Charlie Hunnam basically does the one punch man workout. Kinda interesting to see the results

Charlie Hunnam basically does the one punch man workout. Kinda interesting to see the results


Attached: charlie-hunnam-abs.jpg (410x406, 38K)

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He roids.

Cope, he's pretty small with naturally wide clavicles. If you have narrow shoulders you have to work 10x harder to look aesthetic, tough luck buddy boyo

If he was roiding and doing 75 pullups daily, he'd have traps and back like Statham. Full turtle mode.

Having wide clavicles is great. You can literally have a V taper without training by just not being fat.

He roids and lies, this dude definitely lifts, probably modified SS. All posts stating otherwise are cope.

t. roiding claviclet
Probably a wristcel and necklet too

if he ain't eating a bannana and doing a 10km run, he's not doing the fucking saitama sets. He's gonna be a shitter like Tank Top Master or even better, Puri Puri Prisoner.

Attached: f90.jpg (1624x1370, 856K)

Is One Punch Man a meme?
I don't really watch anime but a friend has been annoying me about it to no end.
Might just watch it eventually when I start wagecucking again.

>those delts
>0 delt exercises


It's a meme, it's also really fucking good. So is ONEs other creation Mob Psycho 100, the comedy is on point, the action is fucking great in both, but the best part is they're motivational as fuck and strive to teach you to be a better person.

Attached: nh48TjY.jpg (1920x1080, 448K)

I actually looked up Mob Psycho a day or two ago. Been trying to download tons of films, series and even anime because I'll be working abroad with limited bandwitdth.
Anyway, there were like a hundred fucking torrents for it and most of them were huge so I just passed on it.

All actors fucking lie about their workouts and say some meme shit.
I think its some deal they have so magazines and websites can articles on
>"this is how fuckface actor got ripped for his faggy role"
Most likely he does what most lazy actors does, test + heavy compounds on bulk, then shreds down with accessories that only work if your hormone levels are way beyond normal.

That being said, he has a body that takes muscle really well. He has good genetics.

honestly I prefer it to OPM, Mob is just such a fucking endearing character, whereas Saitamas a massive prick, which is played for humour. OPM is a little bit more of a generic action anime, with comedy sprinkled throughout.

Roiding isn't some binary thing you switch on and saying roids+exercise=(specific physique) is stupid. I don't know if he is roiding but doing 75 pull ups a day and not looking like Statham isn't proof of being natty.

I found a torrent for the first season. Might check it out at some point once I'm done with everything else I got or need something different.
I must admit I'm still put off by the high schooler protagonist just like every other anime.

Interesting. That's almost what I do except I move pull-ups to the next day and I do more volume on squats.

>people pushing back on claims an actor roids

What the fuck? They ALL do steroids if they need to be big. It's their job.
Do you think they don't wear wigs either?

>20 minutes of ab work
>not one minute for erectors spinae
Oofed and yikespilled

Attached: YOU_CANT_FUCKING_STOP_MEEEEEE.webm (1280x720, 1.66M)

are you blind or just new?

>having literally flat delts meanwhile the androgen receptors within your delts need very little stimuli in order for growth while taking testosterone or aas
Are you new?
>actually thinking that this guy is on gear

EMG studies have shown that pull ups actually have a surprising amount of erector spinae activation

EMG studies don't indicate microtrauma created by the exercise. There is no shear force created by the exercise

lmao this thread is gonna go well. Lots of nerd cope incoming.

I do a similar routine and while I have similar abs he is way bigger than me, especially chest and arms. And he's 6'1 while I'm only 6'0. So he either has god tier genetics or hes exaggerating.

I doubt he oes this every day. He also probably does lots of variations of exercises, changing grip and positions on pull exercises, mixing in dips and different kinds of pushups, different kinds of leg and low-back exercises... It could be a great program if you have good bone structure like he does, especially if just starting out.