28 years old

>28 years old
>decided to go to the park today
>see a bunch of families happily strolling their kids around
>realize they are my age
>these people already have a balanced career and family and the story has moved on to their children
>realize I'm 28, well past the usual parenthood age
>realize I am alone

Guys...I think, I think I didn't make it

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Not everybody is made for a family life, don't make it a big thing, do your thing instead.

>tfw 26
>tfw most of your college bros are married and with babies
>tfw you are still single and wasting your life away in the barbells
My despair only makes me stronger.

Who fucking cares, people who have kids early (28 is early) have nothing in their lives, nothing to fulfil them besides having a child, be glad that you have ambition and still have the chance to chase your dreams before having the burden of responsibility placed on your shoulders.

25 soon and no gf, same boat user

>be 37
>Still married
>have kids
>life is great
I really pity the anons that don’t raise a family. How sad.

Not meming when I say that 28 is the new 24. Seriously, don't get hung up on age. Friend of mine just got divorced and, at about 40 years old and with kids from his previous marriage, has women you would NOT believe lining up to be with him --- not just thots, either, let me tell you, but quality women his own age all the way down to a 23 year old, all because his career is solid, he is a known community member, and he has taken care of himself. Focus on STRAIGHTENING YOURSELF OUT BUCKO

Embrace your imminent wizardhood - become an absolute freak and leave this pesky humanity behind. Become one of the beautiful ones

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>chase your dreams
What, hitting a heavy bench press...

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28 is not late when at 30 the woman starts becoming less fertile

It's really not that uncommon to start this life until well into your 30s, one of the advantages of being a male. Most of the happily married boomers I know have nearly a decade or more age difference.

>18 years old
>thinking about asking my girlfriend to marry me despite not having a job
I don't want to end up like you, OP. I have to secure a future for myself because I hate feeling alone. I'm gonna do it.

Get her pregnant first.

and you didnt had plan b....
gtfo with your whiny ass.

Yes, you fucked up. That being said, you still have ~50 to 60 years left. That gives you two options: 1) continue on this path and work to make sure you never make it. 2) use the remaining DECADES of life you have left to create a life worth living.
If you go with option 2, I can't guarantee that you'll live the best possible life. But I can assure you that you still have the chance to live a life good enough such that you don't hate yourself.

I don't care about families, I just want a partner whom I can grow with, as human beings, and just have a good time
But nope. 26 and alone as fuck, no degree, no job, no money, no car. The only thing I have going for me is that I'm tall but even that isn't enough

t. Al Bundy

you want a bff we get it

Then get a degree. Now you have motivation to complete it. Watch fight club again and pay attention to the scene with the clerk who goes to vet school.

>one of the advantages of being a male.

And all the women in the same age group are on their way out in terms of fertility and attractiveness. Unless you have a social life which allows you to 'date' downwards to younger women in their 20s you're pretty much out of the game or stuck chasing after a barren wombed hag.

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No, being able to hit the gym without worry about a child needing the time.

I mean it's getting later and later as medicine advances, people are having kids in their forties pretty regularly now.

No kids no nagging wife freedom to go anymore.

user you've been making it. My friends who are married and settled down have shit lives. All they do is talk about yard work and rescuing stray dogs. Meanwhile I'm lifting and clubbing with my gf and having sex with different women

I'm 24 and not gonna lie, become incensed when I see couples my age with a baby. Not in an Elliott Rodgers kind of way but in a "what the fuck am I doing with myself?" kind of way.

I wanted all of that but I grew up really really poor and my life base lagged behind because of it. I don't even have a career yet, but I'm hoping by 28-29 I will. I guess I could just knock someone up before that but that's way irresponsible.

Glad I'm not the only one with these feels. I hope I can meet someone and get married soon.

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Maybe it depends on where you live, but where I come from, people don't form families until their early thirties (and even later)


I'm "only" 24 so I haven't really thought much about it. However, at the age of 27/28 I think I might start worrying about making a family.
How many children do Jow Forumsizens actually want? I'm aiming for three. Hopefully 2 boys and 1 girl.
>inb4 a certain weed-smoking hobbit mumbling about cuckoldry

This is shit advice. You need to reprioritize. Finding a wife and having children needs to keep moving up your priority list until you make it. If you make it to 50 without a family you will an hero.

Your life literally depends on it.

speaking from someone who wasted 5.5 years on the wrong person; don't be with someone just because you're scared of being alone. If you've been with your GF for at least 2-3 years and sincerely enjoy her company and not just the feeling of someone being present, then go for it

I was raised in a repressive cult and I was 28 when I woke up. I'm 39 now and have the family I wanted to have at your age. You can still make it, don't give up.

Tell me more about this cult

shut up cunt

>3 months away from turning 28
>video games aren't really fulfilling anymore
>realize I want something serious now, but quite boring and incompetent with women

Help bros. Time stops for no man. At least I'm in decent shape still.

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Same family guy is probably looking at you thinking how great it is to have so much freedom.

I’m almost 28 and no family or wife here
I date 18-21 yo only though. Haven’t found a waifu yet


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28 is only a big deal if you're a woman. if you're a dude you have a few more years to figure it out so don't worry too much but the clock is ticking

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One of my close friends recently had a kid, and I'm going to be the best man for my best friend soon. I'm still a khv with no relationship in sight who'll likely die alone, but I've accepted it, I enjoy the gym purely for myself, and I'm happy for my few friends at least.

Not OP but I'd rather live shitty life and an hero than have a kid live life with incapable parents and grow up unfit to live. I am working towards improving my life, but having kids should not be your top priority

You're basing your opinion of yourself on others, my guess is that you truly dont understand yourself.

If you cannot be happy and comfortable alone how do you expect to attract others around you?

Yes freedom, a Dad with young kids will rarely get a few hours to have an uninterrupted vidya session or beers with the boys, even then he's not going to be able to sleep in the next day

all i want in my life is going full apemode untill i die,nothing fullfils me more that getting back to my primal instints

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based fuck this society

makes you docile, need to dress, need to clean and shave, need a job,need money, need to study,

imagine how alpha it would be going naked all over the city jumping and sprinting over the people and cars like a wild animal, everyone would respect you instantly, they would see you like a wild kind of chad tarzan, women would wet, there is nothing more beta that speaking a languaje and being alphabetized, i want a wild life with s wild language where i can hunt my own food

this was my situation only I fucked up and got a girl pregnant and despite my pleading she kept it, now I have a child I never wanted and am gonna an hero eventually

this desu.

I didn't lose my virginity until after college because talking to women made me uncomfortable and I didn't think it was worth pushing through. Now I see my mistakes and I've been seriously trying to improve at it.

are you both together still ?

>apemode until you die
you have intelligence and potential, yet you throw it away willingly.

You'll die alone, of a self inflicted gunshot wound

id rather die with my finga in the trigga rather than dyin with my pants shit

>tfw doesn't matter and you can't get a mare pregnenant
Might as well just get extreme

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>has sex
>wants to kill himself over the consequences

You're the epitome of a faggot and for the sake of the kid I really do hope you an hero

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I'm starting 3rd year out of 4. Thing is I've wasted so much time it doesn't feel rewarding anymore, but almost an obligation

remember, within each person a war quietly rages

if you're in decent shape then make some friends and meet people you incel

Psalm 127:4

New International Version

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth.

BUT we live in 2019. Dont cum anywhere near a woman. Better yet, dont cum at all. Make money, get healthy, get intelligent. THEN can you have a kid, in your late 30s

>landwhale coming out of depression and divorce
>still feel young
>can do whatever i want

the glass is half full, the doors of opportunity are all around you. change the way you look at things and the things you look at change!

turning 28 in 2 days and i've been having the same thoughts

i wanted to at least be on the way of wife house kids by 30

but i just recently had to go through a break up twice with the same girl and i don't see anything going on

yikes, you're still here at 37 even though you're married and have kids? somehow i doubt your life is as great as you make it seem user

>browsing Jow Forums
Shoo shoo boomer


Man the fuck up and stop crying like a little bitch on fucking Jow Forums!! You think normal people do that? You fucking retards holy shit how are you so controlled by emotions u bitch made ass niggas, the epitome of fucking low test.

Bro, you're still 28. Go to church and find a church girl, do it for Jesus. Just go to a big church near you, like, you're bound to find a girl there. C'mon man just go make a good impression on someone good.

If you are not married by 30, you are a loser and should just give up.

>just broke up after 3 years of relationship
>we had our own flat, decorated it together and whatnot
>carreer wis life is pretty ok though

Still hurts though I wanted to breakup the whole last year so I guess there was no use in trying to make it work anymore

Feels ambivalent bros


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It's too late. I did wagecuck/neet for 6 years. I can't go to college, i have never been on a holiday, i don't have friends, i don't play games, i don't watch movies, i spend my whole day planning how i am to get better, step by step, and then don't have energy to act upon it anyway. It's thrash, life is thrash. The only thing i do is work a physical job, get a shit wage, living in a shit country it's even shittier wage, lift for 1h, and then just think or stare at ceiling whole day. No dreams, hopes, nothing.

After my break up I felt kind of the same. I used to get into these awful bouts of sadness where I think I missed her and thought about calling her then I would bust a nut and realize I just missed busting nuts in her

Join the legion

delet this. at least im 22

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at least you dont fell for hope meme. fuck hope

29 and i fuck different women almost every day and theres no way in hell im getting a bitch pregnant any time soon fuck that
ill start thinking about it when i reach 35
the minute you get a child is the time you stop living

I don't even feel sad desu, we basically spend the last year fighting over the most mundane shit then come to conclusion that we should rather break it up. There was no fighting involved during the breakup. I still don't know where is that turning point in relationships that makes ppl split and what is still considered to be something which two can work on.
And I also became lazy and got to at least 25 percent bodyfat from looking like an athlete so at least I can dedicate my free time for myself now.

Miss the tits tho.