/sig/ - self improvement general

/sig/ Basics:
>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life. Not your parents, not your surroundings, not your ex, not your bully, not your future spouse. YOU. Complete, sincere acceptance of this is the most fundamental step to bettering yourself, and it is by far the hardest thing you'll ever do.
>Set realistic Goals and have a Plan.
>Meditate ( Guide: youtu.be/F0jedwTzIJg - important: relax your jaw, lips almost parted ).
>Learn helpful and effective daily/weekly/etc. routines, including mundane ones. Use digital Calendar reminders.
>Have a steady sleeping rhythm - one that works for you, so long as you keep to it. Get 6-11 hours of sleep. pastebin.com/XpAGg8pn
>Learn to be Brutally Honest with yourself. Stop being a slave to your Ego.
>Follow every line of thought to it's logical conclusion
>If you need to put others down to feel good about yourself, you are putting yourself in a position where you are dependent on the people you look down on.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll burnout. Little by little.

>4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky - The most basic shit is here.
>dbtselfhelp.com - Dialectical Behavioral Therapy self help resource. Particularly useful for those struggling with anger, depression and anxiety issues.

>gutenberg.org/ebooks/2680 - Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
>misc.equanimity.info/downloads/mindfulness_in_plain_english.pdf - Mindfulness in Plain English
>dropfile.nl/f/wpw6 - How to Win Friends and Influence People

Previous thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>You can always do what you need to do.
>The very language you use to think with is full of traps that cultivate a sense of loneliness
>Ignorance is the ultimate cause of suffering - Insight leads to freedom from mind-created suffering
>You have to put in the work ( a lot of it ) to truly live with a helpful mindset
>You don't want things. You want the feelings you tell yourself those things bring you.
>The world is born through you, for you. From what you can tell, there only exists YOUR Awareness.

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i got a better job than my last one this week
$216k/yr without a degree
gonna hardgain 10 pounds in two weeks
also gonna donate something to charity i guess
life is what you make it, bros

There's already another thread dipshit.
Nice larp

You mean the one at bump limit which I linked to in the OP?

Why my mind does not work crystal clear like it used to? I feel like idiot now most of time when i have conversation with person or doing hobbies?

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not even joking
i'm a combo of an insurance agent and a sysadmin for a large national firm, and do stock/forex trading on the side

I know this feel. Unfortunately though, I don't know the answer.

Since there where some question regarding training.
I've added lately my Jow Forums related folder with a lot of information:

The folder "fit_body_mind_health" is the one.

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You could be too preoccupied or cluttering your life with unnecessary things. Social media, porn, and lots of general internet use(4channel included) can dumb you down, and that can carry over to other areas of your life.
Also, are you hydrated (buddeh) and getting enough sleep? Are you constantly on high doses of caffeine? Are you exercising enough or too much?
Are you talking about things that are interesting to you or that you know about? If you feel like an idiot, that whoever you're talking to knows more than you, then try listening and learning from them. They probably know and have perspectives on things you can't imagine.

Ive been a neet since graduating with a computer science degree 3 years ago. I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions since, constantly changing my worldview making it hard to focus on improvement and actually get a job. The only time I felt improvement was when I tried to live stoically, ala marcus aurelius. Is living stoically the only recourse to get through life as someone with a severly fragile spirit?

>Is living stoically the only recourse to get through life as someone with a severly fragile spirit?

3 different jobs... mhmm.. and forex trading only makes any money if you can do it as an employee of a huge bank so you don't suffer the transaction fees. I don't but it but if you even make half the money you say you do then you're killing it bro. Good work

>go for 15 min nap
>wake up at 2 PM
What the fuck, how do I deal with lost time

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you're literally doing it wrong. Being stoic doesn't mean that you lost your empathy and emotions. it only means that you should be indifferent to the woes and live through life because you know that the obstacle you found yourself in will just pass too. The pre-meditations of evil literally tells you to view the world from above and become adaptable

woa that pic is new to me, thanks added to my porn related folder

> I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions since, constantly changing my worldview making it hard to focus on improvement and actually get a job.
What do you want?

I can't speak to the efficacy of the Aurelian stuff, I've always thought it was kind of a meme. The only thing that has ever helped me was deciding on a single unifying Purpose, figuring out exactly how to pursue it, then dedicating all of my time and effort exclusively to actions that contribute, however indirectly, to that Purpose.

So ask yourself, "What do I want?" No wrong answers. Can be as simple or as impossible as you like, as long as it's honestly the thing you want. Some people really only want NPC shit like 'loving wife, 2.5 kids, white picket fence'. Others honestly only want $billions. My Purpose is 'defeat death'.

Next you want to draw up a plan. A set of steps that takes you from where you are now to the completed Goal. Obviously at this stage some of the steps might be vague, that's OK. You'll be able to flesh them out more as you go along. Just make sure that the early steps are all reasonable.

Once you've got a Goal and a Plan, execute. Regularly review to make sure the Plan still lines up with the Goal, and that your Execution lines up with the Plan. Don't bother spending time or effort on anything else. Just work through the Plan until either it's done or you are.

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I graduate college in May and this past week I was given and accepted a job offer in investment banking which is my dream industry and super competitive to get into. I also asked the girl I've been fucking for months to be my gf. How am I doing Jow Forums?

bretty good fag, is she waifu material?

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Well done faggot

> investment banking
> dream industry
Mate, it's not all about the $. You'll hate it soon enough.

t. engineer who went from industry to banking and back again

>and super competitive to get into
literally just about your network

Just called it off with a woman I thought I'd marry. I don't intend to go back but...how do I accelerate my movong-on from here? And yes, I intend to get a girl to hang with meanwhile to distract me from her.

Any anons know the feels? Hurting right now. Could use a bro.

I don't know /sig/.
If I don't fap I'd get my super focus to the point that I only have single-minded focus about what I should do. I'd feel anxious to the point that unless I get shit done, I won't be able to relax. It scares me...

Jesus I hope no one believes this shit, text and pic.
Smoker guy sounds like he thinks he's the wise man on the mountain when he's really just a parrot (and a mouthpiece for the writer) spouting bullshit
What you pasted is just a bunch of shit stewed together from other people, that doesn't exactly mean anything but doesn't mean nothing either

>From what you can tell, there only exists YOUR awareness
Easily disproven by a humble brick you weren't aware of knocking you upside your head

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Currently in line for a surgery that is supposed to make me normal. There is so much that I think I could be doing between now and then, aka preparing for my debut in the world as a normal person, but I keep throwing things in my own way instead of getting to them.

Anyone else relapse over and over in nofap merely because they feel like embracing in masturbation is just the best form of hedonism in their life? As someone who's deformed, I honestly think that the best sexual experience i can have right now is in my imagination (porn), as opposed to with a girl that matches up to my attractiveness in real life, who only reminds me of my own disgust for myself.

This wouldn't be a problem because I should be progressing out of my deformity soon, but it's a huge pain in the ass trying to accomplish anything (trying to lose some weight) before my surgery when I can't stop jerking it and going into fog-mode because of it. Any advice appreciated

I feel like I just need to start lying to myself and telling myself I'm better than subjecting myself to porn usage, but that just doesn't seem true to myself right now. Boy am I sad.

spent like an hour today looking at instagram borderline porn, using the excuse that they aren't nude or having sex so its not porn. Tell me that looking at girls butts does not boost your test and i'm only going to make myself fap

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It's okay if you don't understand it yet.

>literally just about your network
Which is why developing social skills is a key aspect of /sig/

Well of course you're going to defend it without really saying anything about it either, you worked so hard to collect all that internet wisdom

If you understand it so well, please explain.
Any information you're going to know you should know well enough to teach.

which parts of /sig/ are about developing social skills?

read this thread and don't see it anywhere

What regime/products do you guys use for skin care? Wanna start taking of my skin

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I hate engineering so much that I doubt I'd be more miserable in banking. How did you get into banking? I have a PhD but still didn't get responses when I applied.

It has come up regularly in previous threads. In any case, it should be pretty obvious that social gains are necessary for /sig/. Some people's endgame is to become some a musclebound monk living silently in the wilderness far away from porn, but lots of us just want to make progress toward our life goals.

It has now been 2 weeks since I last held a job, and I've got no money. I've applied and applied and applied but I've been bounced back all the time. I really just wanna die at this point. Can't even afford the gym or Uni anymore.

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you need your skin dude, don't take it of please

seriously though: the first step of skincare is just living healthy in general. drinking lots of water, doing your cardio and showering right after you sweat, washing your pillowcase, etc. But if you need a basic skincare routine, it's:

Cleanser -> Toner -> Moisturizer -> Sunscreen. Neutrogena makes all of these and they have different types if you have sensitive/oily/dry skin.

I have a MSc Eng, but it's not about that. I dabble in programming in my spare time and it was that that got me in. Spent two years in London, then fucked off to Canada.

I might give it a go since I really dislike engineer. It doesn't help that I'm in a consulting type role which comes with it's own bullshit.

oh look, another guy on fit not only a system administrator, but also an investment banker and insurance agent, all at the same time as a high school dropout. classic.

wow look, more brilliant, insanely rich investment bankers and engineers on Jow Forums, this time with masters, PHDs, and even switch back and forth between investment banking and engineering!

i swaer its insane how literally the smartest richest members of the human race all congregate on Jow Forums's fitness board

Don't ply your own insecurities and inability on me mate, that's your own making.

not inseucre, it's just crazy how fit posters are literally so brilliant they can just switch between two careers most people find difficult to manage on their own, let alone the astronomical amounts of money they get from each, and you guys can just do both.

whats it like being so smart and insanely wealthy

I'm not wealthy. I live comfortably and enjoy doing what I do. I work hard in my career and spare time. I did my CFA while working as a graduate engineer because I thought it would be enjoyable to learn about finance. I started programming in my last year of university because I realised it's potential. Most people get home and turn on netflix. Don't be that guy. And don't be a twat in general.

You make it sound as if the PhD wasn't a huge waste of time and one of my biggest regrets. 5 years of my youth gone in a flash with nothing gained or to show for it but a useless piece of paper.

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Well if you're not working in academia, it was definitely a waste of time, money, energy. How many journal papers were you able to publish? Why didn't you go to postdoc?

3 first author, 1 second author. Postdoc would have been a waste of time. Academia sucks. It might have been a good choice 20 years back, or earlier, but right now it's extremely competitive. You do bullshit work, too, which is why funding is difficult to come by especially for new researchers. There are really only two reasons why I got the PhD:
-I couldn't find a job after undergrad, and the PhD paid unlike a masters.
-I didn't want my future career prospects to be limited by education.

The problem is that I quickly learned that I hate working as an engineer. I might try teaching on the high school level. The pay would be about equivalent to what I get now. Maybe more since I have a PhD and they value that. Biggest drawback is that I'd have to do 2 years of teaching assistantship.


>Staying in academia
I mean, if you want a slowly decaying life surrounded by degenerates and leftists.

>3 first author, 1 second author
Sounds good. I guess you went to a few conferences, so publication wasn't the problem huh.
I understand your reasons, and academia does suck, but what doesn't? I think it really comes down to what you can endure in the long run. I value the freedom more than feeling 'secure' about the future.
Btw I'm in my 2nd year of PhD, got 3 first author, and 2 second author journal papers, and 1 proceedings. If one more journal paper gets accepted, I'll just go to conferences and do networking.

>a slowly decaying life
You realize, that working as a slave for some company you don't even like, achieving nothing just getting money while slowly rotting is not better?

Sure, for now. I'll program my way out of the rat race yet.

>I value the freedom more than feeling 'secure' about the future.
That's another reason why I'm considering teaching in high school. 2+ months off in summer and 1 month off in winter. You don't get that on college level. Even as a lecturer they'll push something on you in the summer semester. If you're a professor it's even worse since you have to oversee the lab/your students.

As for publications, everyone in my lab generally gets 3 first author publications. It really depends on what you're doing. In some of the materials labs they had 3-5 page papers that they pump out a few of every year. My publications didn't get accepted until after my defense, i.e. I didn't publish until my fifth year. Then again, I didn't start doing my thesis work until my 4th year, but that's on my adviser.

Just read Don Quixote and I got inspired to be a modern day knight in the likes of William Marshall. How would I as a uni student train for this undertaking?

Anyone else feel like they fuck up everything? Everything I try goes horribly wrong. I feel like a damn loser. Today I dropped a 400$ piece of equipment down a 26 foot hole after Unbolting a chain from a steel rod. I'm 18, almost 19, and it was my first day on the job but everyone on the job site was furious with me and I overheard the Excavator operator calling me a retard. Everyone was laughing. I'm not gonna lie when I heard almost everyone giving me shit I almost felt like crying but luckily I didn't. To make matters worse I'm also a virgin who's never even had a gf or even really got attention from girls at all.

Fuck man, I tried calling my "friends" but no one picked up.

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> you have to oversee the lab/your students
I don't think this would be a problem for me. Teaching at a high school is fine but requires a totally different attitude, and you must have different expectations. At least right now, I don't think it would fit me.
Anyways, good luck to you. I hope you will be (somewhat) satisfied with your future job.

Any anons dealt with chronic pain?

I've had it for about three years now. Been looking into Tension Myositis Syndrome. My deal is pretty similar to how others describe it; a traumatic period in my life plus physical injury resulted in constant physical pain.

Would really appreciate some input, thanks.

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Can anyone please tell me something, I'm kind of at a breaking point and you guys are the only ones I can talk to.

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I'm not concerned with prestige which I assume is your main hangup about teaching on the high school level. The salaries are very competitive and that's for teachers that at most have a masters. My main problem with engineering is that I find the work neither interesting nor the work environment pleasant. Regardless, good luck to you with whatever you decide to pursue. Academia is so varied and unstructured that no two people, even in the same lab, will have the same experience or opportunities.

I'm a week without liquor. Meditated almost every day this week as well.

How do you increase collagen and elastin to keep young skin? Do collagen/elastin tablets work?

I've been taking collagen for a while now but for my joints and not skin. It's hard to say if it has any effect and they are annoying to take since it's 6 pills in total a day. The only supplements I tried that did have a noticeable effect were magnesium and vitamin D.

>prestige which I assume is your main hangup
This is not the case though. Even if it is teaching, I would like to do a more "science-dense" job, and that's it.
> no two people will have the same experience
You're right. And the experience really varies by the field as well. I'm in computer science btw.
You just had a pretty bad day, don't be too hard on yourself. Be more careful at work, try to redeem yourself. Also, if you do something to improve yourself (either intellectually or physically), you will feel better and your environment will notice this. If you have low self-esteem and no confidence, people will never respect you. On the same note, everybody has shitty days when we feel bad about our life.

What tablets are recommended to take daily that work?

I guess I understand what your saying but it doesn't just feel like a bad day, I feel like every day since I turned 14 was a bad day and this day is just the cherry on top. I'm just fucking struggling so hard right now mentally and yet I bottle it all in. My whole life I felt fucking stupid and like a fuck up and honestly it's probably true. Looking back I can't say I've done anything I'm really proud of. I never stood up for myself, I let others push me around and I didn't take any risks. I wish I could prove myself right fucking now but I feel like I have these shackles around my legs weighing me down god damnit.

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I'm a fucking coward

Just got this book in the mail.

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>I would like to do a more "science-dense" job, and that's it.
That's what those 3 months off a year are for. I felt the same way you did, but got burned out by the time I defended. My main concerns now are that the job security is good, the environment is pleasant, and that I enjoy what I'm doing. I'm by no means committed to teaching, but I do know that I don't want to be an engineer because it certainly doesn't meet any of the above three criteria.

So don't you feel like it is high time that you stand up for yourself, and take charge of your own life? No, it will not change magically. What about you do something you would never do? I'm not talking about doing hard drugs or committing a crime of course. Travel abroad, join a martial arts club, hire a hooker, go to China and do Buddhist practices at a temple for a few months, whatever. Just do something that is outside of your comfort zone.

Construction laborers are the roughest. They'll be mean to any new person. Yeah it's you're first day, but they'll expect(and want) you to have the wisdom of someone in their 30th year on the site. But the thing is to take work slow, and think twice about what you're doing before you do it.

Don't be hard on yourself. I've seen worse people do bigger mistakes, people we've called stupid fucking idiots, but gave them another chance. Mistakes happen, and you'll learn. Doot doot

Got it. Maybe my opinion will also change, who knows.

Thanks that does make me feel better. I notice the guys I'm working with are older, very experienced and fast paced while I don't know what the fuck is going on. The only reason I got the job is cause my uncle knows the contractor.

I want to do many of those things but I have no money. Also I have no confidence in myself, I'm trying to fix my shitty brain/attitude.

You're just a kid. Working is going to transform you over time. You might never warm up to the job and despise it, you might never be liked by your co-workers but regularly going out of your comfort zone will only help you appreciate the things you CAN control more.
Working in a shitty, phyiscal job for 3 years was the best thing that happened to me as it motivated me to work for myself and not leave anything on the table when chasing my own happiness. Consider that most of your co-workers had dreams they couldn't realize and that influences their behavior. They're just trying to get the day over with, most people in physical, dead-end jobs are jaded.

Drink more water. Also look into pic related its been helping me organize my thoughts

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Just keep repeating to yourself “i dont masterbate” “I dont need it” “im moving forward”

>Easily disproven by a humble brick you weren't aware of knocking you upside your head

Proof that the brick existed before you became Aware of it?
If you say recording, proof that the recording existed before you before you became Aware of it?

Let me know of any problems you have with the assessments, I'll gladly explain them to you.

Literally try telling yourself today is going to be a good day. Do this every morning it really helps. Im having a horrible day too. Pretty sure l have the flu. Been dry heaving and l thought l was going to die at work today. Been having fever dreams until l threw up a binch not too long ago. Still scared but l’ll get through it

I'm the guy who just got into IB. I only worked this hard because it's literally impossible for me to fill my father's shoes so if I did anything less than top tier business I would be a disappointment to him. I know this sounds privileged but it has actually led me to be depressed and insecure

>surrounded by degenerates and leftists.

When you watch too much Peterson.

>implying Peterson is anywhere near that good
He's a neo-con at best.

The trick to successfully nofapping is to be completely debilitated by allergies every spring and fall. Although the downside is that you can't do anything else just suffer

I can give a quick explanation on the lines to address immediate questions but please do argue back.

>You can always do what you need to do.

Note I said NEED, not want. No matter the situation is, there is always at least one thing you can do. Problem is that you usually have a million wants you would like to fulfill before doing the thing you actually need to do.

>The very language you use to think with is full of traps that cultivate a sense of loneliness

"I", "You", "Her". We need language to navigate life but that doesn't mean it isn't flawed. Since you are Awareness, there is nothing but the act of being Aware.

>Ignorance is the ultimate cause of suffering - Insight leads to freedom from mind-created suffering

When your information is lacking, you come up with your own stories on how you'd like things to be so that the world makes sense to you. This leads to suffering because you are constantly at odds with people who have different stories than you. Realizing that you are ultimately beyond those narratives is the insight that stops the suffering.

>You have to put in the work ( a lot of it ) to truly live with a helpful mindset

Just going "well I'm basically God then, I don't need to do shit" is pretending you adopted the mindset I'm talking about. You need to work your shit out, starting from the ground up.

>You don't want things. You want the feelings you tell yourself those things bring you.

Again, you tell yourself stories based on incomplete information. You tell yourself "I need to get Jow Forums" because you believe that being fit will make you feel good. Yet so many people frequently say "well I got everything I wanted but I'm still not happy". You think X will make you more complete, but generally it just makes you want more, because you still haven't satisfied the ultimate want; to stop wanting.

>The world is born through you, for you. From what you can tell, there only exists YOUR Awareness.

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Thank you for the folder it has so much great information and motivation I will treasure it and use it well

If you read the changelog.txt and readme!.txt you will see, that there will be updates in the future.

>posting from phone and computer in case someone says samefag when you reply to a post within a minute

I am on the PC and except to some newfags I am using some neat plugins to get a notification when someone replied to me.

Is this pic accurate? (actually read it instead of going ">anime reaction pics")

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That women are above children but under men?
That, when left alone without supervision they behave like an untrained dog?
Yes, partly yes.

Putting them 1:1 as men is the downfall of a nation. The issue is that to explain that, you need too much time and more likely something like a good long presentation.
It can't be said in a few sentences why.

There is a reason why women where under men for nearly all time everywhere:
“Tradition is a set of solutions for which we have forgotten the problems. Throw away the solution and you get the problem back."

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No. You're putting yourself in a position where you depend on women to be all the things that image says they are. It's all just Ego-stroking bullshit that makes you feel good since at least you can look down at your dick and go "oh yeah, I'm a man".

>Men are spiritually stronger than women

If this is what all of the image rests on, then I can argue back on same terms. What is God? God is Awareness. God created Earth. From what? From herself. God created the world? From what? From herself. Therefor, everything you see is Of God, equally. YOU are God in the sense that as far as you know, everything exists only within your Awareness. Everyone and everything else is just the act of you being Aware. Therefor, every "woman" you see is necessarily as equally capable of being "spiritual" as you - since they are YOU. They can't exist without YOU.

Realize your independence, instead of creating narratives where you are somehow a victim of circumstance. This will get you everything you need.

>Putting them 1:1 as men is the downfall of a nation.

Yeah, that explains why nations with gender equality are 3rd world shitholes.

Oh wait.

like more and more western countries turning into shitholes compared to some years ago?
Yes, correct.
Import 3rd world people, become a 3rd world shitholes with issues we hadn't before.

You mean how we bring in people from countries that see women exactly the way you want to see them?

Comparing nigger and sandnigger moral and ethics to european ones a few decades ago regarding women.
Ii am not baiting on that response.


Man, if thinking like this makes you happy and content in life, you do your thing.

I don't see how what you're doing is objectively /sig/ though. This thread is for those who want to become the best they can be, and that requires complete self-actualization.

failure is growth.
process your failure:
break it down, and build into your character.

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>Proof that the brick existed before you became Aware of it?
There can be two situations here, either it hits you hard enough to KO you instantly or just hurt you
In the former, you are knocked in the head by something you are not aware of (and therefore non-existent by your definition) that continues to be non-existent since you were KO'd, hence you were knocked out by nothing.
In the latter, you bring up recordings which usually have a time-stamp. If you argue that the dates materialized as you were made aware of them then I urge you to follow your own advice of "Ignorance is the ultimate suffering.." because you're obviously ignorant of how computers and digitization work.

>>You can always do what you need to do.
To do what? More badly defined, vaguely worded bullshit. People have chores, no shit
>When your information is lacking, you come up with your own stories on how you'd like things to be so that the world makes sense to you.
Yet here you are not following your own advice
>helpful mindset
The only thing this mindset is helpful at doing is protecting your ego, you are not the center of the universe and most people are okay with that
>because you still haven't satisfied the ultimate want; to stop wanting.
Assumptions, many people know what it is they want and are happy to get it. All your doing is looking at situations that agree with your POV and dismissing those that don't.
>Since you are Awareness, there is nothing but the act of being Aware
Again, more vague bullshit. Your point on language falls apart when discussing other languages/cultures that you presumably don't understand (Again, ignorance yada yada).

You're arrogant, user, and you barely understand or apply what you're saying.
Us humans are very self-conscious creatures which might lead to thinking you're the center of "awareness" as you put it, but the simple reality of it is that life goes on even when you're not thinking about it and even after you die, but that's okay

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>either it hits you hard enough to KO you instantly or just hurt you
You are still Aware of it, for a fraction of a second. Again, proof to the contrary?

>computers and digitization work
These are just ways of recording. You still can't be Aware of them outside your Awareness.

>To do what? More badly defined, vaguely worded bullshit. People have chores, no shit
What you need to do depends on the situation. Do you need to do chores or do you just want to do them?

>Yet here you are not following your own advice
How so?

>The only thing this mindset is helpful at doing is protecting your ego
On the contrary, this mindset is all about subjugating the Ego. You ARE the center of the universe so far as you know, and that means you have all the responsibility in the world. Ego recoils at that thought. It would much rather have nice little stories where you are the victim of your circumstance.

>Assumptions, many people know what it is they want and are happy to get it.
Many? Maybe. If you truly know what you want and are happy to get it, go for it.

>All your doing is looking at situations that agree with your POV and dismissing those that don't.
Feel free to pick at this more. If you think I dismissed something too easily, do call me out, please.

> other languages
Completely irrelevant, I haven't heard of a language that speaks the truth and nothing but. Describe to me something you saw recently and try to do it so that I can experience it exactly as you did.

>life goes on even when you're not thinking about it and even after you die
Prove it.

>You're arrogant, user,
Yes, very.

>you barely understand or apply what you're saying.
Well, wrong. But please, let's continue. Feel free to focus on only one thing at the time if you feel like the discussion starts to go all over the place, but I'll be happy to talk about all of it.

Tips for stop watching porn?
I am pretty addicted and just can't stop. Doing No Fap so just watching. Having real trouble getting an erection with my girl