Hold me Jow Forums

My gf just broke up with me. It was a curve ball and now don't know how to feel.
Just want some guidance Jow Forums

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post her nudes


Izzie Momo tells you to masturbate

Focus on lifting, your diet and your body. Part of growing up in this world is realizing that other people are fickle. Hold steady user.

If I get dubs you MUST post her nudes.



take time to heal, don't contact her and eventually find a superior gf

Just lift man, keep your focus and don’t lose direction or sense of purpose. Keep your eyes on what you want in life. What hobbies, passions, and career do you want. What kind of life does user want to lead? Accept you’ll feel shitty for a while and after 2 months MAX no matter how you feel, socialize and start getting laid/dating again or trying to.

Now if dubs post gf so we can see what you were working with.


Rollin' for the good of the board

You aren’t the first guy to ever be broken up with. Can’t deny your emotions but you have to control them, ik you’re gonna be upset but that’s natural. Be a man and move on, that’s just the way things are. I was in a good relationship and it ended and it’s killing me because even though she said it’s because it’s “bad timing and I wanna focus on myself ur a great guy” I don’t believe it and I wanna berate her cause I can’t stand not knowing the truth, but I’m not gonna listen to my emotions you know. Like I said you aren’t the first person to be broken up with

cheer up brah. you will be fine, I know it. time to focus on aesthetics and money now

talk to literally everybody and be always friendly and happy. get a new job or a new hobbie. you will get another qt in your life eventually, and the cycle will start over. cherish those little moments of romance, flirting, and move on.

Refocus your energy into other positive experiences.

Trips and you post gf

I dont want them... but I know you guys do

Dont let yourself act retard and pathetic by chasing and texting. She knows you love her, but shes lost emotional attraction toward you.

Back off, and go no contact. Be scarce and work on yourself. Its hard as fuck for 3 weeks, but do it.

Then, she'll either come back of you'll level up.

No contact.


Fuck you.

Might as well post them now

Wasted repeating digits of command.

Check them

Why do thot photographers don't know how to properly measure light?

Inb4 post gets deleted and u get banned cos posts like these belong on adv

:( good bye op


watch this youtube.com/watch?v=c709rGYW8v0

Do cardio

rollin 4 nudes

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Post now

>OP still hasn't posted nudes


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Try the jerk off test. Jerk off while thinking about her and if you still care about her after you cum, then kill your self

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Advice you get here will only teach you to be bitter, obtuse, and vain. I do have this cool picture of a dog though. Does that help?

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You are all a bunch of failures. I’ll how you how to get dubs.

Nudes please

Fpbp link an imgur album for us

First off, don't fight the feelings that come with this. Anger, sadness, confusion. You're gonna feel all those things.

Girl I thought I was gonna marry and have kids with left me, then told me that after a couple days she felt as if her life had gone unchanged by our breakup. That "it must be a sign" if that's how she felt.

Turns out she relationship hopped again to another guy because I wasn't ready to move in yet after a year and a half together (She told me she was fine with it), and a year of being best friends before. Point is, I didn't find that out until later. I was left with no answers and nothing but a broken heart. She treated me like shit under her shoe, and I imagine that's how you feel right now. You're not going to just get back up after this, user. It's going to keep hurting and you're going to feel the air knocked out of you and as if you can't fully inhale again without her.

But you will. I still haven't. But I'm at the point now, almost five months later that I at least see the other side of the tunnel. You will too. It's going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better, and there's no due date on when that will be.

Nudes OP. Give us a full frontal

she was probably cheating on you

i too need advice my wife of 4 years left me for another dude 2 weeks after our seperation. idk if shes been talking to him before or after. kinda wanna kys myself. what do Jow Forums. shes already living with him. shes been lying to me for about a month telling me shes single and working on herself and that this si all my fault. i found out a week ago when i read her IG messages.

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because of you faggots can get dubs


A hero to us all

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Best way to cheer yourself up is to try to learn why she broke up with you, accept it, and then move on.

Also Checkum

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Took me two years bro, but it does get better. Even if you think it won't.
Start running, do something that you've always wanted to do.

dubs have spoken
post nudes OP

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What the fuck OP

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WinRaR. Hand over the nudes OP

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Why does she have a monitor in the bathroom?

I know it doesn't feel like it now, but you'll get over it with time. Sorry for your troubles, user.

Whatever you do, don't be a cuck and take her back.

TV by the looks of it m8

Still not something you usually see in a bathroom.


True but my guess it's to watch news or some shit while getting ready in the morning. It's a chick so she probably spends ~1 hour in there each morning.

I'm American and I've never had a TV/Monitor in my bathroom nor seen one in anybody else's bathroom? Is this some kind of Midwest thing?

lol shes already moved in with him and shes happy. we're not talking anyway. she blocked me on everything after i called her out. i dont see her coming back. if she does it will be a "hey" from social media in about a year or less when this relationship doesnt work out. lol.

and nah i would never take her back. still sad af tho.

Good point

nobody cares you stupid normalfag


What would Zyzz do? Also if I get dubs can we have more?

OP delivers.

Time will heal everything mate. Focus on yourself, level up in all areas of life and move on.

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im not OP im someone else read the original post. dont have nudes anyway mongoloid.

Damn that's my fuck buddy, sorry dude. Didn't know she had a bf.

OP, empty your balls into the ass of an 18 year old black girl and all will be well!!!FACT!!!


OP, here is the real advice. You've gotta grow and you've gotta move forward. Make goals. Achieve them. Make money. Fuck bitches. Have exciting fun life experiences. Meet people.

Women are largely the same. After a few dozen you realize it.

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