Do you all really be drinking energy drinks or you just memeing

do you all really be drinking energy drinks or you just memeing

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it's fucking delicious bro

I do. I also listen to the Offspring and am saving up to buy a muscle car.

I sip red&yellow. I am trying to stop but I am too addicted.

fuck I can lift for 2hrs+ after drinking one of these bad boys

it just works and it's not all that bad for you

Me right now

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I used to drink one daily for a couple of weeks. Got down to one a week before cutting it out mostly

Energy drinks make you a fag

its a decent preworkout

yeah pretty much every day.
but not monster, i fucking hate monster
even the sugar free shit taste like sugar bombs


I just drank a monster and my bpm is 120. Should I be worried? I never had it this high before.

It's not available in my country
I would if I could, had then on a vacation and they're very delicious


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cheap version from germany
pretty great

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Not always monster though, some Rockstars are pretty nice too
My favorite is probably that monster fruit punch with the mermaid on it, but low carb is a close second

I do, but ultra zeros are trash. I either go with NOS cherry, Rockstar Punched, or regular monster

the memes literally got me addicted to this fucking shit. in fact i'm leaving to go to the shop to get one right now
does taste nice tho

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only drink sugar free and always thought monster/rockstar taste like shit. Relentless is my choice when I can find it, otherwise I resort to the knock-off red bulls.

And I drink my black coffee, so fuck you comparisonfags. The true patrician has everything.

only faggots sip
real men enjoy the daily grind
now shhhhhhhhhh

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I don't drink them.

Can I talk to you now?

enjoy your cancer bro

I drink a shit ton of coffee and was getting too dehydrated. Drank a ton of Red Bull, but the sugar was bugging me and I hate the sugar free.

Saw the memes and gave it a try. It hurts my stomach if I drink it quickly, but when working on an essay or getting through a long shift its nice to drink one over a few hours. The memes were right. The shit's great. Easily the best sugar free carbonated beverage I've had.

30 year old boomer here. Excuse the shitty fridge.

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I used to be way into white sips but the flavor repulses me now. Bang is 100x better and even rockstar has some new wannabe bang-style drinks that are groovy. Monster is falling behind in innovation.

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Based reply to everyone in the thread for one comment poster

>cracks open a can of sips

Fuck yeah I do

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I drink one before the gym + 1500mg beta alanine.

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30 is millennial not boomer you cuck

lurk moar

newfag please leave

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He doesn't realise the secret of the sip. Each sip works your jaw. This is how we have chadjaws and your an incel drinking that cuck coffee shat out by monkeys that costs as much as a house.

unironically actually literally breakfast of the gods.


lads get your lawnmowers ready, lets race around his hovel and make so much noise he cant watch tiktok videos while trying to floss.

Based. Drinking bang while typing this

>Hide post

Based mass replyer

Had to quit drinking this shit.
>Drank two monsters 5 days a week at work
>Grabbed slim sandwich and a sip at lunch
>FF to a few hours later stomach feels like it's going to explode
>Think it's food poisoning
>Couple of weeks later Two monsters at work as usual
>Drank a Redbull as I'm leaving
>Workout get home same stomach feeling
>Haven't drank one since

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Monster ultra is a great preworkout


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Post body

There are no white sips in my town, only classic black/green and fury. I miss white sips.
Good as preworkout.

based and boomerpilled

jej welcome to Jow Forums

I drink coffee like a real addict, but energy drinks are essensial for road trips, cabin trips and other rare occurances

I drink nos and the bull sometimes, but it's too over priced and mostly opt for espressos

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Oh fuck yea bud.

Two get my buzzing good for my shift.

I just had a sick workout after having gfuel for the first time. but 2 cups of coffee is way cheaper

Why do you keep posting this monkey shit? 5 CUPS OF DIRT WILL GIVE YOU 300MG OF CAFFEINE

Like fuck off you poor idiot

I unironically only started because of the memes.
I'm every advertiser's wet dream. I'd pretty much eat shit if you slapped a brand name on it.

fuck yea nigga
honestly nothing tastes better then a energy drink
chocolate milk may come close

>spend 3$ on chemical laden energy drink instead of 17 cent super food

I had my first one earlier this week, got back from a run tired and had a couple papers to write. Drank half the can and was on the moon.
Kinda want more but gonna keep it to once a week or less.

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>chinese writing

no talkie user, you know the drill

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That’s some weak-ass coffee

Starbucks house drip is like 250mg for a grande (16oz/2c), or so.

Thought that guy was a giant! Seems like the only size in US is 16oz...that looks like s Red Bull OG sized can.

Can someone catch me up on this? Escaped Jow Forums for a few years, came back to boomer memes. I am boomer/corpse...39yo bloatlord. Do people my age like this shit more than you babbys?

I do original rockstar for night driving. Tastes a bit like Red Bull for much more nutrients at a better price. Never understood the point of sugar-free. Energy drinks should have calories, since the quickest way to get a jolt of energy is to consume some sugar.

God thats some good boomerbanter

Yes, everyone likes it here except coffeefag and redditfags that like red bull.

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Rodney Cyril Sacks is a (((????)))

Silly goys, fall for it every time

Reign is taking over.

Stop putting anime girls in advertising shill

user you replied to here. Tried a Reign for the first time today. It’s alright but Bang has some unbeatable flavors ... some are atrocious but the milder fruity ones are great.

Not my pic.
But they're the best to do subtly advertising desu, yet no company really dares to do it because "muh reputation" and on can only rely on your fans who happen to like cute anime girls too.

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I fell for the /sipboys/ 2017 before it became a boomer meme. Now I switched to the zoomer bang. Cotton candy is best



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you have to go back

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are you me

is that larping for beginners in the background

It's a meme you dip, this shit is worse than fucking coca cola for your system.