So im wondering is it truely safe to take it once a week like everyone says? The reason i ask is because i have to take 3g or more to feel the euphoria. I currently just buy pic related (nootropics depot) so maybe its just a weak batch? Would it fuck up my brain if i take such large doses weekly?

Attached: phenibut-nootropics-depot-pronta-entrega-180-caps-D_NQ_NP_835486-MLB27068398098_032018-F.jpg (774x1032, 129K)

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>Jow Forums


I’ve ordered their powder. Never weighed it out though because I don’t have a sensitive enough scale. Just eyeballed a gram based on a photo I found. It’s good stuff but if I bought it again (I’ll probbaky buy a couple large containers Incase my country bans it) is only gonna use it the right way: the first couple times in a new situation like the first couple dates or a job interview, mayb won rare occasions on nights out to get extra fucked up

I take it daily and I dunno if I even feel it anymore. I never got addicted to it so I may not be a good source to follow but it's good shit

Retard. Try not taking it for a week

Try not taking it for 48 hours you are addicted


Hey, Jow Forums.

Guess what.

Dear God you mother fuckers are so stupid please remove yourself from the gene pool

>explains the proper way of using it and admits that he used it in a stupid way
>SNORRRTTT”you guysh are sho shutupid”

when you run out enjoy not sleeping for a week and shaking uncontrollably

>Eyeballed a gram
>Taking it every day

Fucking neck yourself retard

How about you just, y'know, don't take it?

Now where did I write that I used it everyday? I even went as far as to mention that it should only be used occasionally. How are you gonna call someone else a retard when you are quite possibly yourself a retard

Don’t neck yourself, read more books though moron

please be lying

I have had some success with it, but there ARE side effects and you should be very cautious.
I also take doses ranging from 2 (slightly elevated mood) to 5 (fall asleep in my chair) grams.
I probably take it more often than I should, but I don't think I have build any sort of meaningful tolerance yet and no lengthy withdrawals.
The come down can be quite nasty, where you are a bit depressed and moody for a day or two and have trouble sleeping.
Also used to make me very jittery.
In the beginning, I used to have the most amazing dreams on it.
Very very vivid, nothing like normal dreams.
In one of them, I met a chick I used to bang and had some unresolved issues with, at first I was like "oh shit it's her" but she was super friendly, hugged me.
I could feel her boobs pressing against me, the texture of her sweater, as if she were really there.
In another one, I just had a cat laying on top of me, I think it was my cat that I used to have.
I just pet the cat and it was fuzzy and warm and enjoyed being pet so much, pic related.
It's all stuff like that, just nice and wholesome, very realistic sensations and you wake up literally with a smile on your face, feeling fantastic.
On high doses, I wake up super groggy though.

I try to take it not more often than twice a week as recommended, but sometimes I do 3 or even 4 times, very rarely though.
Again, depressive episodes is the biggest drawback that I feel right now, also it's somewhat expensive where I live.

Oh and it tastes terrible, if you are using powder.

I'm Army and had to go without for an entire 3 months at training and I was fine

thanks for selling your soul to israel, goy

Attached: mutant zogbot.jpg (660x371, 29K)

Attached: 4F2721D9-0286-4B85-B44C-443058D60C18.jpg (552x690, 41K)

I've taken 2g from liftmode every time I felt nothing but a headache and a slight coldness/difference. Definitely not what was promised off 1g and 2g hasn't done anything for me to want it again.

Forgot super cute pic

Attached: cuddle-cat.jpg (2000x1358, 475K)

I don't think she would be a cunt for leaving him.
She stays with him only because of guilt anyway.
He gotta understand that he is a literal zogbot now.
Looks are not everything, but there are limits.

she did divorce him. he died in 2012.

>only commies don't like israel and their zogbot slaves
enjoy falling into that dialectic, brainless idiot

That’s gotta be rough man. Poor dude.

This guy came and spoke at my school once in like elementary and middle school. God it fucking sucked having to look at him and hide our disgust for a whole hour.

is there anywhere i can buy from in canada that won't take a million years to get here and also won't fuck me on shipping fees? onterrible here if that matters

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i take like 8g and i only use it once every couple weeks or so man, think it just depends on your brain brother

Jesus Christ that's an insane dose