>medium bodyfat
Body looks better in shirt, but your face is less cut
>low bodyfat
Face looks better, but you look DYEL with a shirt
Which is the best?
>medium bodyfat
Body looks better in shirt, but your face is less cut
>low bodyfat
Face looks better, but you look DYEL with a shirt
Which is the best?
low bodyfat and never wear a shirt obviously
what sort of bodyfat percent is he at in both these photos
I just stay at medium bodyfat.
My stomach is flat but I don't have cut abs. I don't go to the beach that often and am not having to attract a mate on tinder.
Makes it easier to maintain and gain muscle mass.
Also it's nice to be able to eat a reasonable amount of food and not starve myself all the time.
That and I look damn good in a shirt. Get checked out all the time.
idk but I read for Nightcrawler he ran like 10 miles a day and ate mostly kale to achieve a low bf% and get a gaunt look for his character.
Right looks so much better and healthier. Left looks like most of this board full of incel faggots
But what do women think looks better?
Probably the left but without the forced hollow cheeks
About 12% (caliper measured so I’m probably more tbqh desu) is optimal for me
>leaned out face
>vascular arms and forearms
>barely visible abs that can be revealed with 1 month of cutting