calories and leave you wanting more.

Is it possible for abs to be visible just by training them hard, or is a low BF% absolutely necessary?

Full-body routine suggestions for 2-3x/week? Will incorporate cardio on the days in between.

for some people they pop up naturally at lower bodyfats, for some you have to train them if you want them visible. Having 2-3 ab exercises a week won't kill ya.

are you a beginner? SL or SS. Intermediate? You're gonna need to hit the gym at-least 4x a week.

dumbbell rows and other dumbbell pull exercises.

start a ritual before bed and start trying to go to bed earlier. Don't play video games before bed, don't watch an in-depth movie or youtube binge, do stuff to wind down. Hardest part of good sleep is making it consistent.

cancer survivor, good post-work protein sources. I want to cut whey and dairy out of my life. I heard pea protein was okay and didn't have any estrogenic shit in it like onions, but idk. opinions?

If I jack off, I spend the rest of the next day feeling cold and stiff, like a sponge that was wrung out. How can I recover more quickly?

Does elk antler velvet do anything? Is it just a meme supplement?

Avoid doing it as often. Why do something that makes you feel bad?
It’s 80+% about bodyfat. Abs execrise will increase size and definition, but you won’t be able to see it until you get to a low bf Ex: World strongmen have strong and huge cores to help with lifts, but you can’t see the abs because of the fat they have over it. Look at Pudzianowski, he was a bit leaner than every other strongman and because his abs popped out like crazy.

Because of this*

For the first time ever I actually calculated my dietary needs with a calculator. Until now I just estimated nutrients by heart and thought my I was fine. Despite feeling like I eat a lot I only just meet my calorie requirements for growth and I am short on protein. Where do you guys get your protein from? I already eat oats with greek yoghurt, peanut butter, eggs (thought there would be more protein in them) and at least 200 grams of lean meat/fish a day. I'm still 30 grams of protein short.

I get really bad mid-and-upper-back pain when standing, just to the left and right of my spine. Goes away when sitting or squatting, any ideas what's up or how to fix?

It's a top tier meme. It's just more Chinese """medicine.""" They're obsessed with grinding up various parts of animals and making pills out of it, hoping it will make their dicks bigger. Sharks, bear bile, deer antlers, elephant tusks, you name it. There is a hierarchy of Chinese Jews making billions off of it.

I just wanted to say thanks to whoever posted this image last thread. Going to do them every morning upon waking up.

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Explain the calorie math to me because I am a retard.

>Eat X amount of calories per day and be (consistently) overweight.
>Eat 1500 calories and lose weight.

So what amount of calories do I eat when I hit my target weight? Do I have to find some new equilibrium point between original and new? Why don't I just eat that amount of calories now?

Is it normal that working out is sucking out all my energy? I'm working out 3 times a week fullbody so rest should be enough.

I feel like shit and in pain everywhere the day after. I've been lifting for more than 3 years so it's not noob doms.I've gone through so many injuries.

I'm giving my 100% every workout. Is that wrong?

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No. You'll make other people sick. You also need glutamine for immune system function and training will reduce your body's supply.

>fractured scaphoid
How fucked am I when it comes to returning training? Will I have full ROM of my wrist again?

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Sounds like a question for Uncle Jeff. Ask him about it on his latest video.

any good starting routines with dumbbells? i don't have access to a barbell.

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Van Gogh sliced his ear off and gave it to a woman he loved. That sounds pretty romantic.

If you are still young that schedule sounds fine. Try skipping a workout and see if that fixes it to be sure though. But diet, sleep, stress at work and personal life are the first things I would question. Then to the doctor.

Don't use it. The only correct way to use it is for leaning on while resting between proper exercises.

if you do this program
unironically kill yourself

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1pl8 will kill him.

Bros, if my armpits kind of get to smell too fast after washing them, would depilating them help?

Stop eating shit. You either want to make it or you don't.

If you lift, eat only meat, fish, dairy and mostly non starchy vegetables (ie a plate stacked with only potatoes isn't going to do it) with a couple of protein shakes a day you won't have to worry about cutting and bulking. Where you're at you can just lift and eat nutritious food, making sure you get enough protein and you'll make progress.

Stopping eating shit will solve most of your problems.

Squats and deadlifts (dumbells will quickly not be heavy enough anymore though), OHP, tricep extensions, bench (lay halfway on bed if not available), rows and curls. Add abs and get a pull up bar and you are pretty much set. I trained for years this way with good results. It''s not optimal though, especially for legs, which I didn't really need cause I rode bike a lot and did a lot of plyometrics work for basketball.

Protein shakes. The clue is in the name.

Have you changed deodorant or body wash recently?

Thinking of changing from my current preworkout to either total war by redcon1 or pre-kaged by kaged muscle, have any of you guys tried either?

Well, deodorant works, but i would like for them not to smell like shit after it fades

I'm not asking if you wear any, I'm asking if you've changed brands of deodorant or body wash within the past couple of months. That could legitimately be a factor of changing product that you haven't really noticed until now.

Also, what kind of shirts are you wearing? Fabrics can also be a factor.

Are oats good for bulking? I have a lot at my disposal at the moment.

Oats are the go to bulk food senpai

No, i haven't changed them.
Still, would depilating the armpits help or not?

Can someone post the page from that manga about lifting where the girl explains planks?

danberu nan kiro moteru plank, google it.

Depending on what you use, yeah, you might just be better off shaving. I use hair removal creams for my arms because it gets everything off and keeps it off, but I tried it on my armpit once and it burnt the skin pretty bad.


What if i simply shave them, with a razor or an electric razor?

Which steroids have to be cycled?

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Shaving is definitely the easiest way to go. You don't need an electric razor for it though, unless it's currently long as fuck. A simple disposable razor with moisturizing bars on the sides of the actual razor is really all you need, then touch up every day/every other day depending on how fast your hair grows.

Oral ones, or you'll destroy your liver.
Better yet, avoid the oral ones.
Btw, got to /fraud/

Why is it that I always lift better when I do a "heavy" (for me) single, then drop down for my working sets, as in gzcl? Like, if I programmed a single at say 300 then 5x5 at 260, without the single it will feel heavy and awkward, I might even tweak my back. It's like no matter what, the heaviest weight I lift in session, as long as it's > 70% 1rm, feels heavy as shit, whether it's 75 or 90, and I just can't get my mind focused without the exposure to a heavy single.

It's the same effect that occurs when a basketball suddenly feels like a volleyball after messing around with a 4 kg medicine ball for a bit. It's a short term neuromuscular adaptation.

is is possible to work out my social skills


It's actually really interesting. I see no reason why this should not be a tip for optimizing weightlifting. As I said, the effect is only short term but should be enough to improve workout effectiveness, cheers dude.

Yes. If you’re an awkward sperg, you can try talking to cashiers at grocery stores etc. Learn how to do non-substantial convo (generic greetings and comments about stuff like the weather, sports, family, how your day was). From there you can learn to think of various dialogues trees about a subject, best subjects are the things you care about and the things they care/know about.

>uneven arms
Just train the one more? Keep going on even weights?

A1: Flat dumbbell Or Barbell bench press 5 sets of 5 reps

B1: Dips 4x8

Superset: Arnold press 4 sets of 10 reps - Lateral raises 4 x 12 reps

D1: Overhead barbell or Klokov press 4x10

Superset :Dumbell flye 4x12 reps - Tricep pushdown 4 sets of 12 reps

10-15 minutes on the row machine.

Rate/improve my chest day?

Why does my upper left forearm always bruise up after doing bench presses? Specifically dumbbell benches. Is this serious?

What are the thing bananas are very good at giving? Potassium?