Unironically how do people get so big in prison? Don't they just have bodyweight stuff? I thought doing 1...

Unironically how do people get so big in prison? Don't they just have bodyweight stuff? I thought doing 1,000 push ups was "just cardio bro"

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Because everything you've read about fitness is bullshit. Rest days, low reps, heavy weights, compound movements, nutrition, supplements ... it's all a mirage. People tell you these lies so you stay small or spend your money on their goods. It's one big scam and those in the know do everything they can to keep the con going as long as possible. Read this quickly because mods will purge this information


low IQ

why do cyclists have huge legs and calves? why do rowers have sick backs? „just cardio“ is a meme

Because they have nothing else to do, you ever been inside a prison?

These guys have literally all fucking day to exercise, they likely have families that are putting money on an account to buy things like supplements and food from those magazines that sell things to prisoners approved by the State prison system and the Warden and sometimes PEDs might end up inside so imagine how fit you would get after 5-10 years of pullups until bedtime?

Meanwhile average fucko can't find an hour, a simple fucking hour to do a nightly run

Because DYELs are killed in prisons


fuck off nazi

1. They are criminals, meaning they are more likely to do steroids than the general population and have the contacts nessecary, even in prison
2. Higher testosterone is correlated with crime. Higher testosterone is also correlated with more muscle mass. You do the math. Theres even a genotype called "alpha male" where people will have XYY, aka 2 male chromosomes that is over represented in prisons
3. They have plenty of time to recover. Their day is literally eat, sleep, sit around, train, repeat
4. i believe mike israetel published a study where they found that for hypertrophy, theres no upper limit. more sets = more growth, even in natty induviduals. If they train a many hours a day, i guess they are all getting optimal hypertrophy

Sometimes I think about being incarcerated for a year to get away from everything and focus on lifts. I also like my untainted anus so it's not really an option.

you have to be 18 to post here.

Steroids really aren’t that hard to get in prison. Even so it’s actually not a lot that are that big. Most prisoners are normal sized.its just that the big ones stand out so you have this image of prisoners as being swole

Hold the fuck up. Number 4... why do all the routines say stop at like 3 sets? I have hours to spend in gym if I wanted but stop because they say stop, and rest. Are you saying I should bash out massive sets numbers if I want to go supersaiyan?

>why do all the routines say stop at like 3 sets
Less gains equals more revenue from the supplements they're selling

Most prisons have weight yards, only 1 in NJ still has the weights. Carb up and get body weight ripped yo

I think Routines just account for the normal person who has a job and a family and a whatever while all the pros are basically eat, sleep, train, compete, repeat.

You couldn't sell to the average person a 3-4 hour seven day a week routine of just constant sets and reps and also I figure that a lot of people who pick these routines are newbs that have no idea what they're doing so it's better for them to get some training in before they figure to tailor their own programs

If I snap something tomorrow i'm coming for you bro

> this guy thinks you can get roids in prison
LMFAO getting even a few grams of weed in prison is an endeavor. Getting enough juice and syringes to do a cycle, and have it all paid for at the inflated smuggler rate would be near impossible. I guarantee you there are almost no steroid users in prison compared to your average gym on the outside.

Roids you idiot

Most of Jow Forums can't believe that doing pushups for fourteen to sixteen hours a day and getting eight to ten hours of sleep would result in someone being fucking jacked

High reps not being worth doing is bullshit unless the weight is way too little. Think about the physique you would expect from somebody who could do 150 push ups with good form. You're not picturing a bodybuilder, but far from a dyel. Honestly, throwing in bodyweight exercises is really important for aesthetics (and mindset) if you ask me. Bodyweight exercises spread out into a regular routine seem to help help keep your body in good proportion and also give me something mentally that I don't get from lifting. There is something about being able to manipulate your body to do increasingly difficult tasks gives me a feeling of progress different from simply seeing a number increase.

You're both retards
is right. Not sure if there is no upper limit, but doing about 100 reps to absolute failure at light weight or about 30% 1RM has helped my arm growth a lot.
OBVIOUSLY steroids. They're criminals, they know how to get access to that shit.

They have a very regimented schedule which makes it easier to get gains.
They literally eat, sleep, and workout.
They are around other alpha males all day long and the harder you workout the less chance you get your wig split.

lookup Rich Piana feeder workouts.
but they also have weights in prison, it's not entirely calisthenics.

Dude use you’re brain. Not every single prisoner you see is jacked. Only a small population of them is. Those are the ones that managed to get gear in prison. And it’s clear you don’t know what you’re talking about in terms of steroids. It wouldn’t be that difficult to smuggle in prohormones. Injectables and everything needed for even a simple test e cycle? Yeah you’re correct that would be a fucking feat. But there’s a lot of corrupt shit that goes on in prison that you have no clue about. Guards look the other way and take bribes a lot too. I know you believe that following this cope deluding yourself into believing that shit is achievable for you will make it happen like a sort of psychological placebo, but it won’t.

thats actually not true, inmates stay in their cells most of the time and are only allowed to workout for a few hours a day, maybe not even every day

How do they even get enough protein? I thought prison meals were shit.

You don't actually need 200 grams of protein daily to grow muscle, just a normal diet where you get about 20% of your calories from protein is enough. You've fallen for the supplement marketing.

Worked a few years in a prison myself, most of these guys did things in their rooms and we never bothered them

Commissary. There's magazines where they can order pretty much anything you can find in a grocery store and even Whey Isolate. Families will put money on accounts to spend on a month-to-month basis

WTF prisoners mail order whey protein.. this is hilarious to me.

Being a nigger is cheating

>Read this quickly because mods will purge this information
You literally gave 0 info. Tell us whats the truth then faggot

I went to prison (Chino, CA) back in 2010. Ask me anything.

My dad's buddy told us they would fill bags with water and curl and exercise with them, it wasn't all just calisthenics, but a lot of it was.

I had dudes with all kinds of meats that were packaged in prison approved containers like those bags of tuna from Starkist and I can't even remember what else was in there. But basically anything high in protein that you could get in something that wasn't in a can and didn't need to be cooked was something you could buy and have sent over to your cell

All that shit was checked by the prison too

Why'd you go to prison

For what? did you do time with any nazi lowriders?

>guaranteed meals with enough macros/micros to leach into your body
>15 hours of sleep
>2-3 workouts per day
>lots of trade to get more macros
Most of these guys have high test.


Compound lifts are not a meme though, prisoners do a shit ton of them. It's hard to do isolation in a cell w/o a partner.

>post body
Did you actually changed your mind regarding your crime?

because unlike you they actually work out

Not OP but he's 90% right.

Honestly looking at a lot of exercise science and sports nutrition data, lots of current "best practices" may be better, but only a little vs what would sound anathema. Eg- 8 reps a set vs 30

My dad said the best isolation work you can get outside of the gym in jail is to use a towel or some kind of strong fabric and use a partner. I lol@ people saying steroids though. My dad at over 50 has the body of a Hercules sculpture (yes he's white). He's not a /fraud/ he's just a hillbilly.

Roids you stupid fucking NIGGER.

easy on the slurs champ

Well, much of that info for specialized athletes is actually useful to those athletes. Guys who are elite at one sport may respond well to a certain type of stimulus in training. It's been proven in multiple studies that for novice lifters (1-4 years of training) that 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps with heavy compound lifts is the best all-around training method, best for strength, best for bone density, best for ligaments and CNS. This has been established since the 50's or 60's and gym bros knew it well beforehand.

Because they’re not powerlifting retards who do 15 reps a week and only lift 3 days. They lift fucking HARD every day.

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>Because everything you've read about fitness is bullshit. Rest days, low reps, heavy weights, compound movements, nutrition, supplements
So true it hurts, discovered it myself 2 years ago, lifting never have been the same since...
Also the big lie, "women care about being ripped/shredded" will get you used as a human dildo only if you walk shirtless by any weather

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I made explosives as an autistic hobby. I was a freshly 18 year old kid that didn't expect the full force of the law.
I don't fuck around anymore. I basically missed out on the first two years of my adult life and had to live the next five years on probation. I lost my late teens/early 20s to prison and parole and now I'm ultra cautious. I don't think I really did anything morally wrong though. I could show you some current body pics but I don't have any body pics of what I looked like right after I got out on the computer I was using since that was way back in 2012. Just google search to see what two years of calisthenics do to a guy in his late teens/early 20s and you'll get the idea.

Is there not one guy on this board have any experience with lifting in prison?

I'm the guy from , ask me anything about prison workouts.

How many hours in a day were you working out/ exercising

What chu bang hommie

He's saying that none of that shit matters, dumbass

>rest days are bullshit
>low reps are bullshit
>heavy weights are bullshit
>compound movements are bullshit
guess how I know you have shit genetics, shit body and shit lifts

I ain't gonna even spell it out for you. Stronglifts brah pirated his whole program from classic lifters and links to all the evidence. I've never done stronglifts or SS, I did a separate system and the basic advice was the same.

If you're referring to the first part of that post, what of it doesn't make sense? Physiologists and scientists aren't fucking retards, they are always looking to deliver good info. If anything it's all the bodybuilding sources and the (((industry))) that poisons the well, shilling their shit programs and sugar pills trying to get more circulation. They give a bad name to the gym bros who are a better source of info than generally anyone else, if you know how to interpret their message.

I mean he’s right though. The guys with the best physiques just put in a lot of work. Even Arnold prioritized lifting over eating and sleeping, and he’s a champion.

>b-but he was on steroids

So is everyone else today and then some. What’s your point

Listen , when you are in prison your mental state changes , there is no rest , you are always alert , that might change your testosterone levels .
dont expect to live the same lazy life in jail . it is survival mode in there , your body will act different in different situations.

hard times make hard men , good times make soft men.

Whats the biggest boom ya made? Blow anything worthwhile to smithereens?

you went to prison for making explosives? what the fuck? there is no way, are you implying that you didn't actually detonate them?

arnold took plenty of rest and did heavy compounds, that's my point


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you know, a couple years ago I would call this a shitpost, but as I've lifted for a couple more years, this guy is right. Almost every guy that follows the """scientific""" approach to fitness looks like absolute horseshit.

Depends. Most of the time I would just work out in my cell since we only got let out into the yard once every few days, and they removed the weights from the yard long before I got arrested. I'd do two workouts a day most days, sometimes with a nap in between. We didn't have a clock but I'm guessing they were 60-90 minutes each, so 2-3 hours a day total and I'd work out 5-7 days a week.
My routine was:
Burpees (5 sets of 20)
Moutain Climbers (5 sets of 100)
Pullups (ten sets to failure)
Crunches (200)

Pushups (sets of 20 to failure)
Squats (sets of 20 to failure)
Sit-ups (100)
Shoulder rotations (100 horizontal, 100 vertical, 100 in front of my chest, no break inbewteen)

Some times I would do jumpropes with a braided rope I made from discarded bedsheets, some times I would tie my bed roll up with the jump rope and use it to do a ghetto version of bent-over rows and barbell curls.

You have a lot of time to work out in prison. My family sent me money for the commissary and I'd use sardines in tomato sauce as my main protein source (it was cheap and no one would try to steal it, most thieves only wanted ramen for some reason). The prison meals are stingy with meat but generous with bread and I'd trade my extra bread daily with other inmates for milk. I got pretty swole, I went from skinnyfat to having 3-D delts and good overall definition, but I looked nothing like the giant nog in OP's photo.


I got caught because I was experimenting with a new chemical mix in my back yard. I mostly experimented in the desert but I took a bad risk. It was a small amount and I didn't expect it to make as loud of a boom as it did, but it splattered a huge barrel of mud that I was testing it in all over my backyard and attracted the police.
I used to go to the desert and pack crates and barrels with various home made explosives.

So how do people get fit?

Your body has adaptive stress responses that are built into it and have evolved to kick in under various circumstances. People act like you need a perfectly tuned combination of routine, nutrition, equipment, and countless supplements to make gains but you just have to be physically active and basically be anything other than fucking starving.

Kali Muscle proven natty!!!

>implying prison inmates are doing cycles and juicing with clean needles

Someone smuggles in a couple needles, and a bunch of pills and these guys juice at a crazy, unmeasured amounts with no regard for their safety. Look at Kali Muscle, he's literally RETARDED do you think he measured his cycles in prison? He just injected whatever someone gave him. You would get huge too if you ran a gram of shitty hormones a day.

Because they're muscled professional bodybuilders before they get to prison

You can get every drug known to man in prison. Guards and prisoners all roid

I agree that heavy compounds aren’t a meme. But whole 80% diet 20% training thing is honestly the most retarded thing I’ve ever seen.

Because they actually training very hard with very high volume. White people are too autistic for their own good and hold themselves back by convincing themselves that doing shit like 5 sets of 2 with power lifter form tricks that let you 'lift' more weight is actually a good way to train.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but it is exceedingly rare, moreso than in the outside world and it's a bad explanation for who so many prisoners are swole despite having no supplements/no weights/limited food.

>despite having no supplements/no weights/limited food.

You don't know a fucking thing, you can buy all this crap and most inmates have money/families that buy them shit


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My neighbor was inside for 12 years. There were free weights in the prison he was in and contraband was readily accessible for the right people, including steroids and other drugs.

Nigger nigger nigger
I can say whatever i want s o y boy

Because they weight train the muscles they need to be efficient athletes...

all of you are retards

1. Steroids
2. They're in a shitty environment where they could be killed, so there is a possibility that the body increases testosterone as a defense mechanism.

haha underrated

roids (and other drugs) are very, very common in prison

Country ass cornfed white boy huh?
Those niggas are crazy as fuck.

go back nigger

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Basically this.

A buddy of mine went to jail for a year and told me he got very jacked.

He would do 1000 crunches in his cell every day, etc. There's just nothing to do.

And while prison food is not great it provides the basic nutrition.

Plus you can buy extra food from the commisary and food is snuck in regularly.

Have any pictures of the explosions?


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being Jow Forums is as simple as being physically active & eating healthy desu
i know dudes who got Jow Forums and all they did was work on a farm & eat a healthy home-cooked diet (pretty much no processed sugars + lots of water)
if you want to get HUGE then lifting is required but simply being Jow Forums boils down to physical activity + good diet

Found the Jew

>there is no rest , you are always alert , that might change your testosterone levels .
yes because we both know cortisol increases test right. fucking moron

he never published such a study, stop lying moron.

wow this thread is retarded
what is steriods
also the bigger yuo are in prision the less people will fuck with you, so steriods = life

This and steroids, I know it's not fair to say every fitness guru is a juicer but in this day and age you have to be skeptical and I know it is purely anecdotal but I only hit my fitness goals once I stopped listening to so called experts and started just eating big and working out daily, no strict routine, no hard diet, no bullshit supplements, if you want it, you'll achieve it regardless of method. Even if any of that shit actually worked it would still be impossible for 90% of lifters to achieve because most of us don't have endless money or time to be in the gym all day or spend 1000s of dollars in supplements because we work actual jobs instead of getting paid to stand in front of a webcam and argue the pros and cons between whey and casein protein. It's incredible how out of touch these people are.

>I don't think I really did anything morally wrong though
you didn't, our (((laws))) are designed to strip freedom away at all costs, punish innocent people for doing mundane shit so the (((profiteers))) can keep making money off of basic slave labour

People in prison tend to have higher test. You can sleep plenty. Eat enough, trade shit etc. Also some have gyms and when they don't, tey get creative. My cousin was in for 9 months once, went in at 5'10 65kg and came out at 80kg, most of which was pretty lean.

>4. i believe mike israetel published a study where they found that for hypertrophy, theres no upper limit. more sets = more growth, even in natty induviduals. If they train a many hours a day, i guess they are all getting optimal hypertrophy
Dosn't make sense. He says there are maximum recoverable volume. And in a interview he did a month ago the speculated about 10 sets per bodypart in one workout might be optimal and anything more then that is less effective