The almost daily how do i get my gf/wife to lose weight/lift general

In this thread, we share tips, strategies, and advice on how we can get our loved ones off the couch eating snacks in from of the TV and in the gym with us, making progress together.

Share anything that has helped encourage your wife or gf to go lifting with you.

I would start, but I haven't really found anything that will get my wife motivated. She knows she needs to lose weight, she just loves bad food too much. I cook most of the meals and they are healthy, but she is often exposed to food at work and still eats fast food on her own sometimes with her friends (almost all of whom are fat).

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take candid photos of her body, compare to old pics, tell her she got fat. fat shaming works but she probably is ignoring the facts by only looking at flattering photos of her own fat ass on Facebook and shit.

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Have you tried suggesting to work out together?
I did this with my gf and had to basically pretend to work out with her so she would actually do something at the gym.
Then I go to the gym on my own time to get some real lifting done.

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She kinda already does that. Anytime she sees old pictures it makes her feel bad. But nothing really changes.
The one thing that did work for a while was about a year ago. She asked me why we weren't having as much sex and I told her the truth. She lost 10 lbs probably over the next six months but she got comfortable and started to gain again and now she was where she was before.
I forgot that worked, maybe I should try it again, but it's not really a conversation I relish having.

I should try that. We've gone to the gym together in the past but maybe she just needs a bit more hand holding.

I did what everyone told me not to do.

I just outright told her she should lose weight and become more healthy while we were watching TV one night.
2 days later she started joining me for my morning jogs.
She started doing body weight exercises about 3 months ago and I helped her with a diet.

The hint of her double chin: GONE
Bags and shadows under her eyes: GONE
Posture: BETTER
Sex drive: IMPROVED
Relationship status: STRONGER

Now I am quite lucky to have a girlfriend who is very submissive that is happy when I am happy and that has always tolerated and understood my sometimes brutal honesty because way more often than not it turns out I am right in the end and she has now learnt that and she trusts me for it.

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Tell her she can’t hang out with her fat friends anymore. Most people are the average of the 5 people they spend the most time with. Also tell her to stop having any friends that are single. Both of these types of women are corrupting.

Inspiring dude. Maybe that's what I need to do.

I told her that exact thing (she's the average of 5 people she spends time with the most). Worse thing is she has a skinny friend as well who eats like shit, so she thinks it's just genetics.

Dude,If you straight up tell a girl that she's fat, she's going to resent you, then tell all her friends what you said, and they're going to resent you, too.

Be persuasive. Offer some kind of positive reinforcement. For two of my exes, I just sat with them one day and was like "Hey, I spend a lot of time at the gym, and I would love to spend time with you/I would love to stare at your ass in yoga pants while I work out."

Then I bring them to the gym with me and do my own thing. I squat/deadlift/OHP/Weighted pull ups or w/e while bae does her thing. Sometimes I'll walk over and give her pointers, making sure that I brush my fingers across her back or hips or legs.

Literally every single time I have brought my girl to the gym, I have had to cut the workout short because she wanted to leave and have sex. They'll always say something like "Watching you sweat/grunt/intense turned me on."

Godspeed, OP


I found that in a relationship I absolutely *need* to be submissive. I sometimes kneel by the door when I hear his car so I can feel submissive right away and I'll take off his shoes after he pets me. Ask him about his day then climb up to sit on his lap and kiss him unless it gets sexy right away. He'll hold me and ask me about my day too and he'll pinch my thighs if I'm wearing shorts. The routine of it becomes a bit of a check in to see if I'm feeling guilty about anything. I know when I've eaten too much or done anything that would displease him.

At this point we no longer watch my weight but I suggested we just make sure my waist stays 24" and maybe Up to 25.5 in period days due to bloating.

We have found this to be a lot of fun. He knows I like it and he likes it too. It makes me feel good and it keeps me pretty tiny for him. I'm lifting now and my thighs and ass are getting very solid and he's enjoying it while I enjoy pleasing him without worrying about feeling fat because I'm still objectively thin. Getting used to arm definition was hard for me I like having skinny arms it makes me feel well skinny but he just encouraged me and told me my arms were looking sexy and defined and he just kept doting and cracking little jokes about me being able to beat him up soon (he's a foot taller and maybe 80lbs bigger) he has me flex on him then we play wrestle.

He's been overall very much expectant of me as well as supportive, understanding, and encouraging. He'll spank me on days I've done bad then we go for a hard run, we train together those days then he wears me out sexually and the next day I feel so owned I'm completely well behaved even a little meek just very docile. It is a lot of fun.

It may seem weak but the last relationship I had before him we just ate, drank, and watched tv and we both got fat and I hated it. This is just perfect.

Nigger I have the hardest fucking boner right now

... I don’t know what to say to this. Can’t tell if pasta, larper, or actually a female. Very strange feeling I have right now, besides the boner.

god i wish that were me

My boyfriend told me "If you get skinnier i will love you more"
I am on diet I lost 5kg in a week

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I imagine she is getting her sex elsewhere now. Probably a black guy that has told her he wants her to be fatter

>willfully kneeling for a male
lilith did not get cursed for women to act like this. weaklings

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Be blunt. Don't be a rude mog, just be blunt. Then don't let that shit be a burden she goes through on her own, workout with her and help make healthy foods. Share rewards together by eating healthy treats, despite the shit she'll try to talk you into. Train her to re-learn the system and ever so often leave her alone and see if she does shit on her own.

Lilith refused to be subservient to Adam because he was a pussy and I wouldn't have done it either but this guy is smart and fit and very talented yet somehow still humble and kind so I'll kneel all day if it is my will and desire to do so. Also I'm not "willfully" doing it, I'm willingly doing it. Willfull would make it in opposition of something like the knees taken at anthem.

>bringing jewish lore onto a a site renown for its antisemitism
Willfull, aren't you?

Sick burn

A good friend of mine told me thar fucking your gf against a mirror is a good way to make her come to the conclusion herself.


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I am choosing to believe this is an actual girl and she is telling the truth because it gives me hope that if there is one of you there could be more.
Good girl.

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God damn it. I'm on 120+ days nofap and I almost thought I can'T get it up, but now I have this diamond erection for almost 20 minutes now.

I really need to step my game up and get a submissive housewife.

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What is this... strange new feeling in my heart... no it can't be...

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this could be me
why isnt this me

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Incel fantasy

You don't, generally

i want to believe. it does sound like it's written by a dude.

needing a woman to be a slave to you is the ultimate beta fantasy, because you're so insecure with your ability to get/keep a mate that it becomes appealing to have total control

>he doesn't want to be in total control
Sounds more like you are the beta.

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Precisely, if your woman cant iq mog you (because realistically she wont ever be able to outlift you) then thats a sub par relationship.

Finally saw this movie last night. Starting to understand the memes.

driving a car to you is the ultimate beta fantasy, because you're so insecure with your ability to drift/deliver tofu that it becomes appealing to have total control

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Based and femdompilled

>literally wants a live in servant npc for a gf

you haven't evolved yet

diet matters 10x more than exercise for weight loss. Do you live together? Try eating together more, and cook for her and even go grocery shopping with her.

>t. can only get hard to submissive anime lolis

Hard cope.

The threat of OP leaving his fat wife is the only thing that will make her change. But that's just divorce rape for the OP so he has no power. There is nothing he can do to make his wife not be fat other than going back in time and not signing a legal contract that only an idiot would sign.
Anything else is brainlet cope

This. Femdomfu is best fu.

Men like you are the reason why the West has gone to shit.
Keep your proud and independent women who are miserable and will make you miserable, there are plenty of them.

I'll keep looking for the one that I can start a family with and build a legacy with.

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don't eat fat. simple as that.

The falsest of equivalences. A car is a device designed to be controlled. A woman wasn't designed for anything. It's another dumb, hairless ape creature like you.

yeah a legacy of being a insecure beta nazi larper lmao, your kids are probably going to be confused about their gender thanks to their faggot dad

A woman was designed to be conquered or else they wouldn't orgasm while being raped.
You make it sound like that being submissive equals no love and that is just false.

My woman is submissive and I would destroy the world for her.

We cook at home most of the time but maybe we can start doing it more. The thing is, sometimes if there isn't an easy option for healthy food her fat friends can convince her to go get fast food with them. I can probably counter that by making sure there's healthy meals portioned out correctly always available in the fridge.

men also orgasm while getting raped

And your legacy ends with you.
Have a good day.

>not joining the bbw club

Oh boy.

>a-and your legacy ends with you!
hahaha just walk away from the computer you pathetic cuckold

How do you get through life making these bizarre unfactual assumptions of what things were designed for instead of actually figuring out what they were designed for in an objective way? And you base so many of your beliefs and views on these incorrect assumptions. Question: If your woman is 100% submissive and can orgasm from rape this implies she can literally be stolen from you and become some submissive mating pig for a random man. Why would you want your woman to be like that? I'm just going to let you keep being you though, I see no reason you should change your ways (and that wouldn't benefit me if you did).

>a man who wants a woman to rule over him calling another man a cuckold

>I cook most of the meals

Your wife better make more money than you or work longer hours

>she can literally be stolen from you and become some submissive mating pig for a random man
Not if I kill that random man first. The natural state of mankind is war. Society is not natural, there are too many people living on this planet, we need to start killing.

Do you see how batshit you sound? Does love even exist to you?

>she is often exposed to food at work
My wife has this problem. There is a pod of whales who feed her at work. The dinners I make are low calorie/low carb, but it doesn't offset what she eats at work. Unfortunately she doesn't eat breakfast, or I'd put powder Bronkaid on her eggs.
The frustrating thing is that she was a college athlete when we met, and now she's a complete couch potato. She basically only enjoyed playing her one specific sport, not being active in general.
Too bad I can't go back and reroll my D20

rather than split all tasks equally we just take the chores we don't mind as much. She hates cooking and doing dishes, I hate cleaning bathrooms, dusting, and laundry so she does those. plus if i'm cooking it's easier for me to count the calories, something i don't really trust her with.

Hold my hand and let's sing Kumbaya together and then I'll crack your head open faggot.

Lmao @ this post

How did you wind up finding a guy willing to do this? My current boyfriend used to say he'd be into stuff like that but I'm not really sure he is since he's kind of shrugged it off in recent months.

Also I'm having the opposite problem, before I met my boyfriend I had just lost 40ish pounds at the beginning of high school although I'd gained maybe 5 or so back after breaking up with my ex. All was good until I went away to school and he started sending me care packages full of junk food, I wound up gaining about 25lbs of that back but he only commented on it once so I didn't really notice until I was already pretty far gone.

Now I'm trying to lose weight but he's being a complete prick about it, mind you he's gained far more weight than I have since the beginning of our relationship, I've told him he needs to be a bit less complacent with my appearance so I have more motivation rather than him just ignoring it but he just couldn't care less in fact he's going against it. I've been going to the gym 2-4 times a week and play sports just about every day but all he's been doing is complaining that he doesn't want me to gain any muscle and telling me that my issue is that "I diet like an idiot" because I do intermittent and lengthy fasts and rarely eat meat.

I've tried to get him to the gym and compete to see who can go the most and such but since we're studying in different states I can't really drag him with me and he says that all the gyms in his area are too busy. Whenever I comment on it he says it's my fault he gained weight and gets all defensive but when I try to bring it up that he might be enabling me he calls me crazy.

What do I even do? I love him but he's seriously dragging me down, I just don't want to be fat again

This has to be bait

It's funny because only weaklings say this kind of shit.

no bro you don't understand, you want control so bad because you know deep down you're gonna be cucked and it frightens you because youre a weak beta male

> I've told him he needs to be a bit less complacent with my appearance so I have more motivation rather than him just ignoring it
Have some self respect. You already know losing weight is what you want, you dont need anyone else for motivation.

Your man is insecure about his own weight, and worse, he is a bitter about it. Thats why he a hater.

>basically only enjoyed playing her one specific sport,
Is there casual league she could join get back into that sport?

>My woman is submissive and I would destroy the world for her.

Imagine being this much of a beta. I wouldn't even give a bitch 5 bucks let alone fight for her.

based and redpilled

Fuck off with this shit.
They either do or they don't!
If you're not happy with your goddamned woman then LEAVE HER you stupid fucks!

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she alright?

That's what everyone here suggests but then roasties show up to claim otherwise.

It is a 100% fact that you are:

1. A virgin
2. Diabolically ugly
3. Shorter than 5ft 8

Is this copy pasta? She’s clearly cheating on you.

>imagine getting fat and disgusting and wondering why your bf doesnt want to have sex with you
why do women make themselves so easy to hate?

This is what happens when you don't conquer your women and break them in like wild horses. Literally only a problem for beta men.

lel thanks for the half chub

*knock knock*
It's me, the strong man and I am here to destroy you weak faggots and take your women.
Can't you tell the world is changing?

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my gf is mostly like this, she doesn't kneel or take off my shoes. My feet are too grody for me to want that lmao. She sets a workout schedule at the start of the week, and I belt/flog her if she doesn't stick to it. We don't work out together ever tho. Also I cook 6/7 nights so her diet isn't really a worry

It's coping. To make themselves feel better, they lie about themselves. They can say "well, as long as he's still having sex with me I guess I'm attractive enough." And if you're in a relationship, the man still has needs and she's the only one he can fuck (even if he can only bring himself to do it when he's really horny, and usually with the lights out in positions where he can't see the worst of it).

not that i'm speaking from experience or anything.

lol better bait than the other one, but still not subtle

The good news:
>I got my gf to come to the gym and lift with me
>She’s extremely consistent with attendance.

The bad news:
>She is lifting the same weight or less after a year and refuses to progress
>She refuses to do many exercises that would be corrective of the physical results of her her office job
>Somehow “asthma“ prevents her from lifting more

You what?

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you're right. and combine that with the fact that theres so many beta males out there that will literally fuck any disgusting ham planet just to get their dicks wet making it easier for women to cope

Probably your fault. You need to make progressive overload fun for her and of course make sure she's eating right so she can handle it. My girl only like 2 weeks in is now really interested in getting stronger and adding weight namely to leg press. It's basically the same as getting your kid to eat their veggies.

Sadly not in our area. Once we move to a larger town, we'll see how it goes. The damned thing is that we moved to a moderate-sized beach town, and I go surfing semi-regularly, but she hasn't picked it up.

Just tell her she is fat, here is Tom Leykis, godfather of #MGTOW telling us how to do it:

Come on, you're smarter than that. Being submissive and being a slave are false equivalencies. For example, we are all submissive to a certain extent to our partners, friends, society, the government, etc. Does that make us slaves to these people or entities? Absolutely not. Submission is equal to slavery? Okay I am obviously submissive to the President. He does whatever the fuck he wants and I cant say or do shit and if I tried to fuck with him it would be the end of me. I have to follow his every command, although the process for actualizing and implementing those commands is long and convuluted, ultimately I must follow his orders. So thereby I am submissive to the president. But the president cannot own me, and I can willfully resign from this country at any time, I can leave. This is the same as desu above and in many relationships. To maintain social order we all submit to eachother to a certain degree, the degree depending on social dynamics and personal choice. But we are not slaves to eachother. Nobody owns me, and I am free to leave. Desu above is likely like my partner, who feels comfortable in a submissive social position relative to me, that is her choice. She is willfully submitting to me becsuse she likes it and it makes her comfortable. And I oblige, treating her decision and her with the absolute respect and admiration she deserves. She has relegated the decision making processes in the relationship to me because she is confident in my cognitive abilities, drive, foresight and positon in the dominance hierarchy. All of the major decisions are made with consulation and her best interest in mind as well as mine. She realizes and is confident enough in herself and who she is and her individual merits outside of those stated above that she has no problem accepting that I am better at those things, and she lets me handle those issues, while taking a more supportive role herself. Whether you like it or not, this system of man and woman


This system of man and woman, working together as a unit is what is responsible for our ability to survive, raise offspring and construct the civilizations we enjoy today. We are all submitting to something, even the president of america submits to his diety of chocie. If you cant see this you're either naieve, brainwashed or lying.

Me too brother. Acheiving the naturally intended relationship of protector supporter flips some insane switch in your brain. I go from 0 - 100 faster than youd ever believe when people try to fuck with her. Destroy the world is absolutely accurate.

Thats because you are not a man yet.

Forcing people to do things even if it benefits them will make them resent you until they either have an occurrence or revelation that it did indeed help them.

In the back of their mind they'll always wonder what if because they didn't come to the conclusion themself.

finally left my gf of two years after she wouldnt take the hint.
She was ~130 lbs when we started dating but just now got up to 200. Im 180 and a college athlete, so she was very insecure about other women wanting me. The weight wasnt the only problem in our relarionship

>TFW my gf is always on cut
>Can't get her to bulk with me because she "doesn't want to get fat"

make fatty gf oink every tim u thrust too

imagine the smell

same old retard after the fact

Based femanon.

Surprised it took this long. Godspeed, Architect(rhetorically, i know running consumes calories)