/plg/ - powerblogging general

Late night shitposting edition

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Should I add 1@8 to Smolov Jr?

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1@9 obviously
More street = more gains

Should I add 1@8 to madcow?

should I add 1@8 to /ss/?

wtf is wrong with you

He's gay

Should I add 1@8 to emerging strategies?

Nobody talks to me at gym. I look angry and ugly.

same here

> 1@8 calibration for your 1@8 set
i think you are onto something big here.

Call me when you get 120 x6 @ 87kg. B^)

Call me when you post lifts

woulnd try that

I posted a 120kg x3 work set a couple weeks before the 6 reps I got on AMRAP.

Should I add 1@8 to sex with gf?

Why not?

heh nice try kiddo

6 > 5

i'm clueless on what this general is about, but sure is cozy in here

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it wasnt an amrap tho :)

Fine, you win this time, manlet.

>quads tired from yesterday
>have to squat again today

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just try hard :)

I want to get into powerlifting but my right shoulder is fucking fucked. I have all the symptoms of bicep tendonitis, a rotator cuff impingement, and a town labrum, so I don't know what the actual problem is. I made the mistake of thinking chiropractors are doctors and saw one yesterday and very quickly realized I need to see an actual doctor. Does anyone here with experience with shoulder injuries know what kind of doctor I should see? I want a real fucking diagnosis, no woo-woo magnetic spine spirit healing bullshit. A physical therapist? An osteopath? I don't have a regular doctor because every regular doctor I have even seen has been a complete fucking hack. Wat do???

>quads tired from 2 days of squatting in a row
>upperbody tired from 2 days of benching in a row
>tomorrow i squat and bench and dl

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>be a skinnyfat lanklet with gyno
>find a gf
>she competes and squats 400lbs
uhhhhh SL5x5 is a good place to start right? i have never lifted in my life

why dont you ask her

ask your gf she sounds competent enough

okay, i did and she said she started on SL too but i want second opinions from you brahs

SL is fine too.

>tfw easy, refreshing deload weej

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FUCK I HAVE NO MACHINES SO I HAVE TO HBBS ON THE 3rd BRIDGE DAY AND ITS KILLING ME HELP 3x10 @8 is fucking horrible at the end after deadlifts

I've always thought sl5x5 is too high volume for a novice. I doubt a novice will make better lp gains doing 5x5 instead of 3x5.

How much does she weigh, and what drugs is she on?


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>tfw no thicc muscle gf to dom the fuck out of me

>novice better not bulit muscle!

180 and none

good proportions for squats though (womanlet with a huge butt)


>girls weighs 180 and squats 4pl8
Im afraid you are girl for now in this relatioship, start wearing dresses until you outsquat her


3x5 is plenty of volume for a novice to gain muscle for a long time. Hell they could do 1x5 and still gain strength and size for months, I know I did.

There is no better feel than to be dommed by muscle gf for a few minutes, then you stop playing around and overpower her ezpz, then it's pound town for the rest of the night while she squirms and squeals and tries to break free

>dommed by muscle gf
Niqqua u ghey

How does one get muscle gf?

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3x5 on strength lifts and bodybuilding hypertrophy lifts in 3 x 10 - 15 range. Shorter work outs and easier to recover from. Biggest mistake with most novices is stalling because of shit recovery.


Stop doing SS.
Do the bridge.

Actually pretty great and miles ahead of SS really, glad I got memed into switching. Absolutely blows the fuck out of SS and SL.

Fuck off Jordan


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Ha ha cripple

How is something more complicated than the most simplistic approach to training (compounds+progressive overload) going to be more beneficial for a novice?

I'm going to sleep and I hope I dont wake up

fuck you pay me

i mean my only solice is that her bp max is 150.

i think i can do more in a good 6 months. I'll never be able to outsquat her. fuck that

>girls benches 150
ohh, so you got lied to, she actually squats 180lbs and benches 150lbs which is still good for a girl
if girl benched 150 you would be size mogged by her forever

are you an actual retard? 150lbs for women is easy with competition form

depends on weight class and his girl is a womanlet that he tricke us to believe hes strong by putting in lbs while real man count kilos

you are a very confused and annoying young man

Blaxkpill me on Barbell Medicine

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strong guys who are better at marketing than Mike T, use the fact they're doctors a lot and made they way by being actual SS coaches
its all thanks to one of them being jewish its not actually better than only RTS stuff or other similiar level coaches, its just far better marketed

She weighs 80 kilos apparently
That's a sub-bw bench which is extremely pathetic, even for a woman

Hold up
>womanlet with huge butt
>weighs 180 lbs
My benis is rock hard now

not more pathethic than 180lbs squat which is her bodyweight
my girl after 2 months of lifting squats her bodyweight for 5 reps and shes a lanket


1v1 me IRL faggots.

This guy says she squats 400 lbs though
I don't really believe it without video proof

no bro I've seen her competition results online

equipped than or you fuck world champion boy




I believe it. It's pretty talented but not insane.

he also said that there is a 150kg in her comp record
so either eq or some roidaroo

Or half squatter


I meant he said BENCH PRESS 150kg


He said lbs retard

Not kg, lbs retard

If some doughy english boy I don't know claimed to pull 340 kilos I wouldn't believe it either without video proof

Yeah but what if they said 260, 280, 300?

I outdeadlift him now, he's finished.

notice gangsta wrap on his elbow saying hes elbow is fucked up
but mine is healthy now

Where’s your trip, are your ban evading?

I am isley now bitch

Yeah he lifts like absolute dogshit. Those high squats. YIKES.

According to symmetricstrength.com, a 105 male pulling 320 is almost equivalent to a 80 female squatting 180

i wish i had a asian gym whore gf how do i get one

he pulls as retarded as me before hes just gifted with good dl femurs


at 3:50 he just yanked it off the floor knowing he just needs to get past hes knees, if any higher he would struggle with lockout

His deadlift form is half a step below supermang's in terms of how ugly it is. Nice quads, here are mine.

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i want to put my penis inside an asian gym thot!!

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Your English is absolutely terrible. I have no idea what you are trying to say.

Chimichanga time!

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>Chimichanga time!

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I have one of these coming up, gonna be ultra comfy. I'll probably wear my pj's to the gym and sip an iced coffee during.


>going to army in four months
>last time I did cardio was a year ago
wat do?

why did you make her leave