Reasons young men are going bald - it's worse than you feared

No, you're not imagining it. Millenials and Zoomers are going bald in their 20s (even in China, 65% of college students agree they have visible hair loss; in the West, even High School kids are now noticing thinning hair), which was something practically unheard of until recently.

The reasons, are, of course, genetic, but genetics don't just change in one or two generations. So there must be something other at work. And there is. basically, the modern lifestyle kills your hair.

>Gym culture
Excessive exercise causes hair loss. Especially anaerobic exercise, ie. weights. But that's not all - protein shakes also cause hair loss, "funnily" enough.

>Weird diets
Both meat only (carnivore diet) and no meat at all diets (veganism) cause hair loss. That#s just fact. With Zoomers and Millenials unable to eat normally, this also shows in the hair. Or lack thereof, of course.

Since literally everyone below 35 is now OCD, autistic or schizo, anxiety, stress and depression are at an all-time high. This is well-known to cause hair loss.

>24/7 online
The blue light emitted from monitors and smartphones damages your cells. That's fact. It's also fact that this plays a role in hair loss catastrophes.

Regular porn watching leads to far more frequent ejaculation. And ejaculation increases DHT levels and depletes the body's zinc and other mineral levels, a double whammy for becoming a billiard ball.

>Low Test
You know the stereotype: Millenials and Zoomers are pussies. As it turns out, this is literally true: High DHT, but low testosterone (it's also the reason boys are now 6'4" at 15, since test closes growth plates).

So, what is there to do? Not much. Young people get extremely butthurt at having to change their lifestyle. No one will do anything about it until this worst of all generations is on their way out. Most of you are killing yourselves with your bullshit "self-improvement and fapping" cult.

Just google it. It's actually not a secret at all.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

>Just google it
So in other words
>I just made shit up and can't prove it because all I would get is anecdotal evidence from internet memes

>"I can't spend 20 seconds on google."
>"This is my whole argument, thank you very much."

People have always gone bald you humongous fucking retard.

God you sound like a dyel faggot

>People have always gone bald

But it says hair loss is ON THE RISE, you brainlet

>it says
What says? The OP gives no sources.

poor circulation.

Arguably if you have hair loss it is not on the rise, at least not on your head! I'll accept my (r)eddit gold in BTC alone.

t. Golden god hair, just take your Omega 3-6-9 supps lads and try to only wack off 1-2 a month tops.


Good advice user

>Excessive exercise causes hair loss. Especially anaerobic exercise, ie. weights. But that's not all - protein shakes also cause hair loss, "funnily" enough.
>Both meat only (carnivore diet) and no meat at all diets (veganism) cause hair loss. That#s just fact. With Zoomers and Millenials unable to eat normally, this also shows in the hair. Or lack thereof, of course.
I think these two are the big ones and also true.

the epidemic of daily hot showers

It's not the "meme diets", it's how shitty the SAD is. The overwhelming majority of people don't eat meme diets.
You're on the right track but your post is poorly thought out in general

SAD is caused by other factors though. normal people don't act like faggots simply because of weather.
people need to praise the sun more but that still wouldn't get to the root of the issue.

Saw some ad about stem cells treatment for hair loss. Results are suppossed to be seen after 1 month. Did any user do this and can confirm?

Attached: nogrils.jpg (720x398, 74K)

nofap + nojob (part of nostress) + nodiet + nolift

>is breathing
Enjoy being bald by the time you're 25

>minute one of nobreathe
>relapsed again

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the actual solution to most of baldness causes is to be aware of your breath 24/7 and keeping it steady