Am I an alcoholic?

So recently one of my friends said that I drink too much. I gave his kid a lift home from school and the kid must have said something. I usually keep all of my bottles and take them in bulk to recycling every 3 months so I can get a little bit of money back. I usually have 2 shots of Jack with my coffee in the morning, I've got beers in my fridge at work so I'll usually have 1 or two at lunch break, I mix my C4 pre-workout with Jack so I go to gym feeling warm and loose already, and I'll drink after work and before bed so I can go to sleep. I don't really think I drink that much, but I've come here to ask you guys.
Pic related is my bottle collection this year not including NYE.

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Yes you're an alcoholic, you should probably work on cutting down brother.


Wtf? Kind of work do you do that you can show up to work loaded? And how does your boss not give AF?

>people dont secretly drink at workplace
what are you 10?

You might want to stop because whilst it might make you feel warm and loose. It is slowly packing on the pounds and slowly damaging your liver. Whilst your liver can recover over time constant damage can cause permanent damage. That and I can imagine the absolute hole in your wallet this habit is burning into you. Whilst a shot here or there is not that bad. When your becoming dependent on it in any way shape or form(drinking it to make you feel more relaxed) you should be worried.

This is more than I drank since I started drinking (10ish years ago), and I've been told I go pretty hard. This is definitely an abnormal amount.

>walking around with 4-6 drinks on your breath
>"Its a secret guise nobody knows!"
I worked in a factory where guys would show up drunk, or get off and drink themselves to sleep and show up drunk next shift
Its a sad life

2oz jack isn't going to get someone loaded.

You probably shouldn't be mixing your pre-workout with alcohol. It fucks with your nutrient absorption and muscle development.

its not a bottle collection if all the bottles are the same dumbass
you can smell alcohol on peoples breath just by walking by them, its not a secret

Hahaha oh no no no

I remember you bro. You posted about how you drink jack daniels every day or something and lift bigger than everyone else.

good luck in rehab though

If you're not an alcoholic, just stop cold turkey for a few weeks for absolutely no reason other than to see if you can.

By the looks of it, you can't.

>I usually have 2 shots of Jack with my coffee in the morning
alcoholic? pshh you're hardly a man. only 2 shots of jack? pussy

replace jack with Everclear, drink less with your C4 pre workout, do not drink after work, but you can drink before nappy time sweetie.

You're drinking in the morning regularly? I can understand a brunch now and again but like, every day? And then at work? Yeah you're a fucking alcoholic.

>I drink at breakfast
>I go to work drunk
>I drink at work
>I put alcohol in my pre-workout (lol)
>I drink when I get home
>I drink before I go to bed SO that I can sleep

user, if you knew absolutely nothing about someone except these six facts, would you think they were an alcoholic?

Get help bruh, before you end up like pic related.

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bet you can't go for a month without
try that and then look at yourself in the mirror and try lying to yourself that you're not a drunk
not an addict


DESU a scoop of preworkout with some vodka sounds amazing on a night out. Much better than the red bull vodkas I drink I bet.

Or student who has no regards for responsibility

I get drunk as hell on a nice occasion. Maybe once in a few months. You're an alcoholic

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You're fiiine.

>black label
Good taste

oh shit you could be onto something here

Damn, I feel like an alck getting comfy with a 6 pack of strong craft or half a fifth of whiskey a couple times a week.