Squats do not train your hamstrings!

Squats do not train your hamstrings!

Like at all. So unless you also do high rep deficit deadlifts which i'm guessing you don't you should be doing lots of hamstring accesory work, especially if you have anterior pelvic tilt and spend most your day sitting down. You're welcome.

Attached: 526460.jpg (640x640, 145K)

Any proper hip hinge will train your hamstrings sufficiently.

No they fucking won't. I can deadlift 325x5 and my hamstrings were weak as fuck before i started hitting them directly


325x5 deadlift isn't shit

I RDL 405x5 for hamstrings and its fine

>tfw my glutes never engage
>deadlifts - only hamstrings sore
>glute bridges - same story

Not sure wut do

Low bar Squats do

Well your deadlift is weak as fuck so that doesn't take much explanation. I have a 280kg deadlift and my hamstrings are quite strong.

This is factually incorrect

try lower back squats

Low bar squats allow you to move more weight specifically because they engage hamstrings you literal retard

You shouldn't have to get to a 400lb deadlift before you start training your hamstrings that's retarded. I spent a year trying to fix my anterior pelvic tilt and i've made more progress in 1 month of training my hamstrings then i did in that entire time because i thought deads and squats would hit them enough. I was wrong.
No they don't, go do some research

You need help

You need help my hamstring deficient friend you're lucky i made this thread. Say thank you.

>Squats do not train your hamstrings!

Post squats and post body, kid.

Attached: Extra Smug Asuka.jpg (499x564, 49K)

>they move more weight because they engage your hamstrings you literal retard
Holy shit you could not be projecting harder from the top of mount stupid. Your hamstrings literally cannot change length while you are doing the hardest part of your squat, which is getting out of the hole, or you will either fold like cardstock or not move at all. Once you're well above parallel and have nearly locked out your hamstrings work a little bit to help with hip extension, but that's true for all squats regardless of bar position. You move more weight lowbar because the lever arm, your torso, is 2" shorter giving you better leverages.

Your deadlift form must be shit. Just do good mornings, RDLs or SLDLs if you want a more pure hip hinge to train them.

It's not my fault, it's anatomy bro.

My deadlift form is fucking tight i literally took forever to get to where i am because i wouldn't let my back round. Deadlifts are mostly quads and glutes especially if you are using good form with lots of leg drive.

Deadlifts primary movers are glutes and hamstrings and secondary movers are quads. Post a video of your deadlift, I guarantee you're starting with your shoulders too far behind the barbell and it's making try to squat the weight up.

I don't have a video of my deadlift, i start with my hips low with my shoulders in front of the bar. The bar literally drags up my shins. My form is fine.

325 deadlift is literally 2 months of lifting... Do you really expect much stimulus from such a noob lift?

If you think it's mostly your glutes and quads doing the work then it isn't fine.

Single leg work

Split Squat
Single leg dead
Side Lunges
Cross Reverse Lunges

>OP is right, everyone else retard

It is tho, when i started doing hamstring curls i noticed my hamstrings were weak as shit, so i decided to do some research and i'm sharing what i've found.

If your hips are low, your form probably sucks. The deadlift is not a squat. It's primarily a hip extension movement that rely on the hamstrings and glutes as prime movers, with only mediocre involvement of the quads as knee extensors. What's your 1RM?

You're 100% correct about the squats, but there's something very wrong with your deadlift if you're not using your hamstrings to do a large amount of the work

>muh studies
If you think low bar doesn’t hit hamstring more you are retarded

Dunno mate, I started at the gym doing isolation machines like hamstring curls. Could only do 60 lbs at first. Stopped doing that and started squating, then I tried hamstring curls a bit after and did 110 lbs easily.

See if you think any squat is a good way to train hamstrings you've been brainwashed by broscience

I don't do 1rm's especially not for deadlift. I've always done it with my hips low and lots of leg drive, it's the best way to keep my back from rounding

-t. Doesn't know what a lowbar squat is

Thanks, why are they better? Genuinely asking.

What have you been doing to train your hamstrings?

Don't know but i had the same problem as you and single work made me feel my glutes again. Probably because some minor muscle is working more.

The hamstrings are the primary mover in the deadlift. You had weak hamstrings because you have a weak fucking deadlift. 325x5 is fucking piss. Get your deadlift up first.

It's also incorrect form and why your deadlift is weak. That's also why your hamstrings are weak. By dropping your hips, you're taking stress away from your hamstrings.

325x12 is literally 2 WEEKS of lifting you fucking incel.
shut the FUCK up.

>went to the gym for the first time ever today
>lifted for two hours
>was deadlifting 325x12 by the end of the session

bunch of dyels itt