Vegan Fitness Thread

Why haven't you become a vegan yet Jow Forums?

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Because I am not an idiot.

so you're an animal abuser and animal killer...congrats I guess you MURDERER

>killing animals

What if I eat meat but still eat plenty of veggies and fruits like a high iq individual

The problen isnt meat its highly processed meats
Eat a diet of highly processed veggies (candy, white flour, sugar, you name it) and youll get fat too
They really just went from a processed food diet to a healthier one
And blaming eggs for that is just ridiculous, how many eggs did these fuckers eat that they are to blame fir their weight, absolutely silly

because I tried low meat diet and became depressed. Fruit and vegs are useless in terms of nutrients.

It literally says "junk food". Why are you so fucking retarded.

Because veganism is a jewish trick

I guess that vegan diet isn't helping your grammar and punctuation maybe your diet is affecting your brain.

>Eat too much food
>Get fat
>Must be the fault of the type of food, not my overeating

Why the fuck is it always implied that these fatties get fat because of meat, dairy and eggs. Chicken breast has 100 cal per 100 grams, do vegans assume an omnivore eats a kilo of meat and 20 eggs per day? When 100 g of oats have 3 times as many calories as the same amount of chicken breast? Really makes you think

People who don''t lift are disgusting

Never understood this retardism about eating only vegies/only meat

wtf you assholes, animals are our brothers as well as our true guides in ggetting fit

They don't like to admit that they were eating 10 packs of potato chips and a litre of coke every day, so they blame it on foods that sound like they're full of fats but its less shameful

tiger-sensei, what are you doing to that hog? oh no stop cannibalizing your brother, sensei!

Animals eat other animals, tho
I am following my guide

what's it like being gay?

>be a vegetable
>animal dies next to me
>absorb all its delicious nutrients as it decomposes into the soil
>human harvests and eats me

Really makes you think.

why even rp bait this badly

Almost all vegans are moralfag skellies change my mind

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Makes me think about how retarded you are, sure.

Wait are there actually unironically vegans on Jow Forums these days? My fucking sides

i think its less about being fat or not and more about the health complications that are generally paired with a high meat/dairy diet.
its definitely about the percentage of meat/dairy to vegetable/fruit etc intake

this is the correct choice in terms of health for someone without moral obligation to avoid eating animals that were bred for human consumption

Because vegans are insufferable faggots. I did stop eating processed lunch meat though and im cutting my red meat/pork intake quite a bit. Eat a shitload of chicken and fish now but I know it’s better for me in the long run. I need to start eating more veggies/fruits though so that’s next in the list.

But I am OP

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>i think its less about being fat or not and more about the health complications that are generally paired with a high meat/dairy diet.
What the actual fuck is wrong with your brain that you've managed to reverse that relationship?
A fat vegan is still going to die from their fat long before a fit individual eating primarily animal products.

Take the vegan pill user.

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why don't you fuck off, he loved cheese

t. (((liar)))

Because vegans lie. No veggie will cure cirrhosis. It is a chronic disease. Dad has got it because he is an alcoholic, not because he eats a burger.

>meat causes ED
>meat causes cancer
>meat causes high cholesterol
>meat causes angina
>meat causes diabetes

Jesus christ what do they put in all that onions?

>be me
>eat meat whole life
>making fun of vegans
>became brainwashed
>maybe ill be vegan
>become vegan
>3-4 years of veganism
>see fried chicken
>fuck that shit

i love meat,meat is good,meat tasty.

t. faggot

wait lol wut being fat is definitely bad, i was trying to say that veganism isnt generally about trying to avoid fat related health issues, a vegan can still be fat.

but being an average weight vegan or meat eater, the meat eater is supposedly more likely to have complications from said consumption

> ED & Angina
Caused by atherosclerosis caused by dietary cholesterol and TMAO (IB4 huuur duuur its all the carbs)
> High cholesterol
See above
> Cancer
See pic related
> Diabetes
Look up intracellular lipid levels and insulin resistance precious

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>the meat eater is supposedly more likely to have complications from said consumption
That's the problem, though.
You can find a plethora of studies on heart disease incident where the subjects are fat people, and the studies say that chemical/hormone x, y, or z causes heart disease.
You can find studies on healthy people showing that animal products raise levels of x, y, or z.
What you can't find are studies showing that x, y, or z actually cause healthy people to have heart disease.

Fat people have fat people disease. You can find all sorts of correlations from that. Correlation isn't causation.

wasnt the cancer increase by meat a 2% increase on a 1% chance so pretty whatever

well fair enough, im sure the are probably some studies out there to argue this but im not really bothered all that much by the health side of it, im vegan for moral and health reasons, but mainly to contribute to supply and demand because meat and dairy production is genuinely ruining the planet

The claim being refuted wasn't the amount of risk, it was the denial that there was any risk at all.

I would like to murder you :3

>murdering animals
Lol I bet you fuck your dog too.

I bet they take a mountain of supplements everyday to cope

>humans thousands of years ago all suffered from ED

There are vegans on YouTube that claim becoming infertile due to a plant based diet is healthy and "high frequency". Get your tubes tied faggot


Look up atherosclerosis, the causes, and how it manifests (ED). I suggest you look up actual studies in academic papers, not anecdotes from youtubers you zoomer fuck.

They didn't eat meat in the quantities that we currently do. Even if they did the ED would kick in after they have already reproduced.

If you want difficultly getting erections in your 30s keep eating meat.

>humans thousands of years ago systematically farmed animals on a mass scale while feeding them a plethora of gmo grains, antibiotics and growth hormones while artificially inseminating them with preferred traits and exclusively eating sub-1 year old babies

please refer to subsection b of the 'primitive humans fallacy'

Hello youtube poster

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>What if I eat meat but still eat plenty of veggies and fruits like a high iq individual
Fruit is full of sugar, tranny. Go keto or die.

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You're right, much better to eat the GMO grains and pesticides directly.

I am
Shits awesome

Yea moralfag here. Veganism does make sure you'll never get fat, even eating garbage all day, but thats about it healthwise. Probably bad for bulking but I lift for asthetics anyways.

>Veganism does make sure you'll never get fat
*blocks your path*

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might as well cut out the middleman.

or yknow eat local organic produce

If you want me to eat organic produce, you're going to have to charge me non-organic prices.

Doesn't mean it's not healthy tho

have you ever been to a farmers market
dont buy into the whole organic health food specialty store/aisle bullshit its a whipepol money trap

By calorie, it's still an order of magnitude more expensive than animal products. I don't care that a pound of broccoli is cheaper than a pound of beef. I care that 500 calories of broccoli is more expensive than 500 calories of beef.
I don't need to eat # pounds of food a day, I need to eat # calories of food a day.

>imagine only losing 45lbs in 20 years
>imagine the insulin spikes from all that fruit
>imagine thinking the problem was meat instead of all the processed crap in the average boomer's diet
>imagine thinking this guy's progress would have been better on meat only
>imagine his cholesterol
>imagine not being omnivore master race
The earth exists to nourish me, weather stalk or fruit or beast, and I shall be it's steward.

Lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, oil

what are legumes, tubers and grains?
if you're worried about calories its not really an issue, theres plenty of vegan calories to be found

>Vegans have to eat an absurd variety to get nutrition
>Have to buy at a chain supermarket to find meme food
>It's expensive organic or covered in the same chemicals that they say animals have
>lmao just buy at the local farmer market
>local farmer market only has local food varieties which grow and sell well in this climate and season, can't get the variety

>imagine only losing 45lbs in 20 years
You don't know how quickly he lost his weight. Maybe he lost the 45lbs in 2 years and maintained his weight afterwards?
>imagine the insulin spikes from all that fruit
Fructose has a glycemic index of only 23 and fruits contain fiber, which prevents high insulin spikes.

I eat oreos and skittles, sometimes cocnut ice cream, night constantly and I havn't gained a pound even though I havn't gottn to run all winter. In contrast, I once gained 25 pounds in one semester from eating pizza and alfredo. I also upped my bench 50ibs that semester but I was a gross fat fuck and girls I was banging lost all interest in me. Its waaaay too easy to get fat lna diet that allows dairy, kts basically tnr most fattening thing ever. If you want to be a chonky red bloatlord then go madd but asthetic lifters should highly consider being vegan. I have visible abs for the first time ever

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Cope veggie fag

I'm not even vegan, your points were just dumb.

you seem to forget that human is the king of all animals

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>Lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, oil
Still less efficient per dollar than meat and eggs.
For $1 I can get 1 lb of pork, 1 lb of chicken, or 1 dozen eggs. 900 to 1100 calories.

produce at supermarket sprayed with pesticides.
can find gmo free food at supermarkets.
meme foods are just that and are unnecessary
>not realising that on top of eating pesticides and gmos, animals are also fed multitudes of growth hormones and antibiotics
why not just skip all the intermediaries and shoot that shit straight into your veins dum vegons hurr durr

all of these factors are completely avoidable on a vegan diet, they are not on an animal inclusive diet

haha funy bait thread

Thanks for the useless blog post.

>eat primarily vegetables, with some meat and fruit every other day like my ancestors evolved to do so
>fast most of the day in order to reduce oxidative stress and glycation, to increase autophagy and only spike my insulin for a short amount of time
>source all my food locally so that i contribute to international shipping (massive source of pollution/ecological destruction) unlike vegans who have to ship in b12 and their retarded foreign produce
>planning on permaculture homesteading with animals and grown vegetables, contributing fuck all to the planets destruction, unlike hypocritical vegan niggers
Kill yourselves

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I said COPE

>why not just skip all the intermediaries and shoot that shit straight into your veins dum vegons hurr durr
>Missing the point this bad

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implying amerifat, meat is expensive as fuck everywhere else because of lack of subsidies
tfw your country takes your tax money in order to poison you

buy bulk dried beans and grains and realise the value you are missing out on. going to a generic supermarket is a rip off regardless of what you are buying, guranteed cheaper prices elsewhere. go to a currymuncher wholesale spice store and buy a fucktonne of chickpeas for dirt cheap

>missing the point this bad

the literal point i was making is that yes supermarket produce is sprayed with chemicals, but the amount of chemicals pumped into livestock far outweighs the amount that ends up on produce.

also that you can literally avoid all pesticides by just not buying them from the supermarket, and all gmos by just looking for a fucking label saying "gmo free"

Well since I am American, I will continue to enjoy my cheap animals since growing pork, chicken, and goat is easy as fuck where I live and growing vegetables is not.

And the point that I was making is that buying them for health reasons is retarded if you're not middle class+. You either get equivalent big-ag garbage, or you spend more money to get organic whatever.
I don't care if you're doing it for moral reasons. That's on you. I don't agree that eating animals is inherently evil, but I can respect that you find it unconscionable. But quit pushing that a fit person can't be healthy with meat in their diet.

Aside from the whole, "killing animals bad!!!", I unironically don't think starting a plant based diet is bad for old people, especially women.
You could just eat stuff like chicken or veal liver or sea stuff every two or three weeks so you wouldn't need to depend on those shitty B12/D vitamins supplement crap too much and you'll be fine.

never said that a person cant be healthy with meat in their diet, i stated earlier in the thread that it has a lot more to do with the meat to vegetable/grain/fruit ratio than anything.

im just trying to explain how it appears to me that it is objectively healthier to be vegan and its not as difficult as people convince themselves it is.

either way youre going to be ingesting a bunch of chemicals on a generic supermarket budget, but imo better to avoid all the extra bullshit being pumped into livestock as well as the purported damage that consuming animal cells causes to the human body

>never said that a person cant be healthy with meat in their diet
Sorry fren, vegans have been aggressive around the board lately and I'm projecting some of that onto you.

you good mane
best way to advocate change is not to alienate people but to educate people,
im just doing my part to try help change peoples views on vegans/veganism


Fyck me American meat is cheap. Must be its shit quality.

guy is a liar, none of those prices are realistic in America and I live in a low cost of living area

You know vegans are the least nutritionally deficient dietary demographic today? 40% of all American omnivores are deficient in b12 and omega 3, as well as other nutrients.

The reason vegans are less deficient is that their nut milks, cheeses etc that they all eat through the week are fortified with the things they don't typically get from greens.

because i eat a mixture of everything and im very happy with my 190 lb nutrient dense 16% bodyfat physique and still drink beer every weekend

>be vegan
>go into menopause at fucking 29
Veganism is a death cult

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How come vegans think dietary cholesterol causes blood cholesterol? This got debunked along with low-fat diets decades ago.

i agree with your sentiments except for the part about the environment

grow your own food 100%
eat seasonally and locally 100%
>not realising b12 is given to animals as supplements regardless of origin

also vegans can survive from locally harvested food, what are bulk dried grains, legumes and nuts. that in addition to seasonal produce should more than enough account for nutritional intake, granted with a b12 supplement as the only contributing factor to transportation emissions, which meat consumers are guilty of supporting regardless as previously stated

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because i believe in sticking to the diet that evolution created for us over hundreds of thousands if not millions of years of living on this earth. Also i have tried living off of only veggies and fruits and i was miserable until i ate a steak and everything changed so yeah personal experience speaks for itself

Kek don't forgot the based blog poster whos sources include the tab, blogspot "articles" and opinion peices in online tabloids. Usually accompanied with a nic cage picture too.

She was a raw vegan and did a 25 day water fast. Bad comparison.

Same reason many omnivores and carnivores think dietary cholesterol is important for testosterone production user. Regardless there is a link between what you eat and your cholesterol levels, it just happens that a lot of foods high in cholesterol have something in them which rises the production of blood cholesterol.

I heard very conflicting data about this from both sides

Already have and feel great, thanks user

Imagine using people who are mentally unhinged going into a way of life, who then come out of that way of life because they were mentally unhinged and didn't do it properly, as an example of that way of life not working.

You're as Retarded as she is. It's like someone as intellectually challenged as yourself going into uni to study physics, failing hard, and coming out of it and the subject getting critisized rather than the retard who fucked up.

dietary cholesterol literally converts into blood cholesterol supposedly at a rate where the body only produces enough to make up the deficit between how much is taken in through diet and how much more the body needs

when the diet contains more cholesterol than is necessary for the body it builds up inside lipoproteins and is not absorbed from the blood stream, thus leading to plaque deposits in veins and arteries

this effect is compounded by the consumption of saturated fats