What's the secret to staying young

What's the secret to staying young

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Tretinoin and sunscreen

Die early

Dont make the same mistakes as everyone else and then talk about the good old days.

Also growth hormone

What's up with the constant antiage threads

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There's a lot to it that we don't understand. Horrifyingly, even the brain ages, to our great detriment. However, the following seem to help greatly:
>fast often and for long durations of time
>get a healthy amount of fats in and make sure you're hitting all your nutrients
>avoid inflammatory foods and combat inflammation and oxidants via things like green tea
>improve blood flow with cardio, using the sauna, other things
>get into top physical condition
for the brain/mind
>constantly challenge yourself to learn new things that you are not familiar with

This is literally 90% of it. Plus all the obvious stuff like working out, eating well, not eating meat or other animal products.

>literally 90% of it
Genetics is 99% of it

Being physically fit relatively flexible and having moderately low bodymass
Keeping active
Resting when needed
Sleeping well and fitfully
Dealing with stress well
Having the right kinds of relationships and the right amount of contact with other people
Finding something to do in your life
Less grains and sugars in diet
Deal with sickness by sleeping and resting
Put as little stress on your body as needed
Deal with injuries completely rather then working through them.
Cut back on or off all excess stimulation from foods drugs people and media.
Cut out all toxins. Environmental, chemical, social, electronic, memetic.
Sit as little as possible but know when sitting is the most needed thing.

boomers and 25 year old women hitting the wall


>>how to anti-age??
>avoid carbohydrates, fiber, sitting, and putting stress on your body
Wow, sure sounds like a formula for an upright lifestyle

Virgin blood
t.someone in the know

Blended foreskin cream

Children’s foreskins


if only telemorase wasn't so carcinogenic, i'd be slamming that shit every day

don't forget about BDNF to keep your synapses young and neural membranes flexible though

user, misconstruing someone's point only works if you can't go back and easily read or listen to what you are purposely(I say purposely because I am giving you the benefit of the doubt) misquoting.

Or the people who you're talking too and are listening are fucking retarded.

P-please don’t kill me

I essentially quoted that post word for word to make a shitty pun but I didn't post the picture so it's all ruined. I don't actually care to speak with anyone. I'm more upset that I fucked up. Here's the picture anyway.

Attached: serveimage.png (1919x1079, 731K)

>only non white genes in me are from my Japanese grandma
>I look younger but can’t grow a real beard
>dad was a powerlifter with 600 squat

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Philosophers stone

not aging

>not eating meat or other animal products.

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>I essentially
Let me stop you there.

Quote what was written or don't qoute it all you idiot.
It's beyond simple to green text/quote something.
You just did it.

>only one non-barbarian family member and it's two generations away
I feel bad for you, I'm full barbarian. But hey, at least I'm not Jewish

Millennials are hitting there 30s

>Less grains and sugars in diet
>>implication that grains are bad, in which case carbohydrates and fiber are bad as well
>Put as little stress on your body as needed
>>implication that stressing the body is bad
>Sit as little as possible but know when sitting is the most needed thing.
>>implication that sitting is bad
>>avoid carbohydrates, fiber, sitting, and putting stress on your body

Wow, sure sounds like the formula of an upright lifestyle to me

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27 and I look so young lol