The human diet in the last 200 years has become progressively more processed and unnatural. Medical science has only been measuring blood markers for the last 100 years. So almost everything we know about human blood results is based on eating unnatural modern foods, highly processed vegetable oil, and bucket loads of sugar. Because of this modern reference ranges are inaccurate and certainly should not be used as markers of health in people following keto, carnivore or other natural diets.
Everything we know about health is WRONG
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All I can think of is LDL in relation to cardiovascular risk, that’s not an accurate indicator
Whenever I'm not sure about something I use the magic of the internet to search up answers and supporting information. I take that information and use it to tailor the results I want with expectation and precedent.
What I eat may not be what you need to eat. You may need to adapt your diet and lifestyle based on what you need to occur, you're not a robot but you do have a current state
No, the gobbernment has berm right
Holy shit what a retard theory. You don't need to go measure blood levels in a nutrient deficient hunter gatherer to find the best range. You can look at what levels contribute to disease
I hope your children die of the fucking MUMPS so your retard genes die out
This jesus christ
Fucking hate the appeal to nature retards. Maybe they shouldn't be using the unnatural medicines we have and then they'll die out before they get a chance to reproduce
Modern nutritional recommendations are wrong on purpose. They knew what they were doing.
Media and politicians can make people believe anything without evidence.
the human transportation method in the last 200 years has become progressively more processed and unnatural
Most modern medicines are useless at best.
The pharmaceutical industry is making trillions treating supposed diseases that are just caused by poor diet. Dietary diseases can be cured with dietary changes.
Modern medicine ELIMINATED smallpox
see the rise of life expectancy? it's partly because the availability of food got secured. the other part is the useless modern medicine that made a ton of diseases that would kill you otherwise harmless
But now we have literally retarded people and disabled cripples reproducing and passing on their mutant DNA instead of dying out. The human gene pool is going down the toilet. These people should not be reproducing.
Imagine being this dumb
aren't people as a whole generally getting taller, prettier and healthier?
imagine having no arguments
Just look up how people lived before that, then.
Hint: They didn't do keto, veganism or any of that bullshit. 2 pounds of bread, 1 pound of meat, 2 litres of wine or beer. Then, some veggies for taste, some fruit, not much of either, both were seen as unhealthy. Spices were valued as fuck.
People were still fighting in hand-to-hand battles in their 80s on that diet. Just saying.
The values they use are average lab draws from healthy 18-30 year olds without ANY disease or obesity.
>the human transportation method in the last 200 years has become progressively more processed and unnatural
And look where we ended up. Today, we drive to the gym to walk on the treadmill. Because we know today that walking and running is something we SHOULD be doing.
But we drive instead. So, nice argument.
That's because of food availability. Even with ample food, cripples would have died in the past or been put to death as demons. They would not have been given neetbux by the state and encouraged to reproduce.
Have you seen the state of burgers? Does this look healthy and beautiful to you?
God I hate every single faggot who talk about "unnatural" as if it was an inherently bad word.
Go lick the back off poisonous, 100% natural frog.
>life expectancy stats from times were no such statistics existed
Low test is the reason for that.
>prettier and healthier
What. Nah.
so what do you mean with the gene pool going down the drain?
here in northern europe i see groups of school kids (age 14-16) that look like a bunch of models.
There are archives available that minutely states every birth, death, and wedding in almost every little corner of some europeans country. It is not impossible to extract an average, based on even 100k people (which would then be statistically a lot more representative than it would be today)
>here in northern europe i see groups of school kids (age 14-16) that look like a bunch of models.
That is low testosterone (less rugged looks), grooming and surgery, bro. It's the norm today. hell, parents now give growth hormones to their children so they grow taller, and test or est so they stop growing if it becomes a bit too much.
This is the world we are living in.
>I have no clue about statistics - the post
You cannot just compare different societies with different leading causes of death 1:1, kid. Not to mention that
>There are archives available that minutely states every birth, death, and wedding in almost every little corner of some europeans country
Was even wrong before two World Wars wrecked everything just some decades ago.
i'll agree that people have lower test nowadays but i don't think 14 year olds are getting plastic surgery and have parents that micromanage their hormones. if anything it's because they are instantly connected with adult beauty standards through the internet and strive to achieve that from a young age.
but i don't really know what's going on, i was mostly curious what he/you meant by the gene pool going down the drain.
This. Mineral deficiency is the root of a huge part of modern diseases.
>You cannot just compare different societies with different leading causes of death 1:1, kid. Not to mention that
The object of the picture is the average age in a country over the years. It is completely comparable.
Also, people have been researching their ancestors as a hobby for years now. Internet makes it even easier to find infos as far back as 500 years if you're a bit lucky and know where to look, since public archives are being numerised.
There are detailed birth and death records in england going back to at least the 1500s however they only cover rich people so it's not really useful
>literally retarded people and disabled cripples reproducing
If you mean retarded as in downs patients, know that most non-traumatic forms of retardation leave the patient infertile. If you mean retarded as in iq percentile (outmoded term), you should know those people have ALWAYS been breeding, in fact more frequently so than those above the average level. The third Reich wasn't as stupid about eugenics as you are
>i'll agree that people have lower test nowadays but i don't think 14 year olds are getting plastic surgery and have parents that micromanage their hormones.
Note: Most of this is US based since I don't know any Scandi language. If you count England as "Northern European", getting your lips plumped up, for example, is normal for any age group and usually done during lunch breaks.
>The object of the picture is the average age in a country over the years. It is completely comparable.
Absolutely, unless you start making theories about the implications. Which you do. So it's really not comparable in this context and if you get anywhere near a college or university with your (wrong) opinion, then I fear for the future. Idiocracy is real.
>Also, people have been researching their ancestors as a hobby for years now. Internet makes it even easier to find infos as far back as 500 years if you're a bit lucky and know where to look, since public archives are being numerised.
I hope you are just a dumb American.
>Absolutely, unless you start making theories about the implications. Which you do
Where ? You mean my "theory" than records of people being born and dying can be somehow used to deduce the age they died at ? Did you actually feel smart contradicting this ?
>hope you are just a dumb American.
Oh gee that would be an oversight, good thing I can check the freely available public archives of my country to confirm that I ain't.
Trannies are completely fucked in the head and a bunch of them insist on reproducing and inflicting their fetish on innocent babies.
interesting. lip fillers are extremely common, that's true. the stuff i've heard about is mostly fixing ears that stick out and obviously cleft pallets and stuff like that. i don't have any real insight in parenting today so i have no idea how common it is to use hormon treatment here in scandinavia on kids.
my friends father is a very well respected plastic surgeon, would be fun to hear about his experiences with children and cosmetic surgery even though i'm pretty sure he mostly does reconstructive surgery.
>Where ? You mean my "theory" than records of people being born and dying can be somehow used to deduce the age they died at ? Did you actually feel smart contradicting this ?
Did you even read the thread? Just lmao.
Why is this world so delusional and judgemental.
>You should eat and try to take advantage of your specific genetic traits
I would unironically roid my ass off if there were low to no side effects. I would implant myself with bioenhancements and modify myself to become better if I thought I could trust anyone and they were infallable. I would also maximize what i am using action and knowledge and never forget what i came from and who i had become, knowing full well I'm experiencing this for a reason.
Who the fuck is anyone to say other than simply ask "why" and seek a logical question.
>Because of this modern reference ranges are inaccurate and certainly should not be used as markers of health in people following keto, carnivore or other natural diets.
>keto, carnivore or other natural diets
there is no natural diet you fucking dumbass
hunter gatherers do not eat the diet all these western(mostly american) retards are eating, stop fucking larping already it's getting pathetic.
That's a different matter entirely. Quit shifting goal posts, retard
have you ever seen what hunter gatherers look like?
eskimos? amazonian hunters? african bushmen?
australian and south asian abos?
No? then fuck off brainlet.
Peoples that are descended from agricultural/pastoralist societies have been under eugenics for thousands of years in order to breed physically attractive taller and smarter people.
Are you a retard?
The body does not know the source of the food, the only issue with processed food is that it is more calorie dense than it's natural alternative or it doesn't contain fibre etc. You sound like a mom who thinks McDonald's contains all kinds of Chemicals
Based McPoster