All he needed to do was lift.
All he needed to do was lift
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no he just needed to not have autism
he needed to take the escortpill,
this is really unsettling
Didn’t he take creatine?
Why would anyone take that shit if they didn’t lift or exercise?
He probably lifted for a few months, saw almost no gains and either concluded that lifting would never improve his body or concluded that his tiny noob gains should be enough for women to throw themselves at him forever. Then he got angry when success did not fall in his lap.
maybe if he hadn't he would have been okay
I'm from Isla Vista. The place hes shot.
Simply their are many Chad's here
And many Stacey's
All with social circles larger then the orgies they participate in after midnight
He couldn't handle the level of attractiveness in such a small community
He never even fucking talked to girls. He thought being well off was all it took to get laid despite living in a place where everyone was pretty well off.
might have helped cope long enough for a real solution
he couldn't have the 10/10 girls. they weren't in his league. he was a manlet with dad money to throw around and a "cute boy" look
he could have gotten laid... easy. at least based on appearances and driving a beamer
but as mentioned - he was way too fucking awkward.
on some of the videos of him talking still floating around you'll see comments like
>I thought he was cute... then he started talking
He's a happa... right? i'm guessing his father was his own breed of autist - financially capable but had to go Asian to get that submissive wife and the lack of strong social skills just ran downhill
The guy lacked proper socialization with functional males.
He needed to have a group of male friends & older brothers/cousins that were competitive, that challenged him, that demonstrated how to not act like a fucking spoiled sociopath - that could carry on a natural conversation and not sound like a slow-speaking-deliberate-fucking-psychopath, to "bust his balls", & to give an example
He didn't have those things. He probably had a few weirdo friends all his life and was only "just there" and not talked to at compulsory primary school functions.
The guy needed an intervention. He needed to be apprenticed to a well socialized functional human being (A MAN): converse with him every day, shadow him every day, get active lessons on how to not be a sperg every day.
But that kind of treatment just doesn't exist. It doesn't exist in therapy.
NO ONE will spend that kind of time on a sociopathic social outcast.
I know and many of you know that many of us piloting the ER bot could have slammed nerdy five-foot-nothing "she's kinda cute i guess" asian pus every weekend - but spend 1 minute listening to any of his unfiltered vlogs and you quickly realize his demeanor was about as off-putting as a garbage fire.
Once he got to college it was just too late. At best with a radical change in outlook he might have been able to turn into a good little wagie that 1 in 30 nerdy co-workers would allow
>oh he's all right once you get to know him
But how likely was that? I'll allow that going on a murder rampage is quite a leap - but was there any way this could have gone other than misery?
Sure - no one is obliged to fuck you.
But you have to admit he was doomed to sit alone for a very long time based on the person that was shaped over his 18ish years barring an hero. That shit just dont change overnight.
Oh yeah... lifting didn't matter.
>t. went to UCSB for one failed year... was dyel lanklet but was adopted as a fuck friend by asian grad student on 3rd week for the rest of the year
Lifting might not have solved the problem but it could have at least given him a way for taking out his sexual frustrations besides going on a killing spree.
>The guy needed an intervention
Interventions are bad though. Often the person being intervened feels attacked and thus pushed further away from reality.
If he lived in Omaha, Nebraska and was okay with getting his dick sucked by a 5/10 to start out with he probably would have been okay. But he had such a sense of entitlement and such a lack of empathy and social awareness that he not only felt entitled to 10/10 creme-de-la-creme model chicks, he thought he could jump right from KHV to banging 10/10's. It just doesn't work that way unless you have genuine fuck-you-money .
>having this level of comprehension
intervention as in an English word that has multiple applications outside the specific iteration pertaining to the type of "meeting" where friends/family ambush a drug addict for a sit down
"The glass nearly rolled off the table and shattered but I intervened and caught it."
"I had this friend Freshman year... Elliot. He acted like a real shut-in retard but I decided to intervene and set some kind of example on how to behave like a normal human."
I jack off to cartoons and talk to girls. Jacking off to cartoons motivates me to fuck girls.
He did, for like two weeks
am i still banned?
Lifting doesn’t solve autism
he'd slay if it wasn't for those dick sucking lips desu
Tbh if he was gay he probably would have been an absolute cock magnet. But do you think he was too autistic for even gay dudes to want to fuck?
I don't understand why people don't understand how fucked this guy was, to this day.
He literally had this as a plan to get a GF:
*ask the universe to let him win the lottery
*buy a lottery ticket
*universe lets him win because he asked
*use the money to buy a better car than his bmw
*get gf from having a better car
He thought that was an actionable plan because he was a nutcase and because his dad gave him The Secret to read.
In all likelihood he was a lunatic freak created by race-mixing, an inattentive father and an abusive stepmother.
He wasn't just some normal dude that had >tfw because he was short.
Disturbing that Jow Forums thinks lifting would have that kind of effect on that kind of person.
He needed to give a shit what women want. He did his own thing like a motherfucker and all of them just laughed at him because it was so unappealing.
Some people would rather blame society for their problems than admit they're a shitty person and try to improve themselves.
gays will fuck anything and anyone. homos are degenerate as fuck, user
He wasn’t short enough to blame his lack of women on his height. He claims he’s 5’9 but looked shorter but even then. You gotta be under 5’7 to be a legit heightcel.
All he had to do was be gay and he probably wouldn’t have ended up being such a faggot
I'm not gay so I don't really know how much of a deal breaker is it for them
I’m not gay yet*
I remember reading parts of his manifesto where he talked about buying hundreds of dollars of lottery tickets when there was a big jackpot because “he deserved to win” and how he cried in his bed for hours whenever he lost
Lifting may have taught him discipline and make him lose his sense of entitlement but at THIS level of entitlement I think he may have been beyond saving
I'll tell you another thing about Elliot but I'd have to look into it more to confirm this. He had internalized a female mating strategy:
>I have to stand here and look pretty and mates come to me - I don't approach them.
I think Zoomers are RIFE with this. I have used Jow Forums for over a decade and I have seen shit like:
>how do I dress to get a gf?
threads become common when I don't think they existed at all before.
don't think so faggot
Don’t fight the feeling bro. It’ll make its way out eventually either the easy way or the hard way. Don’t make it harder on yourself.
What happened to dont judge a book by its cover
People aren't books
It was always bullshit. If you're ugly it's probably down to two things: one is that you're genetically unfortunate in which case that is very likely to come bundled with all sorts of things like just generally being a shitty person.
Two is that it's self-care deficits. eg. Being fat.
If you're fat you're not caring for yourself which strongly suggests you're not quite right.
I can say all this as an ugly person. For instance I have crooked teeth. If I worked hard, got a bundle of money together and paid to have them fixed then I wouldn't have that deficit. But, since I'm a shitty person, I have not done that.
Right, but the principle.
That phrase has been bullshit since it started, sure sometimes you would be proven wrong by judging them by their cover, but 9 times out of 10 it’s correct to judge some unkempt, obese, shit stained, torn shirt, greasy hair, patchy beard person as lazy, but hey there’s that 1 guy out there in the world who’s like that but actually super energetic and productive, but I’d be willing to take those odds
Is it wrong that I relate to alot of the shit he said and went through?
>confidence issues
>feel hopeless with females
>loves game of thrones
>played wow as a teenager to avoid reality
I feel alot of the shit he was saying. But reading his manifesto made me realize how short sighted and stupid he was. He sounds like hes trying to become an anime villain.
I don't understand this. People get so attached to where they live that they don't even realise there's a whole world out there. Moving towns, states or even countries puts you in a whole new environment and gives you a whole new outlook on life. I know it's a meme at this point, but a 5/10 white guy in the west is an 8/10 in South-East Asia by default. Not saying everyone should go there, but people should just be more open to moving around - especially those that feel trapped and depressed in their current home.
Dude was a delusional narcissist raised by an absent father. No amount of lifting could have saved him.. he was way too far gone.
>Is it wrong that I relate to alot of the shit he said and went through?
It isn't about what you go through. It's about how you react to it.
They cancel each other. That makes you still a virgin.
how do ya figure? it hasnt worked for any of us