When should I take rest days on a PPL? I fucked up and went no rest days for two weeks and can tell I fucked up a bit

When should I take rest days on a PPL? I fucked up and went no rest days for two weeks and can tell I fucked up a bit.

Should I go PPLxPPLx etc?

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What a beautiful face

I do PPLPPLx. You can do PPLxPPL if you want

those two variations are literally the same thing

Are you fucking retarded??

fuck you don't remind me of this album. i always cry my eyes out and contract a crippling case of autism whenever it's in my rotation.

Can I do xPPLPPL instead?

How are the same thing you two are fucking stupid not me. Explain yourselfs

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oh shit you got me laughing

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Based AC poster

Way 1. Pplpplxpplpplx
Way 2. Pplxpplpplxppl

U mong

>people doing PPL but not starting weeks out with L
>muh chest day

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El peepee haha lol

The 1st P should be pull, because fuck you Monday, international chest day, and people doing FB squatting mon-wed-fri hoarding the racks.

Fuck you must really love Jesus Christ

The absolute state of retards that follow ppl
>having a leg day
>doing rows or deadlifts on pull
>doing back squats the next day
>doing standing ohp the next
>6 days in the gym, when upper lower is same frequency, but less days
Gets on date with girl
>hey user you have a life outside the gym right? Right user? Do you?
Good luck on recovery, and big gains

I was doing PPLPPLx. Didn't really have an issue after a couple weeks once I got used to it, but I was eating a lot. PPLxPPLx should be fine if you feel like you need the recovery

Doesn´t matter if you start with Pull or Push but Legs should always be in the middle. Pull and Push has you both working shoulders and if you do them without legs in between one of either is going to suffer and will get you less reps and weight.

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follow this

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Thinking about switching to a good upper lower , any recommendations?

Just do P PL L x2 and rest on sundays. In order to promote real growth, muscles need the stimulus/ activation twice a week.

>less days
Oh, good, more rest days. More days full of emptiness and no purpose and wanting to die.

If I can only go to the gym 4 or so days a week, is U/L the best split for me?

is ppl+bbb better based user? Which routine would you recommend

I took the no-rest-days pill about 2 months ago and I'm feeling great and making good gains doing PPL. Try eating better and getting enough sleep, you should absolutely be able to train every day natty IMO.

It's more about once every 48-72 hours than twice a week.

>the communist's daughter
>front man in love with Anne Frank
Why does Jow Forums like this album again?

If you expand that across all time they become assymptotically the same thing, with only different boundary conditions retard


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>Two headed boy
>With pulleys and weights
Confirmed Jow Forums album

I just combine the legs into push and pull. On push days I do squats and maybe legs press. On pull days I do deadlifts and reverse hypes

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii loooooooove youu jeeeesuus chriiiiiiiist

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I have found in this place

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