

Attached: JustJeff.png (298x434, 171K)

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Thank you based Jeff form ATHLEAN-X.COM!!

I'm doing texas method I'm not gonna do stupid fucking face pulls after a volume day fuck you Jeff. I'll do them on wednesdays...

what's your opinion on this guy?
i'm new to gym world and guy recommended me him. your thoughts?


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Don't take nutrition or programming advice from him. But if you are experiencing pain in some specific place after a specific movement or need help on form on some specific excercise this guy has a video for that very specific thing you need. He's an absolute library.

i stopped doing facepulls when i got an indian mace and now i just do 360 swings with it, shit is so cash.

memes aside facepulls everyday are sweet and have done wonders for me. Better shoulder mobility, less pain and just generally better shoulder health. Also my posture is better.

Is he on gear or not? On one hand, his diet is probably on point to the very last calorie, with no cheat days, and he knows exactly how to train properly. I believed he was natty when he was younger, but to be at his age and still gaining mass (no matter how little)? I'm pretty skeptical of him now

Pajeet here. My grandpa used to be a wrestler, absolutely built like an ox back in the day. He had one of those maces too, things are really fun. All he'd do was exercises with the mace, wrestle, and climb rope. Always makes me think of how over complicated we make our modern workouts

I honestly think he's the best youtube fitness guy ever. I'm an intermediate dude, learned so much from him. Watched alot of his videos.

When I watch his vids I want to go to the gym right away, even in the middle of the night.

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He's probably cruising on a super light dose. Not that I blame him, he's in his 40s and fitness is how he supports his family.

His biggest failing is probably his retarded obsession with the letter X. (naming your kid Xander? for real?)


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On God I did them today, sir.

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i did them today please jeff i promise


C-Can we negotiate?

>But if you are experiencing pain in some specific place

Does he have anything for knee joint? I have right knee joint problems. My solution is to just avoid it. I do lots of biking, machines, etc. Just never run.

Indian maces are cool, but I'm afraid if they catch on idiots will kill each other with them. They're also ideal murder weapons (Even more than weights).

He is on TRT which in America means that he is paying a doctor to keep his testosterone levels at the optimal range.

This manlet says Jeff is not a strength coach

Agree with this guy. He is older and is well into the single digits of bodyfat all the time. It's more likely than not that he uses a small amount of gear. To all the people who vehemently deny the idea of him using gear I would like to ask "why wouldnt he?". He is not being randomly drug tested by WADA all the time. To have a body like his at his age you need to have perfect genetics, diet, and training. With a small amount of the right drugs he'll only need pretty good diet and training. I'm not passing negative judgement on this guy, he is consistent with how the entire fitness industry handles the steroid issue.

Don't worry, I did my sets of 20 of face pulls today after finishing my Lower body power workout.

He's got a bunch.

Browse through and find the one that seems like it'd apply best to your particular type of knee pain.

hey m8 ive moved onto nippard aka goodJeff