Tfw nopoo day 20

>tfw nopoo day 20

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user please see a doctor, the new article about your bowls exploding might include a picture and I don't want to see it.

Drink coffee.

Release yourself from sphincter now!

Nopoo is really the only way if you truly want to looksmax

Maybe you should stop shoving things up your ass, OP.

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Every time

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is it normal that when your hair is short and you do no poo, it smells worse and more oily than when its long? its really strange for me... have a massive jewfro i only wash sunday nights and its fine, but when i get it cut short, every day it smells greasy

What the fuck am I reading?

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i make it simple

when i nopoo with long hair it smells better than with short hair

what do you mean? Is it not logical that nopoo would cause hair to become oily? Usually it subsides after a while though

You guys know your body keeps making shit even if you hold the old stuff in, right?

If you haven't tried nopoo, you can't comment on it's effects. It's done wonders for me, Even my acne cleared up

Are we talking about no shampoo or not shitting?

Come on user don't be ridiculous I think it's pretty obvious from the OP what this is about. One of those options is clearly less logical than the other

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>Used have crazy constipation issues
>Had to use suppositories to help my asshole out a few times
>Pain was so bad I'd be writhing on bed after attempting to shit with nothing coming out
>After getting past one episode, start drinking coffee
>Poop regularly every morning
>Fix other parts of my diet (you've all hear this a million times; no sugar, less refined carbs, tons of vegetables)
>Later stop drinking the coffee because it causes me to get up to pee in the night
>Now my shit is so clean that there's almost nothing there when I wipe
>Doodoo 1-2 times per day
The only drawback is that when I was drinking coffee I'd go earlier in the morning. Now I have to wait a little longer to run, because no one wants to run with the feeling of an oncoming shit.

Unfuck your shit, user.

nopoo is no SHAMpoo, not no shitting
tip top kek

Or you could just eat normal and take a 2 Metamucil capsules a day.

Was going to post this. This thread is a shit storm of a mess

I am eating normally :^)

I started 3 months ago, and im never pooing again.

At first you get bloated because all that excess poo is building up in your system, but DONT POO. Once you get past day 8-10, you stop eating as much and your body uses the excess undigested poo in your descending colon as a fuel source, so you can cut your calories by a TON, still feel full, and get fuckin ripped.
Also I feel way stronger so I think that poo buildup adds internal pressure to your chest cavity and lets you lift more.
By the next week, the bloat goes away and you go into Pootosis, and you rarely get hungry. Your body will run 100% on poo, then your "need to poo" will go away and youll get hungry again.
At this point you can eat more, to repoo your system with poo, then it start all over again.

You can still pee, but fuck pooing man. Im never taking a poo again.

Probably because this meme 'no-' shit is getting out of hand. Fucking 'nopoo'? Faggots.

paying extra for them to put the metamucil in 2 cent capsules.
Just be normal and buy a bulk bag of capsules from a chemist, then fill them up yourself

are...are you saying that because you don't shit anymore you a now bracing against an internal shitlog?
Because I'm sure that's what your saying

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I'll pay you 20$ to fill them for me.

It's what you have to do if you want to make serious gains. You don't think all the biggest strongmen are doing this? I'm only trying to help here, but if you want to waste all those calories and all that food, go ahead and just push it out of your asshole and flush it down the toilet. What a waste, you could at least double eat (eat your poo to extract further nutrition). Not as effective but better than just wasting it

Pooing is for the weak. You don't actually need to do it.

You should have seen a doctor at nopoo day 6, best.
Do it now (I assume you have already tried laxatives).

If you are talking about the no SHAMpoo day 20, why the pain face?


anons get bowel cancer

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I always knew strongmen were full of shit. I didn't know just how much people in that sport rely on being literal meat suits wrapped around the internal shit golem that does the lifting for them.
Thanks I learnt a lot today

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Breh this has been around way before you underage ass started lurking here

Search up impacted bowel so you can literally scare the shit out of youself

I think this entire topic must be troll, but anyone who's ever fasted for an extended time will know there are elements of truth to this.
When you begin a fast, you usually won't take a shit for about 5-6 days, even though you may have eaten a hearty meal the day before.
Your body quickly realizes it's going to need to get clever, and absorb more nutrients from what it first discarded as waste. And your body is good at it.
But where this explanation has its faults is you still have to poo sometimes. Even during a fast, where you're not eating anything at all, your body will discard of waste gathered through autophagy. This happens every 15-20 days, at least according to some accounts.
I've only fasted for 8 days once, to try it out, but I can attest to only shitting around day 5-6.

I don't want to scare the shit of of myself retard I'm trying to hold it in

Wasn’t nopoo meant for people too shy to get a buttplug?

Based confusion poster

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After nopoo for 37 days (obliterated pants in radioshack on the last day) i grew 5 inches

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>tfw nosex day 8549

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post pics to break OP's nopoo streak

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actually, I will be a good person

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imagine actually shitting in 2019

na thats long m8

>complaining about a free squat plug