Is keto dangerous or unhealthy in any way?

is keto dangerous or unhealthy in any way?

It's so fucking hard to find sources that aren't echochambers or biased

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It's fine, helps gluttons reduce their calories using arbitrary diet restrictions

If you are overweight and need to lose fat, it's fine. Dont make it how you eat for life tho, thats stupid.

Depends. If you're diabetic, ketosis can literally kill you. Also you might give yourself heart problems if you're one of the dopes that only eat butter and bacon.

Otherwise it's a pretty okay diet, but I personally only used it to lose a couple of pounds. I don't like the idea of sticking to one food group since I feel that the key to all things in life is moderation. A balanced diet of carbs, proteins, and only the necessary amount of fat seems the most sustainable to me.

ketosis is used to cure diabetes

there is NO evidence saturated fats cause heart disease

As a side note, I'd also rather just do intermittent fasting, but it takes more discipline than keto.

it's fine if you stick to like 60% 40% vegetables/meat ratio

the only real danger for most people is they just eat fucking bacon and fatty bullshit and kill their livers

It depends on the individual. Diabetics who go on keto need to be closely monitored by doctors due to the risk of hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis. It's not like you just go on the diet and it's all rainbows and sunshine from there.

Also, multiple institutions have concluded that saturated fat increases LDL cholesterol which is a contributing factor to heart disease. The idea that it's healthy is a myth that sprung up as a result of the recent keto trend.

It's completely opposite, excess carbs cause fatty liver because the body needs to convert it to fat in order to store it. Much of the storage is in adipose, but the liver tissue also absorbs some, making it fatty over time.

The liver can't convert carbs to fat if you don't supply your body excess carbs.

On the other hand dietary fat doesn't need conversion in order to be stored. The fat goes straight into adipose storage, the liver doesn't need to do any work and therefore never gets a chance to absorb that fat.

Restrict carbs enough, and the flow goes in reverse. Now the body needs to take fat from your adipose tissue and convert it into usable caloric energy. This reverse process also happens in the liver. But this time its function is to break down fat, not store it. So the liver will actually become less fatty during this process, because any fat being stored in the liver tissue would get broken down as well.

>It's so fucking hard to find sources that aren't echochambers or biased
So you asked us.

I'm pretty sure he was talking about type 1 diabetics who will die from keto.

It depends on what you're eating user. Is it an excuse to eat nothing but meatloaf and bacon and eggs and fried onions rings? That's going to clog your arteries and kill you, you'll lose weight from shitting your brains our and ketosis. You'll also feel like shit while you do it.

If instead you eat nothing but veg and sauteed chicken breast, it's going to work much better and won't make you feel like shit or kill you. You'll probably struggle with energy loss at first, but you'll be fine.

Once you reintroduce carbs (keto is not a long term solution for staying fit), do it very slowly so your body can reacclimate.

Also, don't fucking do it if you have diabetes, a heart condition, ect.

>onion rings
very retarted

>clogged arteries

and still the misinformation continues, that's not how it works you utter brainlet


It's honestly amazing how people keep spreading bullshit that was debunked a long time ago. Same thing with gender pay gap and other stuff that gets debunked in 5 minutes but nobody gives a shit because they heard it in the news.

Amazing for short term aggressive fat loss, controlling insulin, or dealing with IBD medical flare ups. Wouldn't really use it in the long term tho

Dude people in prison eat honey buns and ramen noodles all day and get ripped. Your body is designed to digest ANY kind of food and utilize it, stop being such a pussy.

I've been fine, just remember to eat your nutrients and veggies and don't only eat bacon. Works like a miracle for losing fat. Gotta eat dark rye bread once in a while so I can still shit.

Keto is perfect for losing weight, fat satiates you for longer so you eat less and lose weight

The american heart association states
>Eating foods that contain saturated fats raises the level of cholesterol in your blood. High levels of LDL cholesterol in your blood increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Yeah, but eating honey buns and ramen all the time is not very healthy. And that is what OP is concerned about.

>There’s a lot of conflicting information about saturated fats. Should I eat them or not?

>TheAmerican Heart Association recommendslimiting saturated fats – which are found in butter, cheese, red meat and other animal-based foods. Decades of sound science has proven it can raise your “bad” cholesterol and put you at higher risk for heart disease.

>When you hear about the latest “diet of the day” or a new or odd-sounding theory about food, consider the source. The American Heart Association makes dietary recommendations only after carefully considering the latest scientific evidence.

Hahahaha Ketards BTFO

>Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats and whole grains reduces risk of heart disease

Keto is great for cutting calories and keeping protein intake high.

>Is saturated fat bad for you? A diet rich in saturated fats can drive up total cholesterol, and tip the balance toward more harmful LDL cholesterol, which prompts blockages to form in arteries in the heart and elsewhere in the body. For that reason, most nutrition experts recommend limiting saturated fat to under 10% of calories a day.

>A handful of recent reports have muddied the link betweensaturated fat and heart disease. One meta-analysis of 21 studies said that there was not enough evidence to conclude that saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease, but that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat may indeed reduce risk of heart disease.

>Two other major studies narrowed the prescription slightly, concluding that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fats like vegetable oils or high-fiber carbohydrates is the best bet for reducing the risk of heart disease, but replacing saturated fat with highly processed carbohydrates could do the opposite.

>Wherever possible replace saturated fats with small amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

>The average man should have no more than 30g of saturated fat a day, and the average woman no more than 20g a day.

They actually recommend taking polyunsaturated fats? That shit is literally poison.

We (as we humans) don't know shit about food science it's fucking scary.
One year some food is bad, next year that's the best food ever kek.

Keto is great for weight loss or just making yourself eat cleaner in general. Keto is awful for building muscle though

Every medical institution I looked up recommends them. Why do you think they are bad?

this isn't even correct for carb-rich diets, let alone keto.

not him, but high PUFA oils oxidize easily, have unregulated mitochondrial beta-oxidation, and are typically very high in omega-6 fat.

>high PUFA oils oxidize easily
Isn't that only an issue if you heat them up?

it also happens during processing and storage, but heating them is even worse.

yes it is unsustainable, just learn how to eat properly. meme diets are for normies

Heart attacks are due to inflamed arteries. Arteries become inflamed from excess sugar consumption. Sure, low density lipoproteins will get stuck in inflamed areas, but they're hardly the cause for heart attacks. Lowering sat fat consumption to reduce your risk of heart attacks is equivalent to removing lettuce from your double cheeseburger to cut calories

I can tell you my own experience, but always keep in mind each person response to nutrients is different: I know people that struggle to gain any wight at all despite eating a lot and others that are just fine eating all they want and keeping their shape intact.
I never had a proper good shape, since I was a child my gut was protruding and my face and neck puffy -I later found out I suffer from hypothyroidism- when I was 17 and there were no internet I found on a magazine about this diet which were about cutting carbs.

I tried it around summertime, when I naturally tend to eat much less, certain days I would go without eating at all, I lost a lot of weight but I was always in a bad mood, I felt generally weak and started fainting, one day on my way home I stumbled across a light post, and that was enough for me to stop it, I decided I was better off being fatty but happy and well.
Some time later I did some blood exams and found out about my thyroid which in the meanwhile had swelled and a 3mm nodule were found, I also did a general check up and were found with hepatic steatosis, meaning my liver was filled with fatty particles (ketones), which is something I related to my crazy diet.



More recently (I'm 45 now) after trying other diets and fintess regimes I read about keto and wanted to try again, let's say I didn't increase the fats but rather cutted the carbs, it worked and I lost some kilos, keep in mind in the meantime I was doing a lot of cardio and hitting the gym regularly. I'm still in treatment for my thyroid.

TL,DR: keto and starving does get result but depending your age and general physiology can be risky, especially on your liver, so you would be very careful and monitor everything, I'd say for a couple of months it's ok since you see actual results and that's psychologically important so you can keep going.

To me just cutting carbs works, but I do have metabolic syndrome meaning I need to pay special attention to carbs ingestion, I can confirm the more I eat the more I want, so to me works ok to cut them.

Hope this helps user.

>The american heart association

Can be unhealthy for some, can be great for others. Many people have thrived for millions of years on a ketogenic diet. Don't listen to ketotards or carb fatties in this thread just try it yourself and if you feel great keep doing it.

ketosis is a catabolic state.
nutritional ketosis is trash and should only be run short-term in extreme medical cases when you're lean.
fasting forced ketosis is GOAT.

but many groups of people have survived millions of years and have essentially evolved to eat a ketogenic diet. To state it is bad for everyone is disingenuous

What groups of people are you talking about? Homo sapiens are only 350,000 years old btw.

Sounds like a ketard myth.

Why do trannies hate keto so aggressively?

They also have LOTS of time to workout, and burn off the calories. Which is amazing considering how shit prison diets are, from what I’ve read.