Flat Feet

Running is fucking my shit up. Shin splints really suck. What cardio do you guys recommend for us flat foot brahs?

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How the fuck is flat foot unhealthy

Nice trips. I've had flat feet since childhood. My preferred cardio is ellipticals and heavy bag work. Running is a big hell no.

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Do rope workout

It makes the ankles tend to roll and causes knee and lower back trouble.

You can fix flat feet by learning to use the muscles in them. If you e had flat feet all your life, it will take time and real work. But it can be done and it truly will be a game changer for your life. There’s a lot in life you can control once you dig deeper.

Oh so that's why I have a shitty knees
Anyway I never run since it is really painful on my heels so I just jog at 5.5 kmh speed

Are you guys running with proper form? You are supposed to land mid foot on the balls of your feet with your weight directly under you. Shoulders back, head up straight back

Op here flat foot my entire life and ive been doing exactly that for 3 years and it barely helps. Simply just doesn't cut it to tense your foot up to rearrange the bone structure in your foot. Just doesnt work like that.

Teach me sensei

Flat feet really fucked me up. I had a severe valgus deformity and had to have surgery so I'll be able to walk past my 30s.

stop running

running is shit for cardio, it destroys your body from the inside

do something your body can actually adapt to rather than wear it down with low effort movements

its like curling 1lb 100,000 times and getting all manner of injuries due to repetitive strain and no ability for the body to get stronger

stairmaster, incline walking, bikes, are all good for burning calories and not destroying your body and actually strengthening it

running leads you to ethiopian skelly mode with the bone health of a 90 year old man

wait how
I always run landing heels first

"use proper form" is a runners cope. The running reaper comes for everybody's knees eventually. It may be tomorrow, it may be in 10 years but he will come and then you'll be riding a road bike in full spandex to spare your joints.

hieght and weight op?

i just want to point out that the human body evolved for distance running and if you cant do it, youre literally just being a pussy about it. not saying you HAVE to be a runner, but it is 100% your fault if you “cant”

FIX YOUR FORM. take it slow and take a break when your shins get fucked. learn to dig into the pressure point which relaxes that muscle

Certain flat foot people are missing the arch muscle (like me) and just have to settle for insoles.


Pussy MO

Rowing and swimming master race

Try jumping jacks, high knees and burpees

>stop running
>running is shit for cardio, it destroys your body from the inside
what the fuck? you're not serious. this is the kind of shit people say to justify being out of shape and hating cardio. there are few things better for your health than running, and eating right. it's not the only way to get cardio, but it's one of the best as humans literally evolved to do it. source: born to run by christopher mcdougall

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