Can we have a fat to fit thread...

Can we have a fat to fit thread? I wanna hear stories about former fat people that managed to shed the fat and got in shape, or at the very least got skinny. I suppose this can also serve as a place for you to share your progress pics.

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Not fit yet but I did lose 17 kilos over the last three months. Aiming for maybe 5-8 more. No progress pics though because I'm retarded and it never even occurred to me to take one.

5'10. Was 220-230. Size 38. About 6 months later, I'm 180 and a size 32. Going to keep losing.

I lost 58 pounds, still working on the "fit" part but I'm making steady noob gains and feeling good. My heart rate and blood pressure are also in the optimal range according to the machine shoppers drug mart :)

went from 320lbs to 141 lbs in a year, I think im pretty lucky since I almost dont have any loose skin can post pictures if ppl want

>be me in middle school
>borderline obese
>constant bullying especially in the pe locker rooms for my gross moobs
>few years later
>lost a LOT of weight
>literally went from fatfag to stickfag
>still many confident issues and believing that I’m fat
>post body on Jow Forums cause I’m bored
>ask how fucked my moobs are because of low confidence
>anons barely criticize
>actually get mires because of my supposed low bf%
>close my computer
>cry in joy because i never got approval for my body due to heavy isolation
You guys truly are the best. Zyzz bless us all and don’t forget that we’re gonna make it. We're ALL gonna make it.

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Are you me? I'm 5'10", I was 245lbs ten months ago. I started counting calories, IF, cut out processed and sugary foods/drinks. I also ran a half marathon last October. I'm now 165lbs, I still run and recently started calisthenics. Feels good.

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250 to 170, all through a year and half of keto/low carb and lots of cardio (running/swimming for endurance). Introduced weightlifting after about six months. Used to run 5 miles at 6.5/7.0 calmly.

The only problem is that I actually gained it all back and then some because to me, the low carb thing just isn’t sustainable. Now that I’ve returned to the gym and I’m about 5-6 months deep in a LPP routine, I’m putting cardio on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Maybe even saturday, but hardly. My diet isn’t right, but I’m getting significant progress in numbers and lifting heavier and heavier weights.

Once I reach numbers that I’m satisfied with on all of my lifts, I’ll start cutting, and try to keep the protein high and keep an eye on the calories. I know eventually the numbers will go down when you cut, but having larger muscles helps with cutting.

I know its backwards since I’m back to being a fat piece of shit, but I’m going up to go down.

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There are amazing stories out there. Really good to hear progress from people.
Here is my story

>be 14.
>Super introverted, borderline socially awkward times, play games all day.
>poor posture, mouthbreather, muffled speech
>eat chips every day and stuff my stomach on the dinner table
>Look in the mirror constantly
>"not that bad, could be worse"
>weight at 100 kg
>Subcontiously know I am too big
>decide to not eat as much.
>fast forward 2 years
>lost a bit of weight, at 85 kg, not bad, didn't fall for the American Nightmare
>still retarded and unaware of my surroundings
>Still unfocused and lack self respect, people wouldn't approach me and I was too scared to approach them.
>got drunk at a club and cried in a park
>Fuck this.png
>Promised myself to better myself and not to rely on others and take responsibility for myself
>Go home, go to sleep, wake up.
>Practiced how to speak to others , fixing posture and personal behaviour
>seeing some improvement, people respect me more.
>Tell my parents about eating more strict; no candy, no desserts, no snacks.
>deny food if they push it on me
>workout harder
>Learn about different diets
>getting control over hunger
>get comfortable at 68 kg at 170cm at 19 years old
>Feeling much better, have a happy relationship with food, just above average strength and I fixed my posture.
>Whenever someone takes a picture of me, I don't feel like a troglodyte anymore. For the first time in my life I can finally look at myself and feel like I am normal.

It's such a weird thing. Working out, dieting and practicing how to socialise has helped me tremendously is many aspect.

post em

I came here lurking 3 years ago. I was 16 and 170lbs at 5’5. Got Jow Forums and drowned in pussy at the end of HS. Lost all my weight and became a stick later becoming fat. Working on getting Jow Forums again.

good job user

>decide I'm tired of being a fatass
>found scooby
>stopped eating shit cold turkey
>started biking every other day and doing shitty home workouts at home
>lost 20kg in 3 months and became a skelly
>keept doing this bike/homeworkout routine for a year
>start running, run 10km after a few months
>running feels amazing now I don't feel all my body jiggle all around
>joined a gym
>eventually started doing less and less cardio since I couldn't do my 2hour rides nor 1hour runs on rest days
>fast forward 2 years I'm 5kg away from my original weight but no longer fat

Sometimes I miss running but it hurt my knees and biking takes too much time and left me drained for a couple days

ive lost 75lbs since last October, ill post a pic later

>Be me, 30 years old, 240 lbs and 6'0
>Just got back from the gym for the first time.

Wish me luck on my journey, brothers.

Great job, dude.


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fuck off


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Good job
How long?

apologize faggot

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Was always chubby or fat growing up, only times I wasn’t was up to about 7 years old and during a large growth spurt at about 14 but I put on even more weight after. At about 17 I came to a realization. I would continue to be a depressed anxious friendless virgin unless I started taking care of myself. I stopped using drugs and started walking while eating way less food. I was about 290 at like 5’10”. Just walking for 15 minutes left me super dizzy and light headed at first. Everyday I did that and increased the time I spent walking up to an hour. In my first month I lost like 30lbs. Then I got a job at a grocery store. This store had a schedule for the baggers where for 30 minutes at a time we would retrieve carts from the lot. So in addition to walking for an hour each day I was basically doing hiit. Get 5 carts, push them all inside. I made sure to walk super fast doing this and turned it into an exercise. Over the course of a year I dropped down to 165lbs and grew to 6’1”. The entire time all I ate was ramen with added meats for protein and I would sometimes eat up to a half jar of peanut butter towards the end of this when I was actually running. I was a skelly but it was worth it. I began lifting in college but got nowhere because my caloric intake was super low on average and I forgot how to really eat. After I realized I needed to accept I had to get a little fat again to gain muscle and strength I made some great gains and fast.

This ended up turning into me coping and resuming my old eating habits. After a bad breakup I basically stopped lifting and just started eating shit like pizzas daily. A year of this went by and I lost a lot of strength. The last few weeks I’ve been getting back into it, doing cardio while also lifting and counting my calories. I’m getting ready to do a PSMF for the next 1-2 months now. I’m only trying to get from 220 down to 205lbs, then resume slow cutting.

>started 215 lb fatty at 6'0
>IF at huge deficit for 10 weeks
>down to 185 and skinnyfat
Still about 2 months to go I think.

4 years of 1 step forward 2 steps back but I think I've finally beaten sloth and gluttony

Dude, Congratulations!

excellent man, are you just gonna deal with the loose skin or thinking about surgery

Been losing weight since this time last year. down 100 or so pounds and have been lifting again. Got 40 to go (305 pounds, 5'9" now 198 lbs). It's been difficult cuz I've been at a steady plateau since january but I actually increased my calories since lifting and I'm seeing weightloss improvements slowly. Must have been eating too little since my BMR is ~1600 and I was either eating at that or lower. TDEE estimated at ~2300

My husband has lost 90+ pounds in the last 8 months. We're taking our time but we are making progress.

Here's some perks I enjoy now:
GM calls me "inspirational" for all the hard work I've put in
Skinny coworker (jokingly) tells me to stop getting so skinny
Male boss constantly praises my progress in front of other coworkers, to the point of making it awkward
Fatties come to me asking for help, tell them MFP and exercise, they start it and maybe last a week
Get more attention and conversations from people who would never look at me nor even knew I existed
Best sex ever, better positions due to flexibility and not afraid of intimacy anymore

Congratulations to the both of you and your newfound happiness

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also another perk is not injuring myself all the time. I slipped and fell the other day and it was like wow, no biggy. A year and a half ago I slipped in the shower and was so embarrassed by the image of a fat pig injured in the shower that when my husband came to check on me I cried from the embarrassment. My body is stronger and much more resilient now it's excellent

thanks my dude. We're all gonna make it

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6’3, 25
Left is 300lbs, right is 212lbs

Fat my entire life, I bet that played a part in the loose skin. Been maintaining for about a year now

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> Be me
> Pretty fit as a high schooler, basically male cardio bunny that occasionally messed with weight machines
> not very swole but lean and energetic
> go to college, lose all my friends since we went to different schools
> become an asocial autist but finally make a friend
> he invites me to a St. Patrick's day party, my first college party and my first house party with alcohol
> get drunk for the first time
> suddenly can socialize again
> lean heavily on alcohol to socialize
> give my 21+ acquaintances all the money I can to get booze
> start drinking while playing vidya, watching TV, even while studying
> mix it with full sugar soda most of the time
> start getting fat and start lifting
> can't out-lift the massive calorie intake of my borderline alcoholism and diet of pizza and ramen
> finally give in when I reach 230lbs and don't fit into any of my old clothes
> stop drinking all together
> start adding cardio into my routine
> alternate every two weeks between keto and regular calorie restriction
> finally start to see the scale trend down
> girls start miring me again
> Go from 230 to 185lbs over the course of 9 months

Not as massive of a loss as most other guys but honestly giving up my alcoholic behavior made losing weight 10x easier. I drink now, but I only drink mixed drinks with diet soda and I never drink alone or heavily enough to get trashed like I did before.

Miring bro. Any comments on your diet/timeline/routine?

Down from 320 to 220 doing fasting and lifting, its the only way for real fat fucks like I was and I'm on my way.

This guy lost 106lbs in 3 months. Then he got jacked. Then he became one of the toughest endurance athletes to ever live. Would recommend

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>be me
>find a PPL routine
>start counting calories
>eat at a caloric deficit and exercise a few times a week
>time passes by
>I have less body fat and more lean muscle mass

Sorry if it's not exciting

Left is me 5'7 225lbs, right is me at exactly 150.

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im you!

started 6'0 215 in feb now 188, been eating 2200-2500 cals a day and so far my fat loss hasnt stalled

i am doing 40mins of cardio a day tho (and i take T3 and ephedrine)

i went from 230 to 165 around 6 years ago tho half with cardio and half just by diet alone, i prefer that method than the stim route. it gets old pretty fast shaking like an old man and getting poor quality sleep even with benzos :(

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Fat shaming works

how long nigga


This image makes me want to do rope training. Haven't done it since high school

I went from 280 to 195 at 6'5 over ~ 10 months. I had always been athletic, but last year in college was a train wreck. I suffered from Zero loose skin and was really pleased with my results. I quit drinking altogether and more or less maintained a caloric restriction of 750 the whole time. It is entirely possible and it's never too late.

>be 300lbs
>stay at 300lbs
>stop lifting
>Lose muscle and start pushing past 300
>stepped on the scale the other day and I'm now 320

Just fuck my shit up, man.

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why the hell would you lift at 300?

...Good point.

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No, seriously. Just swim and calorie count man

>think I need to lose 35 lbs to look great
>lose 25lbs, realize the last 10 aren't enough
>instead of being almost done I'm now only half way done
Asked around and its pretty common to underestimate your fat by 10-20lbs. I just wanna start bulking even a little bit again, I'm sick of having a 195lb bench. But I know I'm bad at clean bulking from failing it before. Best to just stick to doing one right at a time

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I was fat up until age 26 when I saw a photo myself and was disgusted by the sight. In addition I was sick and tired of the constantly aches in my knees and back, so I decided it was time for a change.

Started lifting and doing cardio at 230 lbs in July of 2016. By December I was down to about 200 lbs until I finally hit 170 lbs by July of 2017. I'm not sitting at my lightest weight ever of 163 lbs (probably somewhere in the 12 - 15% body fat range, never been so close to abs in my life). 5'9" manlet btw.

Getting fit was the greatest decision of my life.

since last October so 5-6 months


is he natty

Was about 312 once upon a time. Got down to 188, back up to 206 right now but im working my way down again.

People ask me how I do it, I tell them the first step is to truly hate what you've become. To this day this has never made sense to women.

>5'4" grew up a fatty with obese family
>miserable and depressed at my highest I weight hitting almost 200lbs
>left home at 17
>lost weight steadily by hiking and walking across the city as much as possible
>moved cities and started working food industry jobs eating and drinking too much
>regain weight over course of 2 years
>hit high of 170 again and can not deal with it anymore
>go sober and start swimming
>am now 115 and maintaining
I love being small. I wear xs dresses and size 2 pants. My waist is 23" and people call me tiny. I can wear the same clothes as my skinny friends (still super dysmorphic/feel fat)
I love love love being small I've never been so eager to get fucked desu (I'm shy/awkward so I dunno how to make it happen but one day...) I just want to be picked up easily so I can feel tiny. I'm never going back. Skinny is the only way to be female, for me.

>back in 2017 I had found myself at 5'9 310lbs~ 43%bf (only 17 at the time)
>had always been "the fat guy" in the room for most of my life
>stopped eating garbage cold turkey
>obsessively browsing the internet and reading books trying to obtain more knowledge
>first starting out I was a pleb and just did cardio for the first several months
>start lifting (just a pretty mediocre bro splits routine + cardio)
>started counting macros religiously & eating clean
>over the course of a year I had dropped roughly 100lbs
>manage to get down to 180lbs through persistence in training and diet
>fast forward to six months I had hit a plateau, losing most of my motivation to diet and cardio, falling back into old habits. putting on 25lbs~ in a few months
>still managed to maintain weight training through diet woes
>sitting at around 185 now with around 15-17bf%
>currently cutting attempting to break 170/10%bf feeling as confident and motivated now as I was when I first started

Definitely not happy/confident with my current body, but more so than I could ever be now than the 310 monster I was before.

Best of luck to all on your journey, we're gonna make it.

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116lbs down. More or less where I want to be now. Carrying on with cardio n combos of lifts and chinups because the exercise clears my head.

>I know. First pic is fucking awful...look how happy I was!

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Excellent work man. Fucking hell.

Hell yeah brother, we're all gonna make it

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Mirin dude. Also what the hell were you thinking with that beard lmao.

good shit my man, keep it up

good work user, but im getting getting jason blaha vibes from the after picture. Fix by getting shredded as fuuuk

Cheers dude and fuck knows!
You know it!
Yup. I am aware of this. He may be my clone. Might have to murder. There can only be one...

I'm nowhere near fit yet, still about ~45lb (20kg) from my goal weight, but I've gone from 330lb~ (150kg or so) to 220lb (100kg) since October.
I'm not confident enough to post pics, especially as I'm not at goal weight.


Post body, turd

Are you a woman?


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what the fuck dude, that's amazing progress on the man titties

you did something specifically for loose skin?

went from 300 or so lbs to as low as 170 at one point. i was inspired by MMA fighters and zyzz and was sick of being disrespected by peers and random people. i also love (artistic and well placed) tattoos and wanted to earn the physique i felt was respectable enough to have them on it so that was some incentive too

>whole family is obese
>family get togethers everyone has their own 2 liter bottle of mountain dew
>family history of hearts exploding
>saw my dad have a heart attack
>scared the fuck out of me so bad I cried myself to sleep for a week afraid that was going to happen to me.
>dieted, lost weight
>get shit on by family for "starving myself" and "eating like a rabbit" because I was eating salads.
>as 250lbs in highschool, dropped to 160 in my senior year
>took the weight training course that year
>my family tried to take me to a dr who said there was nothing wrong with my weight and my dieting was bad for me.
>this was even before the HAES movement, this was in '98

I don't have much contact with the family anymore. They were too toxic to maintain a relationship with, even my own brother.

When I was 25 my little cousin (14) was absolutely distraught because this boy she was crushing on laughed at her for asking if he wanted to go to the dance with her and he said something like "with a gross fatty like you? HAHAHA" and most of the lunch room laughed at her.

I managed to get CPS involved and she was "temporarily" placed in my custody only because CPS found out she was diabetic, had been diabetic, was prescribed insulin to control her blood sugar and her parents were not getting the script filled and monitoring her blood sugar because "its just a big pharma scam"

She lost weight, got active, got her diabetes under control and the texts, emails, and phonecalls from her parents were used as evidence in the family court to assign me permanent custody a year later. Unfortunately her brother and sister were never removed.

I'm 38 now, shes 27. Shes a dietician at a nephrology clinic here in town that she and a doctor friend started that specializes in treating diabetics.

Ironically, or not so ironically, 5 family members are patients in the clinic with various atages of renal failure from untreated and late stage diabetes.

>be 90 kgs 170cm
>can’t be doing this man
>lose 20 kgs over the course of spring and summer thanks to tracking my calories and actually
>actually look somewhat bearable
>get stuck due to winter, 70-75 fluctuating weight
>look back at a 90 kg pic and every part of my body cringes
Still not all there. Planning on dropping to 60 and since spring is hitting I will begin the last leg of my journey. Wish me luck.

Really nice that you at least saved one kid.

>be me, leaving school for uni (college for americans)
>been getting increasingly concious about my weight for years, but idgaf since it was a all boys school
>thought of arriving at uni weighing 100kg (215lbs) at 6ft was enough motivation to change it
>start bike riding daily the summer beforehand
>when i arrive, get a gym membership in the first week, start going religiously at least 3 times a week
>still biking reguarly
>take up swimming, with the aim of doing a swimming marathon (10k)
>take up lifting, take up rock climbing
>fast forward to the end of second year, I was on the uni swimming team (not bad given I hadn't swum competitively before), had done swimming marathons and a double swimming marathon, was planning for a half ironman, and weighed about 80kg.
>fast forward to now, 7.5 years after I attended uni, still roughly the same weight (81, cutting from 85kg bulk), still lifting, still taking care of my health.
Feels good. I know I didn't start from too hard a position like some people, but all the same i'm happy with what I did, especially keeping it off for so long. To anyone in a similar position of losing weight, I promise you the end goal is so worth it. It feels indescribably good to not just not be disgusted with how you look topless, but to be actively proud of it.
>tfw we're all gonna make it

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then.. stop taking stimulants?

i mean, fucking really?

255 to 180 and loose skin/stretch marks you people are so lucky

>be me
>be 425 fucking lbs
>want to end my life but instead change it completely
>gym 4 times a weeks constantly
>1 year passes
>150lbs los
>still fatass but i am going to make it


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March 30 2018

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January 20 2019

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you should get strong too my love. Ideal femanon imo doesn't rely only on her man to care for her. She is different but equal in her partner's eyes. She must be strong enough to bear her man's children, to defend her purity against unwanted suitors.
I plan to get strong enough to carry my husband in case Murica does have a civil war and he gets injured and I need to get him to safety (autistic, I know).
It is good to be skinny, it is best to be strong.

Fasting should help get rid of that loose skin. Other than that, nice job.

I would like to ask for some advice as my body hasn't changed at all for 2 months now, not for a lack of trying. I've tried 5/2, keto, IF(16/8 and 20/4) but my weights basically just going up/down with water

here's my journey

I'm 175 cm (5'9) and 25 years old

went from about 115 kg (253 lbs) to 83 kg (183 lbs) in a year

Started out on a diet when I realised I'm a fat depressed fuck who needs to get his poop in a group
Decided to do keto, since I had recently read several success stories about that diet
Since I know how the laws of thermodynamics work, I made sure to also count my calories.
By calculating my resting metabolic rate with an online calculator, I worked out that a 1500 kcal per day would lead to a rate of weight loss that was fast enough to keep me motivated but sustainable, with just a bit of discipline.
At this point I didn't work out at all. Only walking and a bit of disc golf.

Doing keto, I lost 20 kg of bodyweight, accounting for almost 2/3 of my weight loss. I don't think a diet like this is the most healthy way to lose weight, but the benefits of losing the weight outweighs the possible health hazards of the diet. Some say keto is healthy, others do not. I don't think you should do keto over very long periods of time.
So it's definitely possible to lose fat without working out. As a side note, pooping was good once I went on the diet. No more upset stomach, no more watery, gassy poops.

Then I started lifting 2x/week. one of my friends recomended I eat some carbs if I work out, and I was getting sick of the keto diet.
I didn't have cravings for sweets, but I definitely craved carbs. so I started to eat carbs again, but I still counted my calories.
Posture got better when I started to lift. I looked taller and more fit.

I then got hooked on lifting. I started lifting in November, maybe, doing a 2x/week beginner whole body workout, mostly machines.
I then educated myself a bit. Learned what makes a good program. What exercises to do for different goals and puprposes etc.
Now I do a kind of powerlifting/bodybuilding hybrid program, lifting 4-5 times a week since that's what keeps me motivated.


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I'm very close to achieving 1/2/3/4 pl8s (ohp and squat already there, dl and bench at 95% of goal)

I'm still losing weight and gaining strength. Currently eating 300-500 kcal under estimated maintenance per day, with lots of protein, vegetables and what would be considered "clean" carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes, sometimes 100% whole grain bread, etc)
Occasionally supplementing with whey protein to meet my daily requirements but usually I manage to get it all from food (I'm a bit of a glutton so eating enough isn't a problem)

I keep myself motivated by allowing myself a cheat meal (a pizza in my case) every time I reach a weight loss goal (every 5 kgs right now), but I also have a goal for my lifts (1/2/3/4 plates on press, bench press, skwät and deadlift respectively) and a body fat percentage goal (at 15 per cent, measured with one of those fancy scales, and yes, I know they aren't the most reliable method)

summed up:
Lost weight dieting without working out
then continued losing weight at a slightly slower rate while working out
don't hate my body anymore
digestion is way better
have more energy
helps me fight depression
gf likes to poke my muscles and make fun of my doms

how to do it:
educate yourself on nutrition and fitness
have a plan and a realistic goal
stay consistent and know that if your calorie deficit is on point, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY TO NOT LOSE WEIGHT. weight fluctuates a bit, especially water weight. if the scales tell you you've gained two pounds, you might just be more hydrated. do your calorie need calculations and trust in thermodynamics.
working out helps but is not necessary for weight loss

fasting to tighten up loose skin?


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>doesn't post body
>gains while losing weight
Fuck off with your fanfic

Just dont eat for a day while drinking plenty of water and you should see skin starting to tighten up. Do it as many times as you think would be good and your loose skin should go away.

Based chink father and son

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Nice progress mang
What was you daily calorie intake?

good fucking job my friend!

Impressive. What are your routines?

>be me
>graduating HS in 2013 at 6'5 300lbs
>lots of friends in school but still a virgin at 19
>wouldnt try to hook up with girls because of weight
>always the funny friend with no gf

>the following summer something had to change
>stopped eating bread and candy / soda
>dropped down to 240
>working out a bit but didnt track diet or anything so still shit body
>staying about the same for about 2 years
>not really satisfied but still better than being a lardass

>travelling through NZ for about a year on my own
>stayed in Gisborne for about 8 months just surfing and not being able to afford candy and shit
>go on roadtrip through south island
>just about stopped eating completely
>drop down to just under 180 skinnyfat
>if I had any muscles before, they were gone now

>come home
>start a strict diet and workout
>get pretty fit in a matter of about 9 months
>start partying again that summer
>girls approach me
>brads respect me because of 6'5 and noobgains

>start neglecting body
>partying with sloots instead of gym
>gain a bit of fat again maybe 210 at this point
>dont want to be that guy again, but loving new life
>find healthy balance with workouts and partying
>pretty respectable dadbod
>powerfull but with a few extra punds

>by some insane miracle get a qt gf
>19 and fit as fuck
>thanking my lucky stars every day
>almost get teary eyed every time she tells me she loves me
>thinking back on that fat kid in HS
>feel great

strength gains, not muscle mass gains.

big difference.

besides, the "you can't gain while losing fat" does not apply here. I'm not in a huge deficit, I'm eating very clean with lots of good protein, I work out so much I make my friends and family worried (gym 4-5x/week, swimming, running, conditioning, riding a bike or just walking to get around), and my body fat percentage is high enough that energy release from fatty tissue is enough to easily fill the calorie deficit.

I don't think it's possible for everyone, but this is my experience. I'm walking a tightrope with this and once the fat % is lower and the noob strength gains are gone it's not gonna be as easy.

Writing walla of bullshit won't make it come true. I'm in the gym 5 days a week myself, I eat lots of clean protein myself. I bike 20km a day, run 3 days per week, swim twice a week and do bouldering. I lost 17kg over a year, no loose skin, my lifts didn't improve at all apart from bodyweight exercises, stop spewing bullshit kid

Amazing work gymbro!!!

I hate seeing people destroy children because themselves are fucking destroyed.

You did good, and your story should turn into on of those motivational and emotional movies that are usually released in between seasons, but I am afraid that in a pro-far climate as ours it is impossible.

.t soiboi beta orbiter