Ultimately why is porn and or fapping bad for you?

Besides libido why is it recommended to not watch porn? What is it doing to you that's so bad?

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Feminists are getting mad that you are dumping your seed in a tissue instead of their pussy

bump for interest

Most people are fine but it’s easy for some dudes to forget about everything else and just sit there jacking it all the time and get deathgrip . Dont see why it’s bad for you outside of some outliers though

youre a cuck

Unrealistic expectations around sex.

Fooled into dick size anxiety.

No motivation to see a real life in the flesh woman (and then disappointed if you do).

Reward centres of the brain too easily stimulated.

Some people have a real problem with it, most people don't. See if you can go a month without watching any.

It doesnt do anything unless you're fapping so often your balls go flat and your dick is chaffed and bleeding, or mentally you're so fucked that it literally changes how you perceive the opposite sex. The only people its worth recommending avoiding porn to are people who are mentally underdeveloped and susceptible to fucking themsleves up chasing while chasing orgasm highs. Kinda similar to how weed ultimately doesn't do anything truly damaging to your system but retards can easily fuck their lives up while high/chasing the high.

Masturbatin isn’t so bad, however porn is another matter. Porn tends to skew perceptions, create a distrust of relationships, and can fuck up how you view sex. Also creates a dopamine link in your head that isn’t beneficial to your life the same way an actual one-on-one sexual relationship would be. Also creates penis insecurity in dicklets. If you want another reason, porn is not good for the people in it. Whether they’d go become prostitutes or find another job is a different question.

>WHY Porn Changes the Brain | Science of NoFap [SFW]

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Porn is bad due to the effect it has on the brain. Notice how you always feel like garbage the day after using porn. It's way harder to be productive. But if you fap without porn, you still feel okay.
Fapping itself isn't bad for you.

Is it okay to watch porn, or is it a total no-no?

It is the easy way out. Instead of going out, talk to people, experience uncomfortable situations, being nervous, learning social skills... so you can spread your genes, you just fap at home and stop the natural urge. Just think about what happens to your body if you get yourself one of those fat scooters to drive around instead of walking? This is also the easy way out. This is the definition of degeneration! And before some guy tells me that fapping has no effect on the body and that there is no evidence for its harmfullness just think about how powerful the placebo effect is and what our body is capable of and now think about the consequences if you signal to your body that you don't need specific biochemical processes (like all the hormones your body gets flooded with if you experience fear, excitement, suprise, rejection...).

Probably once a month I watch solo or amature porn. Nothing else. I find this reasonable

My voice deepens when i'm on 3+ days of nofap
Dk if it's placebo


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Porn is unrealistic and warps your subconscious to have unrealistic standards when it comes to sex and women
Also, watching another man fuck a woman you're attracted to is pretty fucking retarded

O Y. V E Y.

I used to try to argue rationally as to why porn is an unhealthy feedback system that increases dopamine in an unnatural way which causes sexual gratification to separate from the physical normal sexual act, causing the brain to be rewired and ED as a current epidemic in young men is evidence. . . It's all true, but never convincing.

Honestly it's just ugly and Jewish.
If you are not to some extent viscerally disgusted by what porn is inherently no facts or science will convince you.
They basically make it for mass consumption for free.
Jews fund porn that degrades women of all races (you don't have to be a white supremacist) and degrades them racially. Even if you don't care about "your women" they care about "your women" and will pick the most culturally humiliating way to degrade them.

It's pathetic. It's against the heroic, it's cuckoldry
And it degrades.
It's ugly, and it's against beauty.
It's Jewish, and it's against your people.
It's against your own spiritual and wellbeing.
It's an evil demon.
You can't be a solar Warrior or a force for light in the world of you're corrupted by this evil.

Porn isn't something that should just be resisted and avoided.
It should literally be destroyed and every pornographer should be hunted down and lanced to death like a beast

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Completely fucks your dopamine and neural reward system. It's a huge unnatural stimulus of 1000s of sexually attractive women doing whatever you want to see not to mention the progression of needing to watch increasingly fetishized acts to get off on. NoPorn is not a meme

Why are people generally lazy?
For most of human evolution the main cause of death was starvation, so you are lazy to preserve calories and reduce risk.

You have a drive to do about as much as your body thinks you have to do.
In most of human history, you would risk your life for 10 micrograms of vitamin C; but we have no perception of vitamin C, only sugar.
So you would risk your life for sugar.

Why are so many people afraid of talking to girls? Girls are weak and docile!
That natural fear exists because for most of our evolution, if you tried to fuck the wrong girl you would most likely find yourself swiftly in mortal combat.

Imagine the effect of jacking off to 20 tabs of pornhub and chugging a soda with unnatural quantities of sugar; your brain would believe you must have just fucked the shit out of every babe in the whole tribe and coomed all over them, and then gorged yourself on the most prized fruit patch in the whole jungle. Your brain will decide you are the biggest alpha of all history and it's time for a well desereved rest.
The problem is that your brain rewires itself to seek experiences and patterns that gave it a dopamine hit in the past, so not only are you fooling your brain into thinking you basically won the game of life, but you are reinforcing total loser behavior and learning that slouching at your computer in your mom's basement and knuckleballing it to some hentai is your path to glory. You are IRL not progressing, and potentially doing harm, while telling your brain's motivational circuit that you are performing productive actions and winning at life.

Also you are most likely watching fucked up jewish pervert porn and hypnotizing yourself with all kinds of unfathomably toxic mind poison.

Time is the ULTIMATE reason why you shouldn't be watching porn and fapping. Time is the ultimate resource you have because you can NEVER gain back time. Once you waste your time, it's gone forever.

Let's do the math. I'll be using conservative numbers because I want this to apply to the lowest common denominator.

The average lifespan of an American male is around 80 years. So I will mark 80 years as the end of your life. I'm going to assume you've been watching porn and fapping at the age of 18. I'm also going to assume that you watch porn and fap for at least 3 hours. I know most of you guys have been watching porn and fapping for more than 3 hours, but again, I'm aiming for the lowest common denominator.

You are 18 years old and you watch porn and fap for 3 hours a day and you will die at 80 years old. That leaves you with 62 years until you're dead. Math time.

>62 years X 365 days = 22,630 days.

You watch porn and fap for 3 hours a day, so that gives you this:

>22,630 days X 3 hours = 67,890 hours.

What does that mean? That means you have wasted 67,890 hours of your life watching porn and fapping. 67,890 hours is hard to comprehend, so I will convert those hours into days, then into years.

>67,890 hours / 24 hours = 2,828.75 days.
>2,828.75 days / 365 days = 7.75 years.
>7.75 years.

That is what you have lost, what you have wasted. You have wasted 7.75 years because you were too busy beating your meat. Remember that I was using conservative numbers. Hell, I'm not even counting leap days.

What makes this even more fucked is that this doesn't even include the other bullshit in your life, such as shitposting, social media, and other autistic vices.

Imagine what you can do in those 7.75 years if you hadn't watched porn and fapped
>That's 7.75 years of mastering your craft.
>That's 7.75 years of building your business.
>That's 7.75 years of carving that body you want.

Everytime you grab your dick, everytime you see a brapper, everytime you open your browser and type in your favorite porn actress's name, remember the 7.75 years you're going to lose.

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