I'm supposed to give it my all, right?

I'm supposed to give it my all, right?
When I lift, I lift as heavy as I can, and do sets until i physically cant lift any more.
That's giving it everything I have right? No problem there. The issue is that I'm extremely sore for about a whole week- nearly incapacitated for the first 4 days, it makes going to my uni classes and doing daily tasks a nightmare.
I stretch before I lift, I warm up, etc.
what am I doing wrong? I can't lift consistently if I have to take a week between each time I lift.

Attached: uh.jpg (400x294, 16K)

Need more protein.

Take like 6 scoops a day and see how it feels. Scale back from there to where you're still making gains ans dont feel as sore.

More protein, supplement with creatine and BCAA's. A good routine will help your muscles get used to it as well.

sleep issues?

if the protein supplements "scare" you, just eat normal foods that are high on protein, scoops/shakes are a more direct way but high on protein foods will do

Soak in a hot bath (at least 100 degrees) or use a jacuzzi for 15 minutes after each work out. I guarantee your soreness will go away and you can lift heavy every day , even twIce a day sometimes.

>I'm supposed to give it my all, right?
No, why would you think that? Stop watching Rocky movies. You're supposed have repeatedly good workouts that achieve your goals for the day, while staying on track with your long term programming. You're not supposed to "give your all" every day. That's how you get injured, weak, and burnt out.

Follow a program and stop trying work out like you're in a fucking anime.

Attached: boomer breakfast.png (662x502, 51K)

Pretty much this. Going to the gym just to kill your body is a waste of time.
Take some time and fuck around with weights to know what your body can handle and how much, once you know the limits of your body create your own program that fits your body

Write all your shit down, what you did on the gym, ecercises, sets and reps, how you performed (just write whatever the fuck you think could be useful)

Also, do cardio

If you aren't new then this isn't normal, you might have bad form that's fucking up your joints and tendons. Also you aren't supposed to go to failure every set.

>I'm supposed to give it my all, right?
No, you are supposed to keep 2 reps left in the tank. Stop 2 reps before failure.

I can't believe how fucking DYEL this board really is. Look at the fucking clueless replies in here

how long have you been lifting
how many carbs and protons a day
whats your general routine. how many rest days

You can't really blame OP for thinking this way though. Garbage normie fitness culture has gasheads with enhanced recovery times trying to convince newbies that they need to train like they're trying to master Hamon in a month.

wait is this a meme? im going ham every set maxing out till i get my last rep
should i lower the intensity

Maximizing volume>training to failure.
A simple 5x5 will strain the muscle to a greater degree than one set of 8 Hard reps followed by 3 crappy sets of 3-4 reps

This. You'll make infinitely more progress leaving a bit in the tank most days.

You are lifting way too fucking heavy you stupid fuck.
If you are a casual lifter, don't ever lift heavy compounds. Period.
Keep that shit

>Never try to feel the burn and once you feel a slight pump. stop lifting.

care to explain why we shouldn't do what everyone tells you to do?

I'm not that guy.

You shouln't do something just because "everyone" told you to do it. You should look into the sources of the information people give you, find out what is true and then listem to people who usually tell the truth.
By doing what you are doing right now, if you're OP, you are just hurting yourself and making it so you wont be able to keep training for much longer. Pain is not good, that's just a newbie missconception.

However the person above you is a pussy, you can go hard, just don't go retarded

You probably have EMF radiation that is fucking with your recovery? Check if a SmartMeter has been installed in your house or if you sleep close to a router.

Eat 2-4 eggs and half a pound of chicken everyday for protein.

no such thing as over training, just under-recovery. you are training too much for your recovery capacity. consider - more food, more sleep, recovery enhancing practices (i hear hot+cold is good) and lastly steroids
if its still too much then yeah, you are over training lol

Keep doing it until it's not sore anymore. If it's still sore after like month then maybe your nutrition and recovery is horrible

In addition to not going to failure try going for walks and other light cardio. Best of wishes with your exercising friend

whats your routine?
Going super hard as a DYEL is counter productive

if you're extremely sore you're doing something wrong there