Dopamine fast

Is dopamine fast any good? How to achieve this?

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i did a dopamine fast 24 hours, nothing happenned is just placebo bro but try it for yourself

It makes sense to me to do but only for like a week long rather than some pussy 24 hour shit. I’ve yet to try it because I’m quitting a lot at once, more than most people. As soon as I get things down to a more normal level (like a few cups instead of 3 POTS of black coffee just to function), I’m gonna give it a shot.

My understanding is that when we constantly do shit that riddles us with dopamine spikes it starts to wear the receptors out and our normal reward center responses. This time period we’re living in is nothing but dopamine and shit. By “fasting” from it our bodies return things to normal, and we get dopamine spikes from shit like just being productive, like cleaning the house or studying.

It's literally a torture method

stop falling for dumb memes

I haven’t felt joy for a month. Am I doing it right?

develop an ed too and stop eating for those fasting gains

Don't be a nigger

Erectial dysfunction?

Do you want people to assume you're mentally challenged? Because doing stupid shit like a dopamine fast is how you'll get people to assume you're mentally challenged.

What’s your reasoning? Because it sounds hard or beside you don’t think it will fruit any benefits?

>I will abstain from all things that bring me stimulation
>I will do this to improve myself

Weeb shit. Might as well get that kimono on and carry your sword in public

1. Get the fuck up outa your house.
If you stay in whatever little squalid hovel you sleep in your gonna fail 100% gtd.

2. Take a week off from work
Most people don't count count exactly how much their Job drives bad behaviors.

3. Go sit out in the fucking woods.
No screens. No friends/family. Take 1-2 books, study materials of you wanna study. You don't need to buy a bunch of camping shit. I slept in my car in the camp ground parking

figure the rest of it out yourself.

Based brainlet

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Jow Forums is not ready for this

>While you were partying, I studied the dopamine

dude you can't fast a neurotransmitter... dopamine is what motivates you to do pretty much anything on a neurological level. the receptors don't resensitize very quickly, and unless youre supplementing with tyrosine you wont replenish it any faster

teach us then
how would you go about if without being a retard and wasting time?

I think that the part of calming yourself and not fueling your ADD with tons of magic moving pictures, porn, games and other easy gratification sources is very important and works.
Ofc you cant break the laws of physics but letting go of those things and going through a withdraval of sorts can be very benefitial for developing a productive lifestyle

Fact: There is nothing more redpilled than dry fasting for 72 hours in a sensory deprivation tank

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I see what you mean and how you’re viewing it, that makes sense also kek’d at that weeb shit.

But the way I see it, and this applies to a lot of “meme” tier shit that’s spouted here, it can be beneficial if you’re the type who is absolutely hooked and suffering adhd issues. I’m talking the kind of person who wakes up and is then glued to screens all day, totally sucked into selfie culture, beating off 10+ times a day, nothing but vidya, and all that. It doesn’t apply to most people but I mean it would apply to these types, which are more common in places like Jow Forums or reddit. I consider it a hard reset, like going cold turkey off caffeine so it can then be used in moderation as a tool like its intended. Clearly if you don’t have a problem with i then a dopamine fast would be pointless and borderlined masochistic to do.

im telling you this because i know what low dopamine/serotonin feels like from being a drug addict.

unless you fit that description all i can tell you is to actually do shit you set out to do and getting a legitimate dopamine release and making sure you get your amino acids cuz they are the building blocks for it

when i was withdrawing from meth my biggest dopamine related problem was just being depressed and demotivated to the point of literally just being in bed all day if i didn't have to be at work. if youre a drug user just stop while youre ahead because you will get nowhere fast trying to do that while using any dopaminergic anything

I say Lift until someone Loves you
This is alliterative and memorable

>I think that the part of calming yourself and not fueling your ADD with tons of magic moving pictures, porn, games and other easy gratification sources is very important

>But the way I see it, and this applies to a lot of “meme” tier shit that’s spouted here, it can be beneficial if you’re the type who is absolutely hooked and suffering adhd issues. I’m talking the kind of person who wakes up and is then glued to screens all day, totally sucked into selfie culture, beating off 10+ times a day, nothing but vidya, and all that

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I did acid a couple of times with tolerance breaks and I feel it helped me with some issues and I don't do anything that fucks dopamine up because I already have problems with depression, anhedonia, ADD and all that crap so I imagine that comedown from something like mdma would fuck my shit up
I just feel that I need to sort my shit out and fighting off all the distractions should help me
For at least 4 years things just aren't fun at all and I don't have any motivation for anything other than instant gratification so instead of killing myself I might as well spend a week with books and a pull up bar and see where it'll get me

What did he mean by this?

Imagine needing to make posts like this to feel like you’re actually saying something. Literally on the same level as the insecure short guys who try to argue over everything just to feel powerful in some way so when they cry themselves to sleep at night they can go “a-atleast I made my ego feel good by whining at that guy earlier”. Grow the fuck up. You know damn well what the both of us said makes total sense. This is just sad.


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See in short, it’s a sort of cope. Many of the incelish posters here subconsciously believe that if they call someone stupid, even without clear reason or logic, that they are winning an argument. Which in itself is pretty gay, but the overall reason they’re doing it is actually much sadder. It makes them feel better about themselves. It’s usually best to ignore it because if they can put off suicide for another day, even if by pathetic means such as that poster, then good for them because perhaps it’ll allow them enough time to snap out of it and actually man up.

Yeah I get his motivations but I was expecting him to elaborate on that and give me an actual responce instead of copying two lines of text and calling a day

Yeah you really can’t expect much from them dude. I guess I could have said that, but beyond the base post they don’t have any logic or reasoning. It’s the same as some faggy kid on a playground calling other kids names for no reason.


>fasting because you can’t just eat properly
>self improvement
Please choose one

>building will, getting rid of your food/sugar addiction and making your body look better at the same time
>not self improvement

>making your body look better
Post up buddy. Burden of proof is on you, time stamp obviously to be included.

That's essentially saying while you were partying, I was also partying, brah

that's not the point retard, regardless I'm 5'8'' 130 lbs, so I'm closer to /thinspo/ than landing on fph but fasting has proven benefits and that was my point, you can't really dispute that

>sleep for 12 hours every day and still feel tired
>check phone as soon as I wake up and watch youtube videos for 2 hours before finally getting out of bed
>watch youtube, browse Jow Forums and play vidya all day
>drink 10+ cups of coffee a day
>can't go a minute without viewing at least some kind of screen
>too tired to do anything but watch screens all day
>eat like shit as well as irregularly
>can't even be arsed to have sex most of the time
>wake up with screens and need screens before I can fall asleep at night too

Would a dopamine fast work for me lads? Feel like complete crap and I don't even enjoy the things I do all day, its just that I have to.

That he's full of shit. If dopamine fasting is so amazing, then why does OP keep making threads about it instead of practising what he preaches? Dare I say, that OP is just a regular shitposting gains goblin?

Don't treat it as a magic way to fix you
Just drop all the habits that hurt you and develop healthy ones in place
You listed all the stuff that frustrates you so work on getting rid of it.
Dopamine fast or whatever you'll call it is just quitting all things that give you easy gratification and dopamine spikes for next to no effort cold turkey

NONE of you are getting the point.

It's a way for your to 'reformat' your brain somewhat.

By abstaining from distracting stimuli, you give your brain time to relax and physically adapt to the lack of them. It literally does change when you go without your daily vidya-fap-browse routine.

So without the constant dopamine-hits from those activities, you're likely to find it easier to drive motivation into yourself. You won't be content and the satisfaction you get from other things will be greater since you are less desensitized to the dopamine.

From there it would be easy to train yourself to do certain things, like exercising or reading or something more productive.

Of course, as with any fast, it's just a reprieve, and it depends on what you make of it. Moderation is the true king of disciplined habits. A week or two off from the constant dopamine-inducing stimulus that we are inundated in today would probably leave you with a much clearer mind and spirit.

I’m not necessarily disputing that, I’m disputing it’s dumb to do for fat loss if you’re under 30%. Which is what you originally suggested, go read your post again. Don’t get me wrong, if you have an over 30% person, I would recommend they water fast down to about 20%-25%. But at that point you should really be learning to eat correctly

You mean the sensory deprivation tank where you float in water?

what the fuck is wrong with you people?

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>I’m talking the kind of person who wakes up and is then glued to screens all day
h-haha wow are there really people like that haha...

And I don't think that fasting is a good, long term substitute for a healthy balanced diet but it can help in self improvement and building strong will

>Implying there's more than one person in this thread

tried it for 48 hours felt like i finally got some quality rest and my sleep and dreams were C O M F Y
i think we're all just overstimulated, i'm gonna give it a go for a week starting tomorrow

you can see how many posters have posted in a thread at the bottom of the page dipshit

is this supposed to be bait

>Have desktop pc, laptop, phone, and tablet
>All count as individual posters
Also VPN

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