4 month gym absence DOMs

4 month gym absence DOMs

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>first time doing heavy singles on deadlift DOMs

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>lowercase s
for what reason?

Huh, just caught that. I saw it in OP's post and just kind of copied him.

Think about what purpose the lowercase s serves

do you think it's "delayed onset muscles"?

lowercase s should mean plural, here it means "soreness" so it should be DOMS kinda like how brainlets write "AIDs" instead of "AIDS"

Does anyone else love how DOMs feel?

>tfw quad DOMs after switching to front squats

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read the thread user

Forgot what DOMS actually translated to.

>a week long abs DOMS after using an ab wheel for a first time ever

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>start going to the gym
>2 months in and I basically never have DOMS anymore no matter how much I struggle with my workout

what am I doing wrong?

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If you have DOMS in multiple muscles is it DOMSs?

you only really get DOMS when you start lifting or you change your workouts considerably (eg switch from lowbar to highbar, add extra volume)

>thinking pullups are enough for biceps for 3 months
>did bicep curls yesterday

The bicep DOMS have feel like im leaving my body and im hit with pleasure when i realise this

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I'm going to start writing it DOMs from now on because it triggers autistic retards

>hip adductor doms after switching to sumo

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pullups don't hit bicps. Chinups do

Chest doms, back doms, tri and bi doms and even glute doms are all amazing feeling

BUT fuck calve doms, and shoulder doms.

>decide to do barbell glute bridges because subpar ass
>That was easy.jpg
>Ass is dead for the next 2 days

They do, but chinups activate the biceps more, hence the preference over pullups.

Leg DOMS is delightful.

thats not entirely accurate. Will it lessen, sure, but you can still get it mildly.


never curled before in my life before I started going to the gym and I could crank out 6-7 chinups with shoulderwide grip and 8 on neutral, but not even halfway to making a single pullup. Is it just how the body is working mechanically or are my biceps just that much stronger than the whole pullup muscle group?

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The reason you fags don't get DOMS is because you're all pussies who do fullbody 3x/week with no volume or frequency.

3x a week? Lmfao srsly?

Love me shoulder doms but agreed on calve doms. Feels like I'm getting charlie horsed

That feeling when you know through the pain that you'll make it soon...

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>looking at your body that's become soft because you've been skipping the gym

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>take my friend to the gym for the first time
>have him do GVT