Jow Forums owned gym

Pic related
Any user here wo opened up his own gym?
No matter how big or small or if it was with weights or just yoga classes.

previous thread:

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Ok rules
>No lifting more than me
>No PRs on wednesdays
>Gym is open 24/7 but closes every day at 10
>if I come in and need the rack you have to give it up to me
>same rule applies if the guy is bigger than you
>no sumo deadlifts
>suicide grip gets you a lifetime ban
>anyone doing a circuit gets killed on sight
>women must act appropriately but dress inappropriately
>no shaker bottles in any color other than red or black
>no converse all stars
>roiding is discouraged openly but accepted
>if you dont ask to work in and take a machine you are legally allowed to fight that person
>no overear headphones
>you must have a gym bro or one will be appointed to you

Not how you would run it.
I mean has anyone opened up his own gym / fitness / health place?

There surely must be some fit/biz guy here.


not yet but i absolutely will at some point. as it stands my business model isn't particularly competitive or viable yet so i'm still in the phase of acquiring all the skills i need to build a successful gym.

What is it that you are planing and what is still needed?

It should be guys only
We could call it Guy Heaven

If I have the chance I'll open my home gym to my fit friends if they get pissed off with the gym

Maybe turning gay. Maybe marrying my dad, I don’t know. Picture your dad showering.

In highschool and a couple of friends bought a whole bunch of equipment on craiglist and found even more being tossed out. We got all of it and put it up in my backyard. There was three of us to start and by the end of the school year there were about 15 of us using it regularly.

i'm planning for the first real weightlifting/ PL gym in my area (that isn't a crossfit box). of course not excluding the bodybuilding /fitness/ course loving crowd, but that won't necessarily be the focus.
i'm currently taking some college classes for all the management/ business/ financing/ marketing stuff that goes into it while simultaneously saving up money for the starting capital. also got some PT licenses to make sure i know the ''how not to get sued'' way of coaching people.
if at all possible i'd like to start the business entirely without a loan.

>Any user here wo opened up his own gym?

Friend of mine did, that when I learned about gym mirrors

I’d love to, there’s even a good market near me, the two gyms are currently overcrowded as fuck and I’m willing to bet the more serious lifters would be willing to pay a premium for a less crowded space. That being said, it takes so much money to start, and you won’t make your initial investment back for several years. And that is IF you don’t fail within the first two years, which you probably would.

Why do you ask? Are you thinking of starting one?

yes starting as PT soon and I want to have my own place.
Teaching in a gym sucks and training in a crowded place for myself sucks even more, i am so pissed already.
People would pay good if they have a place where they are alone, that is clean and no one is watching.

It won't be big. Just a room with:
a good rack
nice dumbbells 1-50kg / 100 lbs
a height adjustable cable machine for additional back/leg work
landmine thingy on the floor
safety bar, hex bar, EZ bar, small and more regular bars
all kind of accessory
treadmill, bike, rowing machine

there could be eve 3-5 people at the same time of one guy isn't paying to train alone.
+ a nice couch / table place for people to chill and hang out

Bonus: I could rent it out to other PTs if they need a room alone with their clients.

learned like they are a thing
or learned like there is something special to know about?

>without a loan
that would be a dream, too bad the cost of renovating / building the showers and other rooms will be expensive.

I'm actually thinking of doing this. I did the math once and I think about $25000 should cover it. I should have this money early 2021. What do you think anons?

>And that is IF you don’t fail within the first two years, which you probably would.
It's fucking crazy. 70% of places fail in the first two tears; another 50% five years after that. So you have a 15% of making it 7+ years lmoa

I'm gonna do it, no matter what.
I want my own place, my own nice "home"gym.
I hope I can do it in 2020, deppends if I can make some nice money this year or if BTC goes a little bit up again.

Am I right if say that these are places targeting at least a few hundred people minimum as members with a lot of room and tons of machines to buy/rent?

I'and maybe the other user will do it on a much smaller scale.
There is no need for 20 machines costing 3-10k€ each to attract old people.

>learned like there is something special to know about?

I got proof that they make you look bigger

Most of my gym will consist of power racks, benches, dumbbells, etc. I'll have a couple treadmills and bikes but nothing crazy.

Ok so not such a small gym.

The really really hard part for me is to find a place with a good room layout.
Else it will be really expensive if I have to bring down walls and redo things.


Mandatory gay sex in the sauna.

ok, lifting restricted to 40lb then

sounds very gay bruh

>no converse all stars

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ITT: people who never run a business discuss their unviable "business" ideas

What most of you think as your ideal gym just wouldn't make money in real life. Do you even know how an actual gym makes money? Because a gym is a fucking expensive business. You have to take into account a more expensive than usual rent, accomodation, renting / leasing your machines, having a lot of people on payroll, etc.

I'll tell you. The trick is having a lot of people paying their monthly fee and only coming 2/3 times a month. To accomplish that you have to design the gym in the most normie way possible. There's a reason for Planet Fitness being so successful: it's the ideal gym for people who doesn't want to go to the gym. Hell, they even give donuts and pizza for free, they want you fat and miserable because that way you'll statistically be better for the business.

The other way of making you gym successful is having an underground steroid distribution net, but most of you are pussies and wouldn't risk entering that world. Even doing so, most roidheads wouldn't trust a new guy on the business.

If you want to create a fitness club do it as a hobby, but trying to create a hardcore gym as a viable business is fucking retarded.

t. business owner

>underground steroid distribution net
I hope to god you’re not a finance student. If so you just further cemented my motivation to stay in pre med instead of being a spastic try hard like you