What’s up bros I’m about to start a PSMF and wanted to see if anyone else here has any experiences with it that they can share. Photos would be nice too

For those that don’t know it’s a protein spared modified “fast” where all you eat is protein. Carbs is kept at zero-20g a day, fat is generally kept under 20g. It’s a hard and rough diet but it shreds you up very quickly while preserving muscle mass; your body is forced to use its fat for energy, like a deep ketosis without eating a shitload of fat and actually follows CICO. You only lift 2x a week on it hitting all body parts in a 3x8 rep/set range.

For this I’m going to eat this daily:
>4 egg whites, 1 whole egg
>8oz chicken breast &spinach w/3 egg whites
>8oz chicken breast &spinach
Comes out to approximately 850 calories and like 180g protein, 20g fat
Fishoil, vitamin d3, ec stack, multi, vitamin c, zinc, whey as needed

I need to cut from 220lbs down to about 180lbs, maybe even less. I’m going to do this until I’m about 200lbs and then resume my slow cutting. I just feel like shit constantly with this much body fat. I estimate in about 4-5 weeks I’ll be close to 200lbs. I’m gonna have a refeed or two in three weeks because I have jury duty, but it’ll just be using carbs to like 130g for those couple days for mental clarity reasons before resuming protocol.

Pic semi related, not me but it’s someone’s results of like a month of PSMF

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Other urls found in this thread:

gave me low testosterone

I'd rather just do a complete fast for ~ a week, you won't lose gains from atrophy and will cut weight quicker.

Yeah I’m pretty sure the low fat causes that, might end up upping my intake to 40g for that reason alone. Even if my test drops while I’m this diet I’m sure it’ll recover after reintroducing normal calories

I hear what you’re saying but I’ve seen people get way better results PSMFing than fasting. It seems a lot more sustainableable and healthier considering it’s an actual protocol depending on bf %. Look into lyle macdonalds RFL/psmf handbook

Is less sustaintable because PSMF interferes with adaptations to fasting that makes fasting more bearable than PSMF
With PSMF you still suffer insulin spikes, but with that low calorie diet, you will be hungrier and desperate.
Just fast away.

Bro fasting is fucking retarded. Fasting is for obese people to drop down from over 30% to more 20%. Why do you think no one in the /fast/ general ever posts body or actually lifts? PSMF is for lifters, begone

I'm worried that in PSMF, the body "adapts" by reducing calories out, where it doesn't in full water fasts.

Lyle McDonald thinks that fast food is the same as clean food:
Would you trust a book written by this guy?

>no one actually lifts in fast
Wrong. I fast and lift

He's right. The hormonal responses are similar.
Clean food is just puritanism for food. Its not surprising that meme began in America

Yeah that’s part of what the refeeds are for man
Well that’s definitely wack, but the PSMF is sound and has been proven by many. It’s simply not easy to do so most don’t do it or don’t last long on it
>pic related

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Nah dude I’m op and it’s not the same man

The article was written by the guy that wrote the PSMF book, lad, what are you talking about.

Yeah I’m aware I’m saying someone eating “clean” foods is going to be a lot healthier than one eating fast food, even if they count macros and everything

I'm waiting an answer that doesnt involve puritanism.

I went from 243 to 181 in about ~4 months
I did what I did doing basically what you plan on doing, but with a rigorous, hour-long daily work-out routine focused on the midsection (I have years and years of belly fat to burn off, and it's slow going. I went from being fat to skinnyfat, fml)

Once again, fucking fat fuck is looking for a quick fix instead of doing a proper cut.

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man people really will find anything to act like an insufferable faggot over.

And a quick fix is bad because...


it's not, he's just a shit-tier angry manlet

"Quick fix" is a metaphor you fat dumb faggot, it doesn't exist in fitness. You can't change your body overnight. It takes time and effort but every fat fuck thinks he found the magic solution to fix years of neglecting his body. Instead of learning how to eat properly they jump into meme diets, start feeling like shit and go back to their gluttonous eating habits.

Hey dude if you find that YOU can gobble down McDonald’s and do good then more power to you. I personally feel like shit if I eat any fast food (I also think it tastes horrible), haven’t had any in over 7 years and don’t plan to ever again. There are far more healthy people eating fresh foods than those eating their whoppers and tendies, go figure.
Lmao see , must feel like shit being a skelly. I remember what it’s like but I never resorted to this faggorty I simply built up my appetite
Damn dude that’s a lot of weight. I’ve gone from 280 to 165 at 6’2” when I was 17, I was like a skelly skinnyfat but 4 months of powerlifting and maintainence fixed it for me. But I’m gonna stop the PSMF when I’m around 15% bf simply because sitting at over 20% is horrible for you from a hormonal standpoint.

Can you not read or do you seriously get off at attempting to inflate your insecure weak ego like this? You’re among the population of posters here who can’t help but jump at any attempt to try and start these pointless arguments and in your head win just do you can sleep at night. I’ve been doing this for 6 years. I have done slow cuts and fast cuts. I know what works for me. I am not straight up fasting like those coping faggots from /fast/ who cannot eat a grip on their diets. I am lowering my bodyfat to something healthier before resuming the slow cut. Everyone should be open to this idea. I spent 3 of those 6 years powerlifting and didn’t give a shit about aesthetics or bodybuilding during that time. Now I’m switching back to aesthetics. Cry about it harder man.

Yeah I can't stop looking at myself in the mirror.
I'm still kind of flabby, but everything is tightening up. I'm so much slimmer now I almost don't even recognize myself.

god damn you are one angry little dude
also just a head's up: keto isn't a meme. It's fucking amazingly effective at shedding weight, if you have the discipline to stick to it.

>I’ve been doing this for 6 years.
>I know what works for me.
Then why you are still a fat shit? You clearly have no fucking clue what you are doing.

>stopped reading halfway through because words are hard

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cope harder you obese manlet

Also post body with time stamp and lifts if you’re such an expert.

I’m 6’2” you fucking dwarf, cope harder
I can guarantee I outlift you despite you being a midget.

You definitely outlift me in carrying bodyfat michelin man. Im 6'3" and i shit on you manlet. Go eat some chocolate.

>cope and delusion

Oh a one 1” difference. Im pretty sure you could use the chocolate, lanklet

Ah, I understood. Fatties should suffer.
Puritanism at its finest.

I don’t think you know what that means.

I know exactly what it means.
Have a good day.

Uh sure you do sweaty

How much fat would someone drop if they did PSMF + Test/Tren/DNP?

doesn't matter if you take trt

Op here, thats a really bad idea. There’s an image of some kid who did tren/dnp and basically went from skelly to crack head looking, you could find it by googling “tren and dnp with no lifting”. If you want to start gearing but you need to cut, cut first. Forget about dnp until you’re more experienced and have used gear already, as well as until you’re 15% body fat. It’s primarily a tool used by pros. Also for a first cycle just use test.

Where to get cheap chicken? Also is it true that most of the fat of a chicken is in the skin? This is now a chicken thread

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You can have this thread that image is disgusting

Post chicken info or it will happen in your house tonight

Nigga if this happens in my home I’m tracking your ip and I’m gonna dangle a giant greasy dookie down your throat while you sleep

He is correct according to this research

It is to maintain excess muscle mass and give you energy to do stuff.
However for the average normie who has less then a year of training or zero training under their belt, basic fasting seems ideal.

>DNP is for pros
Ironically is one of the safest diet drugs that a fattie can take, since it doesn't raise cardiac rhythm or blood pressure.

He's correct but he's not right.

You can eat fast food like it's going out of style and lose weight. But you're not going to be exactly healthy unless you occasionally fast or eat far less then you need to overcome the negatives from that food.
Your body will need to be allowed to take care of itself and repair the damage from the awful food.

Yes, fasting is spouted here so much without that in mind. I have muscle I’d like to keep. I’m not rotund either.
Yeah I agree, but for someone asking if he should do a PSMF with test/tren/dnp I’m only gonna assume they’re a complete newbie man.