Start lifting

>start lifting
>suddenly don't hate niggers anymore

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I hate niggers, but black people I am fine with.

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getting stronger makes you less insecure, who would have thought

>start lifting
>am now vocal about hating niggers

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Can we stop with the race bait? I'm tired of this shit.

>tfw I got big and started exclusively hating jews

>only hate black people that have certain traits
>other blacks completely understand and don’t call me racist

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>start lifting
>OP is still a faggot

hating jews is a chad thing

What bored boomer made this

>start lifting
>now want a gym bro bf

Why does lifting do such dramatic things to us?

based and truepilled

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Why do niggers so desperately want to be a part of white life? They want to be in our neighborhoods, music, TV, movies, businesses, schools, they fucking force their way into everything. If I was black, I'd fucking hate white people and stay as far away from them as possible, but why dont they do this? Just stay with your kind and we will stay with ours, how tf is this at all disagreeable to you?

Lots do try to separate themselves, only support black businesses etc

but (((certain people))) work against that

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I wonder who prevents that

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Are you retarded? They were literally forcibly shipped to America (which is NOT a white country, it is the homeland of native americans) by the hundreds of thousands centuries ago. They were brought here against their own will and a lot of them are trying to make the best of it, they don't really have a choice but to fit in with the majority population. I support European ethnostates, that continent should unironically be for whites only, but America is hardly white land you're literally newcomers here and other ethnicities such as asians, blacks, etc have also been here for centuries.

Tl;dr I agree nonwhites should stay out of europe, just as whites should stay out japan, etc but that argument cannot be made in North America which is not white ancestral land at all and has had so many different ethnicities in it in recent history it's pointless and downright illogical to suggest that a white American ethnostate is reasonable.

We conquered this land and everything around you from the architecture to the legal system is based off on European models. This is our land.

Same. Except chinks, fuck china.

>America (which is NOT a white country, it is the homeland of native americans
>the native Americans were a unified people with a unified country
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was founded as a WHITE nation by WHITE people. Most of the land didn’t even belong to the native Americans.

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Unironically your mindset proves you are a nigger. Nigger transcends skin tone, purely a mindset.

t. melanin concentrated man

This. Black and white nationalists work towards the same goal but (((someone))) can't stand the thought.

>which is NOT a white country, it is the homeland of native americans
God you're such a faggot

baka you cant escape it
it will never stop on Jow Forums
the difference between calling anons roody-poos in 2006 and calling anyone a nigger today is that you get shit like > and people unironically believing it
Jow Forums has a culture of racism, the difference being it used to be a joke and now people take it seriously

> muh might is right

America is native land. If you wanna go by might is right then the point of an ethnostate becomes illogical. If the Arabs and slavs decided to they could wipe out Europe and conquer it, conquering something doesn't mean it suddenly exclusively belongs to you. The best part is that only a very small minority of white Americans think the way you do cause you're wrong.

Wrong. People showing up and writing on a piece of paper doesn't change the history of a land retard. So if enough Muslims move into Berlin and enact sharia law, by your logic Berlin is an Arab ethnostate by right correct? Neck yourself retard. Ethnostates are based off of ancestry in a region. Ie Germany for germans, France for frenchmen, Arabia for arabs, etc. Showing up and invading a place by wiping out the natives with disease doesn't make it yours moron. Remember that if asians wanted to we could wipe your kind out, but we are high iq enough to respect others unlike whites. Know your place it's in Europe

>Wrong. People showing up and writing on a piece of paper doesn't change the history of a land retard
It actually does LMAO

Jews are the the main problem, and they hate anyone who isn't Jewish, so it would be the best if every non-Jew became allies to fight Israel.

>TFW dad was a nigger
That is why I hate them.

Congrats, a white person who's aware of reality. Yet I find it funny that the reason that Israel still exists is because of moron whites constantly sending aid, weapons, and support to jews. You stopped hitler, the arabs, etc from their righteous path, constantly fight with fellow goyim cause muh racial superiority. If white people got their shit together the Jewish problem wouldn't exist but alas I doubt that will ever happen

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>hating based Chimps
Getting mogged

so in other words before lifting you were just a coward and now you're a bully.

>were just a coward and now you're a bully
So you are effectively saying it's ok as long as they can beat you up?

Get outta here Daquan Goldberg

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Blacks are the same as whites except have a lower average iq. However blacks with higher IQs are perfectly fine.

>he actually think we were joking
Lmaoyikeroonoies my homie Gee

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>this is your brain on socialism

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Not at all m8
AmeriJew here, I only have a problem with people who cry for those poor Palestinians who strap bombs to their children for peace.

I also have a problem with the hardline right wing Israelis, and the people who market sugary breakfast cereals to children with cartoon characters.

And the people who are trying to push transgenderism as another “alternative liftestyle” with shit like that MTV Jazz show. And the far left who call it “brave”.

Actually, add to that Ben Shapiro, he’s just too smug and trolly. His sister tho, I don’t even care how borderline she is, I want those milkers on my face.

Oh and I hate you for making me reply. Gr8B8/8

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bullying is based

based and reality pilled

Fair enough m8, unfortunately your views don't reflect the wider efforts of your people.