Deadlifts are unsafe

why do people continue to lie about deadlifts? does this look good for your back?

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Bad form

Powerlifter memers BTFO

fpbp. OP your thread is weak bait.

I mean if your back rounds out where you have a neutral spine position you can get injured, but for the most part it's pretty unlikely. Your back doesn't need to be completely straight/flat.

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Damn lifting heavy deadlifts really leads to gainzz

>t. Sits in Wheelchair in his 40s

>bbroo im just strengthening my back with deadlifts
Yea whatever lets u sleep at night

imagine being scared to pick things up from the ground... how do you function in day to day life while being such a pussy? what would you tell your friend is he asked you to help him move
>bro lifting your furniture is unsafe, I might hurt myself! youll have to do it yourself

i never squat or deadlift and i been going to the gym for years

way too much risk to the back. fuck that, i can feel my joints locking up already from doing so many dumbbells exercise with heavy weight.

There is no risk provided you are not genetic dead end with weak discs. Injuries are more related to unrecoverable volume and fatigue, than form.

Nah I'm fine won't happen.

100% making things worse for you. Squatting and deadlifting now is the most important thing you can do to make sure you can remain healthy in old age.

There's nothing healthy about wanting to squat or deadlift 300kg

Im deadlifting 5pl8 for 5 reps but im just not an autistic powershitter lifting stuff that is 10x too heavy for them just to get attention from other virgin powershitters


Nice bait.

keep curving wormchad

Guy who deadlifts the most in my gym is probably in his late 40s and doesn’t have what fitizens would co spider great form. I’ve never asked him how many injuries he’s had over the course of his lifting career, but it’s nice to know your body won’t snap into a billion pieces of your back rounds a little as 4channer would have you believe.

I was there too. You are an asian guy arent you?

You said that squatting and deadlifting is important for health.


>some dude in his 40s is still able to deadlift a lot so deadlifting must be save

drinking water is also important for health, but can kill if you drink too much.

>you must squat/deadlift 300kg
>not realizing the benefits of both even without any weights/low weights for 10-12 reps

Deadlift, it kills your lifting, hello

yes, youre correct, he said that. and?..
your cricket brain does not comprehend the fact that he never stated that everyone should train to dl and squat 300kg some day. nice strawman. shoot yourself.


I had to deadlift ~300lbs of steel today. It was either lift that or walk all the way across the shop, get the jack, wheel that over, move the steel, then take the jack back. Learning proper deadlift form is probably why my back doesn't hurt everyday when every other machinist swollows down tylenol. But if you don't feel comfortable doing a lift don't do it. Simple as that

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