What is the “correct” way to run?

What is the “correct” way to run?

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Whatever works most of the time, but it's good practice to have your feet contact underneath you.

forefoot running, not heel striking.

Like naruto

I actually have a hard time having my foot flat on ground when I jog because my heels get hurt when my feet gets on the ground, maybe it's because of my obesity but I try to control my foot stepping into the ground

In short bursts and only when necessary

on all fours with a loping gait, like that of a ape.

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Naked in a state of excited delirium due to drug use, away from 3 cops and an paramedic

On your hands


Not at all. You ever see a healthy looking marathon runner? Stop running. Instead try sprinting, cycling, jumping rope, or playing a sport. Pathetic

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Don't heel strike. Foot should make contact with the ground underneath your body. Both of these pieces of advice have already been shared but I wanted to stress them because I have seriously fucked up my knees by not following the second one and a lot of running noobs will heel strike too.

Don’t be the one that’s running, be the one that’s chasing.

with legs

bare foot

>Village People is giving a free concert with free AIDS also guyz !

How do you land midfoot "first" when your shoe is a fucking flat object?

Do HIIT and Hiking instead of running, much better for your joints

For you? Off a cliff.

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run like this man

Google Tarahumara

Running shoes are the worst thing for your feet.

>awesome dribbles and flicks past multiple opponents
>hits the woodwork every time
being trolled by a youtube skill video is a new feeling



Expand your stomach when breathing out and contract when breathing in. Helps you prevent that painful spike in your waist a bit longer.

Objectively true. Minimizing wind resistance and keeping your hands ready to deal with problems.

the only correct answer in this thread.
99% of runners are wrong. dont hit your heel first

Running cadence of around 180 strides per minute, slight forward lean when running, arms around 90 degrees, and as the others have said, you don’t want to run from your heels, normally we land with emphasize to spring from the front of the foot- look up mo farrah & eliud kipchoge for the most beautiful running techniques

>be small and weak
>only run on dirt
>incredible running secrets of some who tribe with no medals
wow these nogs are so smart

while jacking off

Dont run or jog if you're obese my guy, you don't want shin splints, fucked up ankles, hips or knees.
Go for long walks + be strict with what you eat until you get to a healthy weight

Run with your squat plug. It will make your running way better.


Stop fucking running.

You're only going to end up doing more hsrm than good. Go for long walks. An hour or more. You can also get a decent bike and ride that. Both are going to be much more forgiving on your legs than beating your bones to death because of your dumb ass putting on so much weight.

Not only will it prevent stress injuries, you'll be able to go for much longer than if you were just running.

Can you run for two hours straight? No you can't fatass.

Can you go to the park and walk for two hours? Yes you can.

Can you go to the mall while its pouring down rain and walk laps for two hours? Yes you can.

Can you ride your bike for 2 hours? Not at first because your ass will hirt, but yes you can.

At this point you need to be worrying about the minutes spent active, not the activity. The more you move the better off you are.

Squat plugs are the completely wrong shape for running. Jesus you're a cheap bastard. Everyone should invest in getting a properly sized and fitted runner plug.

>this post
Analysis-paralysis is real

Did I do good Jow Forums? Got these on discount. I run on asphalt mostly.

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This is beyond retarded you pompus fuck

This is my jam

No, this is the lazy ass placebo activity that keeps people fat.

croissant mode

Run Fast, and don't say you 'run' when you're merely jogging. There's a literal difference, and most people who say they run are simply joggers which is barely a step up from speed walking

Just walk twice at the same time

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It comes naturally with experience.
The more you run, the better you run. When you have enough experience, you'll immediately feel something wrong when you're fucking your shit up.

The only useful advice is not to be slouching.

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Want to know how to properly jog? Run barefoot on some hard surface outside, you'll notice how you'll be more likely to run on the front of your feet, no heel striking and shorter leg reach. That's the proper way.

>You ever see a healthy looking marathon runner?
Yes plenty in real life. On Jow Forums? No because everything is cherry picked. If your opinion about anything comes entirely from this board...you need to leave and never comes back. Fucking yikes user

>it comes naturally with experience
No it fucking doesn't. There are such thing as bad habit even when running and you can fuck yourself up with a bad running form

What the fuck are you talking about? Walking for two hours is gonna burn like 600 calories, and biking is going to be almost double that once you start going at a reasonable clip.

t. runlet

are you retarded? honest question

wow this is fucking shit, dont tilt like youre about to fall, gravity does not help you generate momentum its makes you not use your glutes leading to injury

dont run if you are obese retard, go swim or bike or whatever but dont run or jog or whatever

remember to eat less too

In your head you think an elite marathon runner is an average one

In your head you think the elite marathon runners are running at a low intensity

In the real world marathon runners do come in different sizes but tend to be leaner cus of the mileage

In real life you couldn’t run half a mile at the pace of an elite marathon runner

You’re just a deluded cunt

Here's a weirdo thing.

I used to be a forefoot jogger, then went to midfoot. I was having an issue with my left foot dragging and had to go back to heel striking for it to stop.

Did that for a while until some genius simply said "why not run faster?" So now i'm basically completely reworking my pace to a level where i'm forced to stay on my toes.

I think my real problem is that i'm still to heavy. I need to lean out. While I am reasonably fit I still carry probably 20+% body fat.

Flat or ideally toe strike.
Heel strike will fuck you up long term

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True. Also if you feel a sharp pain in your shins STOP immediately.
Shin splints take months to recover from if you get one bad enough.
When I started jogging I knew to take it really slow at first so my bones can build up density over time. First few weeks I could go far at all before feeling slight pain in my shins, but I knew better and would always stop immediately when that happens.

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This was a great episode of Malcolm in the Middle. RIP Piano man