Brit/fit/ general- Tesco meal deal edition

Alright lads, exams are coming up and fuck meal prepping. What is the best meal deal combo for gains, usually get some triple sandwich, protein shake and those shitty chicken bites.
Also how’s everyone holding up?

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>he doesn't include sips

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I'm a vegan so get ripped off on their wicked range. Good stuff though and I love the 3 for £1 KA purples they have atm for sips during workout.

Exams have fucking snuck up though and I've completely ignored maths this year, got some pretty hefty quantum mechanics and physical chemistry exams coming up as first exam in May. How fucked am I boys? Should I stop going to the gym till I've nailed that?

Reminder to upgrade your puremembership to pure plus if you want to be able to use the toilets starting this April lads.

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what the shite are you talking about is this actually going to be a thing

Tesco lad, I would guess a chicken caesar salad, whey, I like to stick to the diet or zero carb wheys, chicken strips, maybe a whole chicken, you could make a soup and stretch it out a week or so, and some rice.

Go to Aldi or something man, you wont pay 30 quid for a fucking handful of food

How do people survive being vegan, you must be a bone lad

You could probably do both, make study notes and bring them with you to the gym

I’m already on it for the multiple gym membership, what the fuck is this though? Will people not be allowed in the changing rooms at or or will there be a separate lock?

Actually, you’re clearly taking the piss, disregard that, I suck cocks.

Nah its alright. Was a chef in rosette and michelin places for a decade before I went to uni so know a thing or three, just gotta eat a load of hummus every day. I'd post body but a bit of a chunky boomer atm as I'm bulking but lifts are 1.5/2/4/6 at 83kg @ 6'0 lad

Got a sainos deal today. Under 500 cal as cut.

>Bacon and egg sandwich
>Apple and grape pack
>Pepsi Max

Also first for /DavidLloyd/ master race.

Attached: David-Lloyd.jpg (1181x1181, 50K)

Lads the fact you thought I was being serious shows how shit puregym treat you lads. Leave asap

>255 people in the gym rn according to the site

>Club sandwich
For the protein gains
>Innocent smoothie
For the nutrients gains
For the fibre gains

Around a 1000 cals

>all day breakfast sub
>naked smoothie of choice/or the chocolate protein carb shake
>Double mars bar

Tesco stir fry deal is god tier. £3for a sauce, pack of veg n some beef. Two of those for £6 ur golden

Bro youve got time for both. What uni you at I study Chem too

Buy chicken from shop and cook it
Make a sandwich with it

Paying for meal deals tells me you're not gonna make it

I'm at imperial my dude wbu?

OP here, also at Imperial. What gym do you use, I haven’t been to ethos since like first year since it was a packed shithole full of dyels.

Been living in France for just over a week.
Honestly the thing I miss the most about England are the fucking Tesco meal deals.
Miss Pret a Manger too

I go to muscleworks. Its not really close to the uni but I live with my gf who works in some insurance position in the city. What year you in?

off your head you lad
get down the co-op

Less star

You won't in Tesco if you buy unbranded.

As a lad who works in Tesco, you're better off in Aldi or Lidl.

Don't know what the prices are like in the UK but here in Ireland its soo much cheaper

The scan as you shop makes it worth the extra cash too. Not having to queue and empty your trolley and pack bags is well worth it.

Is the Quorn mucoprotein a meme like onions? Not sure if it is but I'm looking for a good protein isolate that doesn't taste like ass (the bad kind).

Your culture is such a miserable failure that your signature grocery store with tendie bars failed in Burgerland. You're the niggers of western europe

Anyone here go to Plymouth University?

based how did you end up at this shit hole ?

I came here as a fresher in 2013, and did my masters this past year. Now I've graduated but still live here.

Got some contact details? Would love to train with a fellow Jow Forums user

sounds like a shout through away email [email protected]
what did you study ?

Business and Management (same for both degrees)

I've sent you an email with my facebook