Saturday Night Feels

Why are you here on a Saturday night?

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Just finished leg day and I'm staying in watching a movie. All my friends moved after graduating so I'm all alone and have no one to go out with. Looking forward to the holy day of rest tomorrow, at least.

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what else am I supposed to be doing?

Graduate HS or uni?

Finally got off a very bad case of flu and wanted to work out. Missed 3 workouts because fever and general malaise.


Girlfriend went home for break a week ago, about to go out for work soon (should only be about an hour or so) then coming back home to sell shit on Ebay. Gotta plan my day tomorrow too. May rewrite out a new workout routine to get back into the gym. I've been stagnant for the last 2 weeks due to some medication that killed half of my red blood cells. Fuck tick bites.

Besides that, I'm just chilling. I work 2 jobs, do side work when possible and rarely get "fuck it" nights to myself anymore. I'm enjoying it while I can.

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Paying absurd prices for watered-down drinks and hoping some thot agrees to talk to you, I guess. Don't forget to tip the bartender.

What a joke.

My gf drained my balls last night. Need to relax now.

because you guys are my friends and I love you

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I know that it's pretty sad to be this happy about receiving a video game console as an adult, but I am envious of his ability to actually experience happiness and excitement to that degree and in a genuine sense, even if it is over something trivial and arguably bad for him.

Girl asked me out for coffee, we picked a place, she didn't respond for 2 hours. So here I am on another lonely Saturday night

I'd be pretty happy if I got Majora's Mask

Ouch. Sorry user. Tinder date?

how do I unlock >tfw gf

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i lost my ankles in a body boarding accident

i body boarded too far out in bondi beach and got exhausted fighting the undercurrent and my legs got mashed up against some hard rocks

i had to use my feet to anchor myself so i didnt drown but my ankles got pulverized, i was in the water for 14 hours

im still adjusting so i dont go outside much

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That's how my dream girl is right there, she's perfect, naturally pretty, dresses down, cares for her man, fun and excitable, I bet she is smart too.

I'm more jealous of him having a gf reacting this happily just because she could give him something

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Fug that's scary, at least you're alive

Holy shit user. I don't even know what I would do if I were in that situation. I hope things get better for you

I only go out if there's an event. Last week I went to see a boxing event and the week before that I went to a concert. I think going out without a plan or expectation is a waste of time and money.

I need motivation to keep going

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post ankles for proof

you just helped me decide to stay in tonight

Good news for you, she also dates ugly manchildren.

Because life will only get worse than it already is by getting fat and not being fit

Man... that's rough. Will you ever get better? Do you wear ankle braces? Maybe take up a hobby like guitar?

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Had the flu the past three days so instead of fucking my comfy fuckbuddy like we planned I'm here browising Jow Forums, watching netflix and eating barebones sandwiches because it's the only thing I can keep down with a fever.

Haven't lifted at all in the past three days. Feels fucking horrible guys. I just want to lift again and I've tried but I'm so physically drained from this shit.

I have a test on Tuesday and work tomorrow. Fucking kill me. Work, study, workout, sleep.

Thanks user, time to beat the gain goblins

Get some of this shit and some diphenhydramine. I just take a day to entirely sleep and only get up to take more medicine. Do that, eat only soup and water and I promise in one to two days you'll be better. That was my only trick I learned in the waste of time known as grad school when you gotta stay healthy 24/7 to study or teach faggot undergrads.

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been up in this bitch since 2016 fuck you mean theres soething going on

>go to happy hour yesterday with coworkers at bar
>don't drink anything, only 6-8 people there
>play some pool with people, actually have a few conversations
>make qt boss laugh many times in car as she drops me off at subway station

thats enough social interaction for my autistic ass. a lot better than past experiences going out to restaurants or bars with them when i sit in a corner mute and run away

Top Kek.

I'm actually a catch apart from I can't handle finances

Not sure what im looking at here but he looks like an autistic adult like myself..
Hot ass gf tho fml

Slowly getting over a breakup that happened 5 months ago. Theres mayor elections tomorrow in my city and we have a law that makes it illegal to buy or consume alcohol. My friends are out with other people and im here pissed because I had a shitty squat day because yesterday I had an awesome deadlift sesh.

It's almost midnight and I'm stuffing my face with jalapeño cheese fries because life has me stressed out right now

I've been avoiding decongestants because I've got laryngitis so bad rn that I cannot speak anything that isn't a faint whishper. Decongestants just make it worse. No real congestion anyways. Just muscle aches, headaches, no voice, and vomiting.

I went into one of the clinics in town and had them administer me a steroid shot to help with the inflammation. I'm sure it wasn't so much because of the shot but maybe me over the hump of this, but the muscle aches are completely gone. I'm hoping my voice will come back because I need it for work and my coursework.

Just browsing fit between studying for anatomy and physiology, got nothing else to do tonight

I literally wouldn't know where to go even if I wanted to. Probably some shitty bar where I'd drink a beer in silence and leave.

No one wanted to go out and do anything with me :'(

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I'm bored of clubs and I have no friends to just sit on a bar with or go to a house party.

Dude, that man looks based, looks like he works and pays his bills and has a pretty decent gf. You know, real men dont give a shit what others think of him. If he want to be happy about receiving an old school console, probably he used to play in one of those back when he was a kid, then who gives a shit? He is a man, hell I even act childish sometimes when I fuck around with my boys when were out drinking and shit.

>old school console
That's a N64, you humongous faggot.

Thats old school bro, atleast for us that are not boomers

You could play the game House Party. It's pretty fun.

nah bro thats a gameboy

>She hasn't replied in 9 hours

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Moved to a new city, trying to get out there little by little.
>tfw no friends
Will go shop for a gym membership tomorrow. Thinking about a shitty gym --planet fitness type of gym since I am unable to find a power lifting gym. I will be happy as long as it has deadlift area and squat ranks

I could have gone out to hang out with people. There's a party tonight for a friend, but I just didn't want to go. I had a killer leg workout, though, so that's good. I was supposed to do cardio, but I didn't really do much because I was feeling out of it most of the day. I just wish I didn't feel alone.

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WHY... WON'T... YOU.... DIE

My father thought it was a good idea to give my N64 with all my games to my younger cousins.
Obviously my cousins didn't care in the age of Halo and they're probably in a dumpster somewhere.

Damn I'm sorry bro, just know that there is life after something like that

Got a new job and a mire from a person who did the interview. Got ditched by a thottie and a slampig from Tinder.

>tfw you will never have big tiddie jewess Alison Brie to give you birthday sex


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>She alternates between acting really flirty/enthusiastic and complete ghost mode

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I realize that I am pretty fucked up. I really want and like to go out have a good time. I usually end up being the life of the party. But since I have moved from friends and family I havent made any friends and am too afraid to go out and socialize. I haven't gone out in 2 years. I make Saturday my rest day but maybe I should just workout so I can distract myself.

>Asked my work crush out yesterday
>She said yes but not until next week because she visiting parents out of state.
>Confidence boost is going to do wonders for my gains this coming week.
>Wish me luck bros, she is total trad wife material on paper, born outside the US, speaks three languages, has a masters in finance.

send her my way famalam

Love you too buddy

Finished leg day as well.

>at club
>qt’s everywhere
>what should I do Jow Forums

>go out you get considered the weird guy by himself
>can't make friends without going out
I'd rather just move into a small cabin in the woods and leave this gay shit behind. It's all so contradictory.

>the way she looks at him to see how he's gonna react
>he's happy
>she sees he's happy
>she's happy too
>she can't contain her happiness and awkwardly bounces on the couch
h-haha, thats cute

Because I'm conversing with my HS friends on Discord, while planning where we're going to spend our New Years. Yeah, I see my friends less now that we all hit 30, but we still keep in touch.

I hope none of you are KHVs that have no friends, rite?

how the FUCK can people be so happy? I don't get it, I'm so fucking jealous it hurts. I just want to feel happy and content for more than five minutes, just once. Is it really too much to ask?

I haven't experienced anything like what he's showing in a good 15 years.

This. Cute webm and lucky couple. Watching her expression is so sweet in a heartbreaking way

i wonder why its so heartbreaking. is it because I'm lonely?

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im about to head out and meet my gf down the street with some friends

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>My type 2 bipolar gf is driving me to the edge

I'm stuck here for now, my only advice to those of you thinking it's ok to move forward with a legitimately crazy girl is that it isn't. Run. Just don't entertain the thought. Once you're sucked in it isn't as easy as dropping her if you've got a conscience. If her new meds don't work I have to break up with her for the second time.

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Fake and gay. Would've been on the news.
t. Sydneyfag

It's probably more nostalgic. I almost cried when I found an ancient game ticket from an extinct arcade I used to frequent in 3rd grade.

I am having some EXPLOSIVE diharea rn

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It would have been

I don't know you but I want you to keep going because I've seen the light at the end of the tunnel and it's worth it

I'm drinking and trying to get by. I know what I should be doing... but I seem incapable of doing it. And I hate that I continue to be successful by being lazy. Every compliment and commendation seems like a slap in the face. Fuck I'm almost 30. Either I get my shit together soon or I accept it'll never happen.
But tomorrow I'll try and take a small step forward. That seems to be what works for me... small steps forward.

roofie one of them then have your way with her

Gf is out of town and I'm saving my body for Miami music week. Catching a flight from toronto this wednesday.

Any bros gonna be in Miami next week??

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My childhood friend committed suicide yesterday. He had been going off the rails the past couple months and was having a heated argument with his girlfriend, she’s also a longtime friend of mine, then he went into the bedroom, slammed the door, and just shot himself in the head.

Me and my friends don’t even know what to say to each other. I don’t know what to say to his girlfriend or his family. I just don’t fucking know.

So right now I am alone in my apartment watching Pumping Iron and sipping whiskey on ice. I have nothing to do tomorrow except leg day and I have a home gym. The only thing on my mind is that I am going to destroy my legs tomorrow with an amazing workout and I wonder if I could have saved Josh by getting him into lifting weights himself. As dumb as it sounds, lifting gives me a reason to keep going. I enjoy it and it gives me something to look forward to, and I can measure my progress with it.

>sipping whiskey

I hope you're enjoying a fine bottle of Proper No. 12!

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Life is bizarre isn't it. The only good thing from this is that it's going to prepare you for more hardship and loss down the line, which life is full of. No one is going to avoid it so it is good to deal with and grow from those experiences early. I haven't had a shocker like that but I did have a good friend try to fuck my gf in my basement so he's basically dead to me. Learning to brush things off and focus on the positive isn't just a cliche it's critical to stay happy.

Sorry for your loss man. I'd tell his gf that it's not her fault because she's probably going to be really fucked up over it. Let his family know what a good friend he was.
Maybe getting him into the gym would have helped, but there's no way to know so it's not worth thinking about. Crush those lifts.

Despite living here for almost three years now, I simply don't have that many friends. The ones that I probably could hang out with aren't interested in even just playing pool with a couple of pints. I've been off of work using the last of my holiday leave for two weeks and I have pretty much only left my room to go to the gym or run errands. At the same time I'm struggling to save to go to the other side of the world in a couple of months so I can't really spend money needlessly anyway.
I've got a job interview on Tuesday to hopefully get out of minimum wage hospitality work, so at least I have that going for me. Otherwise all I've done tonight is watch a show, fuck around on autocad and gotten no matches or responses on tinder.

I've been on a few dates with a girl who likes me, has a good personality and a cute face, but a terrible body.
I don't want to break it off because I feel I don't deserve someone I'm attracted to and it's enough that they like me.
Lifting has not fixed my self-esteem.

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>a terrible body.
Is she fat? Make her lose weight. Unless she's fridge mode with TNA it can't be that bad.

Fridge mode, loose skin, no tits


Yikes indeed... I was gonna say I've fucked a few fat girls because they had some huge tits. But if they don't have tits... what's the point?

jelly desu
kill those fries for me my man

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It’s Leopold Bros American Small Batch and their New York Apple Whiskey. I’m going back and forth. I always have a couple drinks before bed to help my insomnia but it’s usually cheap shit but these were $75 each because fuck it, my friend is dead.

Anyway, I was just eating corned beef and cabbage with him last Sunday and we were both talking shit about Captain Marvel in front of our girlfriends and now a week later he’s dead.

Goddammit. 5 sets of 20 on squats tomorrow for sure. He used a gun, I’ll use my squat rack.

>He used a gun, I’ll use my squat rack.
I recommend the bench. Lift till failure and then dramatically drop the bar on your neck.

> ywn have a qt gf to give you dumb gifts like this

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I pray that dude is autistic with that basedboy mouth gape. It's a fucking video game console...

Oh please don't procreate. My mom is bipolar and it isnt good, trust me

Sorry for ur loss

How severe? She's actually really good with kids and has nannied for years, she just gets crazy with me.

I still love her and don't want her to have a shit life but yes, every day I do the math on whether she's actually capable of being a wife/mother.

working on law school brief. I did good on the closed brief but this one really got me.

idk, self-loathing, being a bit too observant/aspie with people, feeling like I'm trapped in a cage of my own making helped by a society that endorses degeneracy and wearing shackles of your own doing (lethargy, hedonism, lack of ambition) ect ect

Yeah exactly my dad's reasoning. She was pretty bad, starting to be more manageable after I moved out. I don't know the exact stage, she was diagnosed when I was a kid and denied it (no such concept of mental illness in asia) and the whole idea was dropped. I found out around 14 after putting the pieces together, and realizing her twisted reasoning of why she used to beat me senseless for the smallest reason never made sense, my dad would also gaslight me after one of her episode, for better or worse. She was abused bad as a kid, and she genuinely cares for me and my dad, but she would project all the bad shit she got from her family or her past to us. I guess if you're in it for the long haul, brace yourself, or leeave before you're in too deep.