Natty lifting isn't worthle-

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High body fat

Is it just me or does his chest look very under developed?

Only if you're obsessed with your appearance, which is a feminine quality.

all he does is squat. dudes a total fucking joke

Strength training is a meme
If Alan trained with a focus on hypertrophy he would be huge

post body and 1RM's

post body and 1RM's

post body and 1RM's

2/3.5/5/6. your turn DYEL

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t. 800lb total

good job posting a dude who strength trains and doesn't give a fuck about bodybuilding/having low bf%

Lifting natty couldn't protect him from being cucked.

feel free to post your body as an example lol

>1524439292698 (1).jpg

saved on my phone twice. Are you going to post your body now or ?

>what is cropping a photo
Jesus Christ you’re retarded

How do I achieve this body type

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Looking HOT. Would love to see you oiled up and pumping big weight!

What's the point of lifting weights if you don't want to be strong

What annoys me about Alan is he winges about his poverty bench and stalling in most of his lifts but never does any bodybuilding type assistance work or hypertrophy focus training and bring up weak points in his physique which would in turn help his lifts.

He does advocate conditioning but it's not the same as bodybuilding training and mind muscle connection which he mocks frequently. If you wanna maximize your potential as a powerlifter or strong person in general you need to train like a bodybuilder and powerlifter which is what all the top level guys do.

Wasted potential. This dude could aesthetic as fuaaark by adding some accessory work. You don't have to choose between strength or aesthetics, especially with good genes like he has.


Ultimate Chad post

why doesn't he cut his hair?

This makes me sad bc I would assume with those lifts you'd be bigger. Still mirin tho, you look better than me

Why do his abs look like fish gills? wtf

Is stefi cohen natty

Her delts are bigger than Alans.

weirdest six pack i've ever seen

you dont deadlift 6 plates, you only count the plates on one side. you deadlift 3 plates

i know he has some zoidberg shit going on

I'm calling bs this man does not dl 585.

Ok now this is epic

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Watch his new vids, he’s gotten stronger all around, op pic is old. I’m convinced he use to roid in the military, there’s old videos of him cleaning 300lbs easy and he’s repped 415 for 20 fucking reps, he’s now just a normal nattie.

You dont need to do direct arm work and the press(tm) is an acceptable substitute for flat bench

Who are you quoting?

>400 lb bloattard doing 3/4 of a widowmaker with 1x bodyweight



I’m not alan

Im alan


Fuck off, Delilah.

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>*metal music and dumb intro*
>*mundane "creative" vlogger shots*
>hey guys allan thral here...(...) a lot of you have been asking, Im not on steroids i have a medical conditions and have to do trt.

Calling it.

oh my

To forever chase Instagram thots who will never even acknowledge your existence even if you PayPal them 1,000$ and to forever chase the dream of looking like Arnold when you’re 5’7”, 160lb with a recessed chin.

>this is the body you have after 15 years of strength training

why would he roid for THIS?

Yeah let’s pick a 260lb fat fuck that has no idea how to train, no idea what he’s doing, uses shit programming and has shit taste


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Great filename, fag.

Tfw this is your goal body

>good genes
that niggas been training how long and has the strength of little ass Candito

Man if I looked like that after 15 years of lifting I would kill myself.

If you looked like that now you'd be elated.

I think the biggest issue with this pic that Alan is not standing next to a normie dyel.
He still has some terrible genetics where his arms are non existing, compering to his fridge mode torse.

Why do I lift... I have the same genetics...

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>video is about X
>*retarded intro and meanders on and on for 15 minutes in a 20 minute video*
>finally talks about X with only 3 minutes left

muffintop lookin ass

Alan is

1. Strong
2. A successful gym owner
3. A successful youtuber
4. Has a wife and kid


1. Have no gf
2. Don't lift as much as him
3. have a shitty job

Hope this helps

Daddy mode.

I'm not an Alan hater but I kind of agree

Virtually no point of natty lifting. Guys who have only been lifting for a year and a half but enhanced have bodies that blow Alan's out of the water.

I don't understand natties. 500 test e cycle isn't gonna irreparably blow your left ventricle up. "But I enjoy training for the sake of it" okay gear makes training a fucking blast on top of it already being fun no pun intended

why does your right forearm look smaller than your left? is it perspective like an oval looking at it from the side or something?

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>those massive fat ass thighs and average sized arms
>that complete lack of muscle separation in the chest
>no lats despite flexing

strengthcels will unironically defend this

What does it feel like being on steroids? Do you get like a boost of endorphins?

Here’s my natty bros. Where can I find the roids?

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this iosnt natty lifting, this is no volume no isolation shitty meme rippletits (((strength))) training.
people who actually know how to train can look good without AAS

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you done goofed posting a 5'3 but what you said is true.
strenght training, no isolation, no volume, high bodyfat. Plus a sad genetic. Look at that sad ass torso

Idk I've only been on test e which is basic. Faster recovery, maybe a little more aggressive and confident but not really. Definitely more greasy and smelly. Hornier but not as insane as I was lead to believe

But I've heard horror stories of tren which is gonna be my next cycle. Heard guys will fuck anything with a hole on tren, massive fits of rage, stupid levels of confidence, etc. Tbqh I'm hoping to feel like a fucking psycho on tren otherwise I'll be disappointed

Look at your own forearm and twist it. One plane is wider than the other. Come on user.

Yeah dude I get you but, how do I deal with these issues:
>potential accelerated balding
>other health issues from changing hormones
>psychological addiction to looking and feeling a certain way, forcing me to lead a more withdrawn lifestyle where the gym takes a higher priority than it would previously. Detracting focus from other aspects of life that benefit other people other than just my ego.

To me you would roid if:
>your career and job depend on you being roided (1% of people who roid)
>You have fuck all going for your life so you might as well get jacked (99% of people who roid)

Although, getting shredded would be pretty fucking fun desu

>Virtually no point of natty lifting.

health in general
being able to go a flight of stairs without being out of breath like a fat fuck
looking good for 95% of normie girls (since most find roidmonkeys disgustingly big)

Now post videos of you doing those lifts. Especially 2 plate ohp.

Aesthetics training is for gymcel twinks that can't get a gf

daily reminder that he looks very good for the average normie and buffed to the average gym rat

dont let this board poison your brain, we all gonna make it brahs

Natty Lifters

>wow user you look great, so strong
>thanks babe

>wow user you look big
>not big enough to impress these dudes
>uh okay
>wanna go hang out
>after I finish my 8hr arm workout

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>potential accelerated balding
only if you have the genes for it
who cares? Temporary and there's medications for it.
>other health issues from changing hormones
like cholesterol and shit? Keep your BP down, do your cardio, don't eat like hot garbage. There's a right way to do it and a Dallas Page "inject every fucking chemical known to man and abuse insulin" way.
>psychological addiction to looking and feeling a certain way, forcing me to lead a more withdrawn lifestyle where the gym takes a higher priority than it would previously. Detracting focus from other aspects of life that benefit other people other than just my ego.
It's the opposite sometimes, though. I can go on vacation and not give a fuck about what I eat or going to the gym. I go on vacation with my natty friend and he's searching for free weights like a drug addict and is trying to eat carbs every 2 hours. I can be in the gym 3 days a week for double the results. Psychological addiction? That's individual. You just have to know yourself


Exaggerated and some of that is just "stop being a pussy", but I'll raise you:

>Feeling like a fucking god 24/7
>women actually want to suck you dry all the time
>guys mire you and respect you
>retarded levels of confidence
>get to live your life without living inside of the gym because you won't look like a flat loser in 2 weeks of not lifting

I'm not saying there's no drawbacks just that they're exaggerated unless you're a 'tard about it. Get bloodwork. Do your cardio. Check your BP. All the harshest shit you hear about steroids can be ameliorated and people look at the worst abusers as examples instead of guys who low dose cruise and have a better life for it

Make your own choice, idgaf if you don't want to ride the bike. But don't spout stupid normie memes about how your heart is gonna explode on levels of gear use marginally above a TRT dose

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>it's another twinks get btfo by strong bros episode
never gets old

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Oh for sure. This man definitely abuses insulin to get those yoga gains.

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>those trips

I meant dallas mccarver but my brain is natty

I'm the first guy, might consider hopping on it in a couple of years. Want to hit a 2/3/4.5/5.5 first just to see how much I can push it natty. Plus I have a business to run and other more important things than gymcelling. Also I'm like 5'9" on a good day, so will probably end up looking kind of ridiculous

wtf seriously? so my lifts are actually 1/1.75/2.5/3??

Roiding for anything except high level competition si the worst level of insecurity and cope

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>who cares
I do, I wanna be healthy and look young for as long as possible, as such training as a natty makes much more sense to me
I am not pushing my beliefs onto other people I am just responding to the post claiming there is no point in natty training.
>retarded levels of confidence
al lteh juicers I've met and trained with fucked their lives up and changed their behavior for the worse, some are into trannies now or whoring themselves out, I don't wanna rely on drugs in order to "feel good" again
>get bloodwork
no need if I'm natty, another reason to keep training naturally
>do your cardio
already do whenever I feel like
>check your bp
it's really really low as a natty, so I don't have to check it regularly
also balding, did I mention balding?
>All the harshest shit you hear about steroids can be ameliorated and people look at the worst abusers as examples instead of guys who low dose cruise and have a better life for it
I trained with lots of "low dose" cruisers, they all either killed themselves or became stripper or started fucking trannies or got themselves fired and broke up with their long term partners and now look all aged up with shit skin
It's fine if you wanna justify your use but please stop making it seem like roids are a-ok as long as you're not taking huge doses lmao, I've trained and talked to too many juicers to believe what you say here, all of them tell me to stay natty because they feel slaves to their drug addiction and almost all of them end up quitting the gear and look way worse than they did before starting.

>those tri insertions
>those long headed bis
but no I'm just gonna do powerlifting who cares about isolations lemme waste my potential

Unless you're a professional athlete, it's simply not worth it in the long run.

>doing (drug) for anything except high level competition is the worst level of insecurity and cope

Just stupid. Keep spreading the meme that roids = heart explosion and insecurity. Imagine applying this to any other drug like it's applied to roids. Alcohol: You'll experience nausea, vomiting, sweats, irritability, mood swings, lower inhibitions, cirrhosis of liver, blackouts, accelerated aging, coronary heart disease, injury and potential death if combined with machines or equipment and that's all you'll experience. You won't experience any of the positives like cultural aspects, appreciation of production or regionalism. Flavor of alcohol, euphoria of being buzzed, increased socializing, etc.

>alcohol is for insecure socially awkward aspies

sounds like you've made your decision, stay natty if you're in this solely for health, but also everyone you've known on a cycle sounds like a complete retard and you shouldn't apply your friends shortcomings to responsible use

If you ever grabbed a plate by the hole I bet it would say daddy

The fate of any natty powerbloater
1 leg as big as ur torso and a dyel chest

>constantly defending what you put into your body on an internet message board that is full of idiots, liars, and perverts that you will never meet.

Are you sure that this has nothing to do with insecurity?

I didn't say heart explosion, I am not even getting into the side effects. I am simply talking about needing the good effects in your day to day life. Comparing alcohol to PEDs is simply erroneous, the effect differs greatly in both strength and length. But I will humor you, if you needed the effect of alcohol 24/7 like you do that of steroids in order to feel good, be extremely confident, or attract women then yes you are insecure and coping. Same goes for needing to be fit to do any of those things as well. If you cannot get out of bed in a perfectly mediocre body with normal hormonal levels and looks, be sober, feel good and extremely confident, attract a female and generally be happy and productive, then you are coping and are insecure, and it is obvious in your eyes for any man worth a damn to see.

No I just think the discussion around juicing as it is now is harmful to young men and I actually give a shit about that. There are 16 year olds in my gym who juice and don't know any better, partly because any discussion of it is shutdown with "you fucking insecure retard" on one end of the spectrum and other, equally retarded shit like Dwayne Johnson's "just wake up at 4am, eat your wheaties and dick around in the gym with some ropes and chains and you can get a body just like mine!" boomer tier memes

I didn't start juicing until I was in my early 20s. I did it the right way, but finding the resources and how to be safe with it was an excruciating long and detailed process that almost no one does. How many guys on gear do you know that actually get blood work? We have to fix the mess and idc if I have to do it on a Mongolian artisanal kite crafting forum

Yes alcohol is qualitatively different from roids but that doesn't change the fact that you think about drugs the same way a boomer would. There are more reasons people do things than mere insecurity and having the reductionist mindset you do makes it so you can't see that. But yes the extra attention from women doesn't hurt

>There are more reasons people do things
go ahead, give me some of the ones for steroids that can't be traced back to insecurity, other than high level competition, as I stated earlier.

All the butthurt in this thread....

>Alan is happily married
>has a kid
>financially stable
>runs his own business doing what he loves

what the fuck are all you neet basement warriors doing with your lives?

I have enough problems, getting an actual drug addiction to get bigger muscles that no one will really care about isn't something I need in my life. Lifting is a nice healthy and it should stay that way instead of turning into a full-blown addiction to poor quality chemicals produced in Chinese labs.

You’re not getting the point. There isn’t a discussion happening here. You’re just getting trolled. You might as well be talking to yourself.

not that guy but some people just want to be stronger. some people want to look better, i don't think that makes them insecure any more than someone who buys an expensive t shirt for themselves makes them insecure or gets a new hair cut. youre implying that wanting to improve how you look is always born of insecurity and i don't think that's true. Maybe some people want to not be in the gym 5-6 times a week for the same results

Calm down Alan