Wake up in the am and go workout

>wake up in the am and go workout
>get home and shower, wash clothes
>spend rest of beautiful spring day on the internet day dreaming of gym crush

How do I meet ppl?

Attached: wojcompass.png (1080x1153, 365K)

meet push push legs? what?

>For every 10kg above 1/2/3/4, move one square down, for every 10kg below, move one square up.
>For every LTR you've had, one square down, for every one night stand you've had, one square up.
>For each level of qualification you have, one square down.
>For each console game you have made after 2015, one square up.
>Every ten fortnite wins, one square up.
>Every ten levels of your favourite mmorpg, one square down.
>Every car you've owned, one square down.

>Each red board you visit is one square left.
>Each blue board is one right.
Idk the rest feel free to add anons

Based zoomer

Attached: DL4XPiWW4AAQgKI.jpg (680x680, 146K)


Just invite people to play Fortnight with you, duh.

Attached: BBAE72FD-870F-4FE9-A332-2B840230D991.gif (931x682, 426K)

>For every good friend you have, move one block right.
>For every good friend you've lost, move one block left.

Guess my age.

Attached: 79F534AD-294A-4002-AC7A-F35033915C5B.jpg (1080x1153, 166K)

Early 20s

20 and you overestimate your relative y-axis position

Bambi Blacks. Video is her taking a 21 year old virgin zoomers virginity while making fun of him.

>be me
>work out and come home
>get depressed because im not getting any love since my gf left me 8 months ago
>friday night outing
>free drink event
>realize people are retarded
>not drunk enough for this
>try to start convo with hot grills around me
>don’t remember how to hit on girls
>don’t remember how to dance
>don’t know anything
>my retarded bf who is a she keeps trying to dance with me
>cant tell her to fuck off
>no pussy
Why is it so hard bros i have some gains now that i wanna put in use but i have autism now which came with the gains i think

now what the fuck is a bloomer


An optimistic fellow who's straightened their shit out and is on the up and up

>my retarded bf who is a she
Fucking a tranny

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Attached: bcb0.png (874x831, 446K)

How the fuck do you overcome introversion?
I want to enjoy socializing but i can't. I get very uninterested in conversations and most of the time i want to be left alone.

Get good at bants. You can control the flow of conversation with a few quips and keep yourself entertained

Didn’t read lol

You have to be in school or work. And there's hardly any good opportunities at work. So really you have to be in school, preferrably high school. If not, it's hard. I'm not religious, but I'm about to go to this church thing a guy invited me to, to try and meet girls. Fuck it. It's hard for people that only learned to socialize later on in life.