What are the legitimate benefits of no fap

What are the legitimate benefits of no fap

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You do something else during the time you would be fapping.

>more energy
>more drive to do other shit you put off
>if you are addicted, itll give you some confidence

thats about it

oh i almost forgot

>car warms up faster
>dog respects me
>better vision

The only conceivable downside is that you miss out on a month or two of sadly tugging your own meat in a room by yourself. Why not just find out for yourself?

what are the benefits of fapping?
>short dopamine spike
what are the cons of fapping?
>I don't have enough time to list this shit out...

None, if you aren't addicted.

If you find that it otherwise helps you do it, if it doesn't don't. It really doesn't matter that much either way. Anyone telling you different is a robot who blames everything that went wrong with their lives on porn.

>save 5 minutes because you don't fap
>literally think about fucking for 24/7 because you're horny as fuck


Quite the opposite actually. Like being on nofap for 2 weeks and seeing how much better my life is I have 0 desire to rub one out. Like yh I think about getting girls but I don't focus on it too much.

Wanking is actually just filling a void deep inside you. Whenever I'm happy I have no need for shit like fapping, alchohol, drugs. Shit like that.

Furthermore increase test

The T-boost is just too miniscule for a week of nofap, but I guess if you want to practice discipline then nofap is the best way to start, so unless you're active in sex life, don't go crazy like going a fucking year without a face because it will kill your sex drive and makes sex short and dull.

Finally a good answer

So having the libido of a 60 year old man is a benefit?

The longer you go into nofap, the less you think about fapping.

The difference between being a bad motherfucker and a numale soiboi

You're coping. Like if I got into the right situation with a girl in front of me then I'd have the motivation/balls to approach. But why would I spend my day daydreaming about pussy when I can use that energy on something productive.

Guys with high test chase checks not hoes

>makes sex short and dull

I think it's safe to assume that guys who have to resort to nofap aren't having great sex to begin with.

>boost test by not fapping
>somehow start to think less about sex

what sorcery is this?

More time available
Less chance or urinary infections
Somewhat better focus on your current tasks, more productivity
Weekly spike in test
Increased sensitivity to sex
Among many others
The more addicted you were, the more noticeable the benefits will be.

>Furthermore increase test
The "increase" in test only happens for seven days. After that, your test level goes back to what it was.

This is not a benefit.

>Weekly spike in test

No. It is not weekly. It happens for the first seven days and that is it. The "spike" does not magically recycle unless you actually do fap.

NoFap only barely impacts T.

Also higher T wouldn't reduce libido.

Stop trying to justify making uncomfortable lifestyle choices that don't actually benefit you.

Look at a lot of successful fighters and athletes they would go months without fapping or sex. They use that sexual energy and transfer it into something productive.

Like bro it's really not that hard just try it yourself and if it doesn't work then keep yanking your meat. But if you think about it fapping is pathetic anyway. You're touching yourself while watching somebody else have sex. You're basically saying I'm a loser.

>Quite the opposite actually.
Low T faggots think everyone is sick like them

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For me, it does, but every 4-5 days.

>Guys with high test chase checks not hoes
Ask me how I know you're a fag

I'm not justifying like I couldn't care less in trying to help anyone that might stumble on this thread and want to take steps to improve their life. What do I care if u wank or not. If anything it's better for me because less competition.

Basically this almost every day.
Shit is hard af whenever im on a streak its almost impossible to not touch my dick. Trying to go to sleep is the worst.

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Just go get laid bro

Ask me how I know you don't get shit

Fapping makes me last way much longer in bed. I nut a couple of hours before sex and I could last like an entire 25-30 minutes while girls get to orgasm 3 times in a row. I don't really see why fapping is so bad but to each on his own I guess.

Look at the hostility. Like you sound really happy bro. Keep stroking your meat because you're so high test lmao

ur not dependent on it like a drug addict wasting your time jerking it. When you could be doing something else more beneficial like reading a book or working out.

You and I know damn well these sad sack nofappers aren't getting laid. Bro.

I agree with this. You might as well just fap away since the increase in testosterone will NEVER give you a beard, chest hair, a deeper voice etc.

People who does nofap falls for the placebo effect.

You sound like you are though lmao. Like you sound so bitter at life lmaoooo. Do you even lift or just justify your wanking habits. You probably have crust toilet paper under your bed too that your mom cleans every few weeks

>no fap
I fap whenever I want. I dont do it every day, no fap is only good for losers who do it every day and every hour.

>Like you sound really happy bro. Keep stroking your meat because you're so high test lmao
mfw someon reassures I'm a high T alpha dripping cum all day all over

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>Implying I can find hapiness in life

Mfw somebody has that saved.

This is my first time back on this website in a few months and on God I'm never coming back

I believe in you. Sit in your dark room and really evaluate your life for a few days. Ask yourself what's making you unhappy. Make some goals. Get some hobbies. Drop negative influences. Be around nature. Take action. Only person stopping u from getting anything in life is u

The problem I have with nofap is that my balls really want to empty themselves so if I don't fap for 2 weeks, I'd usually end up with a wet dream.

dude. almost nobody in the good ol' days fapped. and it was strongly punished. Why do you think everyone was so much stronger and had way higher test? It does get recycled.

Just empty it like any sane person with a sex drive.

And when is that good old days?

I really don't like u

When were people ever punished for masturbation?

Less stress if you have a massive guilt complex about jerking it.

less competition since nofap is voluntary castration

Just do a nofap session if you get to have a healthy sex life, otherwise stop fucking killing your erection and just blast it out.

You start to see girls as human beings with emotions and Insecurities. You see that they are really just bored. Then u realise most of them ain't shit. You're no longer scared of them

Pathetic. Not gonna make it

You are pathetic. Nofap doesn't magically removes all of your problems. As I have said, it's all placebo effect.

The whole making not wanking into a movement is pretty pathetic yh. But not as pathetic as being addicted to rubbing your meat watching somebody else have sex.

Like NoFap is just a prerequisite. An assumption

>What are the legitimate benefits of no fap
None, as a man YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO EJACULATE. It is our nature, so don't go against it. No Porn is what you all degenerates should be doing. You should try to clean your balls 4-5 times per week or whatever makes our body feel better. If you have to hold in cum in order to feel attracted/hungry for woman, then you should consider checking you hormone levels

Legit effects of nofap:
> harder peepee when you have sex
> bigger cums
Worth it if you have a gf or otherwise get laid, otherwise just fap once every few days to stay sane and not ruin your dick if you get some lucky tail.
