Jow Forums youtubers to learn from?

Jow Forums youtubers to learn from?

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I like how you guys keep posting that photo when it has been proven wrong already

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dude should start lifting and get a thick neck. also, /fa/ should always be a suite with a cool tie

I'm like a couple months new to Jow Forums and I just like this picture. I had like 0 motive to this picture. Can you just answer my question I believe you lol

Jeff Nippard and Jeff cavalier

The returning champ

>stale repeptitive no-personality YouTube critic with “clever” roasts

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>the facepulls


He's fokkin yolked


Eric Helms
Lyle Mcdonald
Mike Israetel(sp?)
Enhanced Athlete guys
Early Yo-elliot
Ric Draisin
The "ask the doc" guy
Seth rodriguez

Dom Mazetti, Jujumifu, Twin Muscle, Kali Muscle, for fun and shit.

Elliot Hulse

Vegetable Police
Primal Edge Health
Snake Diet

just regrow your hairline and grow a better chin


>gets a new hairline
RL is not GTA

Those guys the best i have bought some program from Jef caV

>learning from frauding dwarf

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Omar isuf
jemery ether
Powerlifting to win
Candito training hq
Hodge twins


alec enkiri
candito training hq
eric bugenhagen
dairyland strength
the golden one


athlene-x is meme tier advice

I get you when it comes to other channels. But dismissing Eric Helms, McDonald and Israetel is unwise. These guys back everything with studies or results.

Austin Dunham
Chris Heria/THENx

scooby > all

Go away latsbrah we don't like you


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ive learned what 10 years of stacks can do to the mind

The only ones worth watching. Fit only hates for contrarian reasons.

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Jeff Nippard
Jeff Cavalier
SmashweRx (Trevor Bachmeyer)

>the golden one

The only fitness youtuber worth a damn is Alan Thrall.

Alan Thrall has a lot of solid videos on form / biomechanics

My favorite channel by far is
Alan Thrall
He owns a gym.

Except when Israetel is sucking Schoenfeld's dick

For me it’s Alan Thrall. The only way to train is progressively getting stronger over time.

Thomas Delauer
Jeremy Ethier
Athlean X
Vesuvian Physique

Barbell medicine programming podcast and nutrition podcast. It's all in YouTube

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Fuck off Alan.

Yeah I know he ain't perfect, but better than most.

Golden One
Del Ray Misfits

Am I allowed to like philion

Youtube is google botnet and for zoomers

He's actually a chad now

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Meg is a qt. And she gives good advice.

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Chris Beastmode Jones

Based use hooktube or newpipe

Alan Roberts and Jeff Cavalier.

random embarassing faggots who're constantly shilled across Jow Forums...
Get the fuck out of here.
Surprised you didn't post boogie and that creepy ass food eating dude.

Jts and barbell medicine
Always posts scientific research behind claims,also based monotone voice

based jeremy ethier


Even if the hairline moved up a few millimeters to be exactly like the old hairline, he'd still look pretty decent, and miles better than what he originally was. His chin didn't change either.

I recomend you Alan Thrall, he's very strong and I upload videos pretty frequently

kek, only one person has said The Bugez, ya'll pathetic

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Jason Blaha & Alpha destiny

If you don't aspire to be all around beast like alec enkiri just give up on training

Alpha Destiny
Furious Pete
Jason Genova
Mac Trucc

He still looks like shit in the third picture. Is he supposed to smile all the time ? Fuck whoever made this garbage. Also they improved his hairline.

Look at the third picture and tell me that's pretty decent you fucking moron.

Wow, now he’s a fuckboy that changed his entire outlook simply to get chicks
I’m sure do all of that will definitely get him laid!

he looks absolutely fine in the 3rd picture. he's not a model or anything, but if he's funny or interesting enough, he'll get girls crushing on him. especially if he works out.