What do you think of this article? Based or cringe?

What do you think of this article? Based or cringe?
>No. You can't work in. That would be impossible. Because I am here. Occupying, you might say. Occupying this space. It is mine. I am using it. The pause in action that you see? All part of the plan. All part of my strategy. I work, then stop. Work, then stop. In this way I regain my energy to continue working. It is a strategy that works, so to speak.
>There is no working in here. Only working out. Your working in would necessitate my moving, getting up, walking away, robbing me of precious moments of Zen-like focus, disturbing my rhythm, breaking my concentration, destroying my ongoing vibe. I also don't want to get up. I don't want to move. I don't want to walk away. That would mean I would have to come back. That's a lot of coming and going. I didn't come here for all that.
>Let me propose, instead, a different course of action, for you: you wait. You wait right over there. Right where you are. Don't move a muscle. Don't say a word. Just wait there, patiently, until the time comes when I have finished my work-rest-work-rest-work-rest cycle. You'll know the time has come when you see me rise and, in a purposeful manner, leave the area, without returning. That's when you should pounce. Then, the time will be right. At that moment I would like nothing better than for you to step into the area which I have vacated and commence using it yourself. Because I will be done.

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100% pure antisocial autism written by some shutin rarely talking to real people face to face

Cringe. Author is a self-important jackass

Extreme cringe, further proof that only autistic faggots go to the gym.

Oh okay I think I'll ask the next guy

where im from people like hamilton nolan would get punched in the face real quick if they came with that sassy shit
i bet his voice is high pitched

written like a true autist
definitely based

>t. I can't handle people mogging my 1pl8 bench

>Hamilton Nolan

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>i need to concentrate during my rest sets, so no you can't work in
is all i got out of this. This might actually be autism. The fact this guy can't have his plans go a bit off just so he can have a good workout.

>Of course in real life I let the guy work in. But gee I was really miffed about it
What an autistic faggot

Sounds like a Jow Forums boomer

they'd be writing about more important things if they weren't being overpaid and in silicon valley

Lmao what a gay name

No working in just working out

>tfw DYELs abandon the bench when I ask to work in because their afraid I'll get their towel dirty and they don't want to move it
Why even carry a towel around at a gym just so you can put it on every bench you use? Haha.

Opey needs to settle the fuck down before someone drops an 80 on his face.

I understand working in on the machines where you can easily set the weight, but regarding barbells I am on that guy's side.

is it really that hard to load and deload 10lbs from each side just so the other girl can squat 20lbs more than you?

Yeah, I agree. You don't ask to work in on bar bell exercises where the weight is going to have to be changed out every set.

Machines or whatever is fine. The only time I bench with a stranger is if he's waiting by 2 of the benches and I'm waiting by the other 2 and instead of waiting for these DYEL campers we decide to get the next one together.

If you're taking a shitload of time (on your phone) between sets, yeah, others can work in. You don't actually have a say at that point.

im curious, what do you squat? I am ready to either laugh or actually respect your choice

>I wish I could afford my own house with a basement, the article

most people actually dont want to work in. I always get asked how many sets I have left after warmups or after my first set. I tell them my rest time between sets are long so I offer them to just work in. Usually the offer is denied and I actually never see them using the squat rack at all during their stay

>writes this article
>pic is benching what appears to be 95 lbs

This. It's fucking annoying when people want to work in, especially when they're autistic and just sit there like a vulture ready to strike.

Yeah nah, get fucked nerd

I actually get more motivated when some chink or spic asks to work in on bench and I strength mog him all over his face while he walks away in shame

This is why you are single, loser.

>gawker writer

But I have a girlfriend of 1 year

That's still a thing? Didn't they go bankrupt after trying and failing to one-up Hulk Hogan?

All of this passive aggressive basedboy autism when in real life he probably just said
>y-yeah ok man

Occupying the space

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>take 3-5 minutes between working sets
>no one ever asks to work in

>ask some dyel if I can workin on the bench, or how many sets they've got left
>the answer is ALWAYS 1 more

>gay alien

I don't even bother trying to work in. I work around. No one cuts in on me, I don't cut in on them, everyone does the awkward shuffle as they meld there routines around everyone else, no one has any problems.

Then again, I'm not autistic or a faggot.

I can smell the autism. Although there was one nugget of truth in there:

>There is no working in here. Only working out.


No idea what the fuck I just read but it does sound retarded as well as autistic

No from me

It should be common courtesy that the guy who asked to work in changes the pl8s. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't get to work in.


I can see why he uses a cartoon avatar instead of his face

Peanut does not approve

I sweat alot so i use one out so i dont soak the bench but if someone wants to work in i will do the completely sane action of taking it off the bench for when i move for the person

i lol'ed for real

That's too young, you pervert

I’d rather the guy work in then sit there and autistically watch me while I do my workout. Fuck that’s annoying

For me usually on guy gets one side of the rack, the other guy gets the other side

>tries to be a toughguy
>talks in an uptalk like a lowtest southern californian faggot

This is perfectly fine

Gotta disagree. Depending on the guy asking to work in, he has to have a relative strength level as yours, MINIMUM. Anything more or less is just tiresome as you gotta constantly change weights or increase by numerous amounts.

If it's one or two plates I don't mind helping them out, or if I ask to work in. But if I see some guy squatting 5 plates I'm not gonna ask him to drop to 3pl8 so I can warm up. I'll just fuck off and wait.

Just because he has the right to do whatever he wants to do with that space, it doesn't mean that he has to be a selfish loser about it. Americans so often talk about personal freedom, private ownership, sovereignty, individualism etc - but that doesn't exclude them from choosing to being nice and sharing.

If some autist wrote this on Jow Forums they'd be mocked to kingdom fuck.
That it got published is some amazing dipshittery.

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Chink or spic spotted lmao

>hey bro can I work in
>"yeah no problem"
And just like that my chances of people watching and laughing when I accidentally pin myself under a bench press go to zero.

>any more is just tiresome

>two plates I dont mind
>5pl8 vs 3pl8 wont bother

Holy fuck. You are so stupid , you can't even agree with yourself.

What the fuck does “work in” even mean? I don’t go to the gym

Share the equipment by taking turns on sets

"Working in" is fucking annoying and retarded because you have to load/unload the bar each time and the bench gets covered in another man's sweat which mixes with my own ass and ball sweat. Just fucking wait your turn.

>two plates as in one on each side.
Imagine being this stupid.

Also if someone is squatting 5 plates you think they have even any tiny ounce of energy to constantly change micro plates or any amount of weight at all? I'd be fucked if some dude only squatted 60% of my working set and I had to constantly accommodate. but if it was around 80%-90% I wouldn't mind


>You do a set
> take a break.
>Other guy does a set while you take a break.
>You do a set while the other guy takes a break

I just wait. But when they come in a group of 4 to work in I just abandon all hope and leave.


I bet this is the same type of faggot that accuse gym rats as being all assholes when its people like him with this attitude.

>If it's one or two plates I don't mind helping them out, or if I ask to work in
>two plates as in one on each side.
Imagine being this stupid.

Lmao brainlet arguing against himself

>working sets so exhausting you can handle a single plate or two during your 5 minute rests
>thinks reps require higher RPE for a proportionally stronger person

Oh you're larping, too? Most flustered retard today. Excited for your next dumbass post.

Why don't you just go get a home gym? If you're too poor for one, you're too poor to whine about people working in.

I understand where he's coming from but not sharing equipment is damn rude, also you're missing out on mogging people by watching them take out plates/lower the weight on cables

Working in makes me lift better

This guy seems like he reads Mythical Strength and desperately wants to be like the guy who writes MS but comes across as a far whinier, weaker, incel version.

It's amazing people get paid to write trite shitposts like this. I mean, I put more effort in to writing funnier and better material on this board and I do it for free. I think I missed my calling in life.

>yfw you leave 500-1000 word shitposts in youtube comment sections for free

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If you go to the gym during prime hours and it is absolutely packed you're scum of the earth for not allowing people to work in. It is common courtesy.

That being said I always go when it is empty, and if you ask to work in then I will always say no. There are a million things open, go use something else. If you absolutely have to use what I am using, then you'll be waiting until I am done.

Journalism became womanized, and this is the result of any kind of womanization. Petty, inane non-objective bullshit.


But my goal is to be ottermode, I don’t need a gym for that

I want to cut this autist's Audi off in traffic


>tfw someone tells you no, but the gym rules require you to allow people to work in

Lmaoo, toobadsosad autists. Enjoy taking my plates off for your set when you throw your little fit and don't help me put them on

Is that even a full plate, they look like 35s.

Usually they try to extend their workout a ridiculous amount to upset me, but phases me zero. And if they're real butthurt, they'll unload the plates, then sit back down on their phone and say they're not ready. So I just put em back on whenever I want and do another set. Then they get to unload them again before their set.

Literally nothing they can do about it. Completely based.

>Based or cringe
if you have to ask, you already know


I thought Hogan went over clean with the Legal Leg Drop in a Loser Goes Bankrupt match

he did. check the date.


I have been all over this country, and I have never seen a gym that didn't have a "don't hog equipment" sign on the wall.

Oh, good. Thanks bro. OP's a faggot and I'm a mark.

Don't worry I'll warm up with your max for a few sets and when you're done I'll add another 40kgs.

That's because it would interfere with your right to use the equipment when and how you want (within reason). You have the right to hog the equipment if you want. But just because you can, it doesn't mean you should.

lol what a fag

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same, I hate when I'm warming up with 7 plates and some dyel 5 plater asks if he can work in... like no dude nobody wants to rerack those plates my bro

In my experience everyone who has asked me to work in on the squat rack or bench takes their sweet fucking time and then tries to give me pointers when I'm lifting more than them

Written by a guy with power fantasies, my brother has the same issue. Always making up stories of fights he won against people that bothered him in generic ways


jesus christ I wholeheartedly agree. I absolutely fucking loathe it when people ask me to work in, to the point that I literally just don't respond or even take out my headphones when people approach me while I'm using equipment. I go to a particularly overcrowded university gym, so the problem is extremely bad, to the point that you have 2 or 3 people approach you every exercise, and I saw an absolutely horrific example of this the other day:
>using the squat rack
>blonde qt girl starts deadlifting 1.5 pl8 on the deadlift mat behind me, with impressively good form I might add
>massive, ridiculously ripped, roided out black dude shows up
>hey gurl, kanni werk in?
>she looks obviously intimidated and says ok
>he proceeds to remove her weight and load like 3 extra plates onto the bar
>does his deadlifts
>asks her to help him deload the weights so she can do her set again
>she just goes along with it 'cause she's fkn afraid

shit was like watching a trainwreck.

If you don't like people working in get a home gym, poverty nigger

>Im just pretending to be retarded, that will show em!

Fuck, came here to say this.

People don't feel compelled to write articles about what they say to other people irl if they're actually saying it irl. This isn't an article, it's a diary entry about what this guy wishes he had done.

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I asked a woman if I could work in the other day and she gave me a bunch of shit about how she was gonna take longer because I was too close to her n shit. The worst part was the vocal fry and California valley girl accent.

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>oh okay pham, I'll do something else

I always let people work in. It legit doesn't bother me, and no one ever talks to me when I do.

Thank god I live in a scandinvian country where people wouldn't ask to work in even if they wanted to

>robbing me of precious moments of Zen-like focus, disturbing my rhythm, breaking my concentration, destroying my ongoing vibe
You're lifting weights here, not trying to freesolo K2, fucking faggot.

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The worst I ever had was this black dude just straight up stealing the plates from the barbell in the squat rack while I was resting between sets. I didn't even notice it until I felt my balance was off when I took the barbell off the rack.