*lifts for 2-3 years with shitty gains

*lifts for 2-3 years with shitty gains
>the fitness industry is full of fake nattys, these kinds of physiques can’t be attained naturally.
Fucking betas all you have to do is eat as much protein as possible with clean carbs like rice and shit and hit everything twice a week. Lifting is one of the only things that only rewards you if you work hard, even then it’s not even that hard. Am I wrong? Am I just a chad and I don’t know it? Is anyone else here similar?

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Nice gyno roidlet

>getting gyno 4 this
Top lol

manlet detected

Cope inb4 gyno = roids

What the FUCK is a "clean carb"

I know, I really should have realized I was asking for it but I’m just part of the unlucky bois whose gunk ain’t goin away.

You look like literal dog shit

That’s not you but I believe with constant and 100% effort like you said this is possible

any carb if you bake it; the heat kills the germs chief

nice gyno gains

Post body

Most of the Jow Forums posters are LARP and have never seen an actual gym in their life

>that’s not you
The pics not me?

Dude wtf is "LARP". Haven't been on Jow Forums in like 6 years and never saw it back then.

I assumed so


I think you're fucking with me, user.

Live action role play
Meaning they post aesthetic bods claiming to be their own when in reality they’re just fat ass incels

Is twice a week enough? One day chest/triceps/squats another shoulder/bicep/back?

It’s what you do

Ignore the haters in this thread OP, they’re only jealous that can’t compete with your physique.

And you’re right too, I hate how everybody on this board makes lifting and dieting seem so complicated and complex.

Like literally, it’s as simple as “eat a ton of protein, drink water, and lift to progressive overload 2 times a week for each muscle group”. That should be the sticky, honestly. All the extra science and autism you nerds put into this is just overkill.

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In reality or in my role play?

Twice a week for each muscle group ya dingus.

Ex: mon: chest/tri, tue: back/bi, wed:shoulders/legs, repeat thursday, Friday, sat, and then rest Sunday.

Post body or gtfo faggot

Like fruits and vegetables, 300 grams daily of carbs from fruits/veggies/grains(grains bloat you but if you’re bulkin don’t worry too much) will give you very different results from eating 300 grams of simple carbs like sweets and sugary drinks

We sure did wreck that guy, *dabs like a boss*

Fruits have been genetically selected to have insane amounts of sugar. And fruit juice is worse than fucking soda.

Fruit is def not based

tfw I live with my Dad and have to eat desert every night or I'll make him feel bad

He's a big muscle guy, but I don't want to make him feel bad by not eating desert with him.
What do I do Jow Forums?

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If I eat a baked potato, am I fucking myself?

>he doesn’t know fruits and veggies are just as simple as sweets/sugar drinks

Learn the difference between a monosaccharide and a polysaccharide. But you are right, fruits and veggies are better, but it’s because they have vitamins and phytochemicals your body needs. Processed foods on the other hand have unhealthy additives.

Small portion, user. Think closer to a Syrian desert, instead of a Sahara.

This dude fucking gets it, there’s one no right way to do it. There are a lot of wrong ways though it’s hard to do it so bad that you make no gains

Live Action RolePlay, ppl pretending

Everybody knows what a healthy diet looks like, just do that plus lots of water, protein, and supps if you can afford them(just creatine mono and Aminos)

Not immediately, I don’t eat potatoes though

How the fuck is rice considered a clean carb but potatoes aren't?

What does he say if you don’t eat shit food with him?

It’s a saved pic on your phone, you’d post a time stamp otherwise

Idfk man eat what you want

Boi that’s me
Gyno in this pic to prove it

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Idc if this guy has slight gyno, there’s no time stamp dude

You retards seriously don't understand what vitamins are do you?

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I’m not an incel that has to prove pic is related. Guess what pal, pic related

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The fact that you find this physique impossible to belong to a Jow Forums poster is quite the compliment to my gains

It's what cars used to have before fuel injectors.

Okay thank you for proving me right
>t. Pic related

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I fucking love Jow Forums

Makes a joke about me being a "pussy" which is fine but I know it makes him feel guilty :(

I swear I get corrected about the spelling everytime and I never remember to correct it.
Good advice and underrated post nonetheless.

I love when people who have never put effort into lifting complain about the natty limit when they never fail or follow the rules behind strength/hypertrophy/cardio and tailoring routines to their expected results and body

You do understand you can correct your posture and form regularly and "bodybuild". You can even "recomp" or train things more often than others to make them grow faster. You then coordinate your entire body to create a strong foundation that can go even farther

Or just give up and claim you're at the limit

It's when you bleach out your bread nigga


You're completely correct. 90% of this board either doesn't lift or doesn't know how to work hard at lifting. The level of coping I see here (especially about steroids) is unreal

Dude, it's okay that u eat this, just don't hurt your Dad. U can less as first option, and later you can convince him about ur gains! Family is everything and every thing matters, because you are closest for them, and they can be understanding also

somebody help me out. I wanna hit twice a week, but I'm not sure how to do it. Do I target the same muscle groups twice in one day, or do I stagger workouts, or what?

An upper/lower split is good. Check out some programs like that.


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a regular carb that gets metabolized the same way only it makes copelets feel good about themselves

post routine OP
also how much protein do you eat?

high protein high carb diets are god tier
too bad most people here are into dumb shit like ice cream and butter and peanut butter
all the greats used high protein and/or high carb
bulking on high protein has benefit because it makes your gains leaner
cutting on high protein also has benefit because it maintains muscle far better than low/moderate protein

but people here just wanna follow the advice of juicers that eat like 100g of protein and look great purely because of their roid use because they don't wanna eat properly and want to believe in fairy tales.

Thank you!

>literal dog shit
I beg to differ. I have a dog and it literally doesn't poo humans.

that gyno is so embarrassing

I have the same mentality except i'm a skinny DYEL. The natty limit is much higher than most people here think. Easier to blame their shortcomings on being natty than themselves not training correctly or consistently.

Looks good bro

Nice bait

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can you post routine please?

Good job user I think you look amazing with the amount of effort you put in.

Also don’t worry about all the retards screeching “Hurr Durr gyno haha top kek” I didn’t even notice it until it kept brought up.

And you’re right just eating right, drinking lots of water and putting the hours in the gym do start adding up in the end and you’ll get the gains you desire.

Consistency is key.

Also having a good chuckle at the incels larping as bodybuilders.

Where your hip and grip training? I bet you yoke sub 300kg

based and redpilled

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